
《港樓》美聯:英皇跑馬地ONE JARDINE'S LOOKOUT訂價具競爭力

Colliers: Emperor ONE JARDINE'S LOOKOUT in Happy Valley has competitive pricing.

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 19 14:11

Emperor Int'l (00163.HK) officially named the project at 1 Hauteville Drive as "ONE JARDINE'S LOOKOUT", with the developer uploading the sales brochure and releasing the first price list involving 50 units. The actual selling prices range from approximately 4.158 million yuan to 10.719 million yuan, with an actual average price per square foot of 17,904 yuan.

Benjamin But, Executive Director of the residential department at USA Properties, stated that ONE JARDINE'S LOOKOUT is located in a traditional luxury residential area. The pricing this time is competitive, setting a new record for entry fees in the area since the implementation of the first-hand residential property sales regulations in 2013. It also offers about a 20% discount compared to similar projects in the area. With the rare compact unit types and comprehensive facilities provided by the project, it is believed that the first batch of units is expected to be sold out immediately, with room for price increases and promotions.

He further mentioned that due to the larger-than-expected interest rate cut in the USA, and the potential for further cuts in the short term, Hong Kong has also reduced its interest rate by 0.25 basis points. It is expected to benefit the real estate market's development. Therefore, it is believed that the project will attract both end-users and investors, with investors expected to account for half of the buyers. The projected rental return for the project is expected to exceed 4%.

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