
Matrade, FedEx To Enhance SMEs' Capability In International Trade

Matrade, FedEx To Enhance SMEs' Capability In International Trade

Business Today ·  09/19 12:39

The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and FedEx Malaysia have inked an MOU that will provide Malaysian SMEs with access to the logistics company's expansive network of logistics and supply chain solutions, through strategic engagements with exporters such as tailored seminars.


The seminars it said will focus on topics such as international trade compliance, techniques to succeed in international shipping and usage of innovative digital tools related to the logistics industry.


According to YB Dato' Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, the MoU signing represents a significant milestone in MATRADE's efforts to forge strategic alliances with key stakeholders in both the private and public sectors. "It underscores our commitment to connecting Malaysian exporters with global buyers and creating more value for the country's export community through collaborative initiatives," he said.

據 Dato' Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican 表示,簽訂這份諒解備忘錄代表着MATRADE與私營和公共部門的關鍵利益相關者建立戰略聯盟的重要里程碑。他說:「這突顯了我們將馬來西亞出口商與全球買家連接起來,並通過合作舉措爲該國的出口社區創造更多價值的承諾。」

He added that this initiative also aligns with the 12th Malaysia Plan which emphasises on SME development, digitalisation and enhanced trade capabilities for sustainable economic growth.


Mr. Tien Long Woon, pointed out that the partnership with MATRADE emphasises FedEx's dedication in supporting the global ambitions of Malaysian SMEs. "Through this collaboration, we aim to accelerate the growth of Malaysian SMEs and contribute to the overall economic resilience of the region," he stressed.

溫龍(Tien Long Woon)先生指出,與MATRADE的合作強調了聯邦快遞在支持馬來西亞中小板全球抱負方面的承諾。他強調說:「通過這種合作,我們旨在加速馬來西亞中小板的增長,併爲該地區的整體經濟增長做出貢獻。」

Both organisations aim to leverage advanced logistics solutions to streamline export procedures, reduce shipping lead times and ensure efficient distribution channels. This is in recognition of the continuous need to help SMEs penetrate new markets, improve business connections and speed up processes.


