
Honda to Relocate the Base of Its Rugby Team Activities

Honda to Relocate the Base of Its Rugby Team Activities

本田汽車 ·  09/19 12:00

TOKYO, Japan, September 19, 2024 – Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today announced that it will relocate the base of operations/activities of its rugby team, the MIE Honda HEAT, from Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture to Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture (The team will primarily use Tochigi Green Stadium). This relocation is scheduled to take place prior to the start of the 2026-2027 season.

本田汽車公司今天宣佈,其橄欖球隊MIE Honda HEAt的基地位置將從三重縣鈴鹿市遷至栃木縣宇都宮市(該隊將主要使用栃木綠色體育場)。這次搬遷計劃安排在2026-2027賽季開始之前進行。

The MIE Honda HEAT was founded in 1961 as a club team affiliated with the Honda Suzuka Factory. For more than 60 years, the team has been conducting its activities while receiving support and cheers from a broad range of people in the local community, mainly in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture. Last year, the MIE Honda HEAT changed its affiliation from the Suzuka Factory to the Honda Head Office (in Minato-ku, Tokyo), in order to further strengthen its activities and expand its fan base.

MIE Honda HEAt成立於1961年,是本田鈴鹿工廠附屬的俱樂部隊伍。60多年來,該隊一直在鈴鹿市、三重縣的當地社區得到了廣泛支持和喝彩。去年,MIE Honda HEAt將附屬關係從鈴鹿工廠更改爲本田總部(位於東京港區),以進一步加強活動並擴大粉絲基礎。

Since last season (2023-2024 season), the team has been taking on challenges competing in Division 1, the top division of the Japan Rugby League One. Working toward its goal to become the No. 1 team in Japan in three years' time, the MIE Honda HEAT has been pursuing continuous initiatives to enhance its strength. Through the relocation of the base of its activities, the team will strive to offer more people the opportunity to see the team and get involved in its challenges toward its goal.

自從上個賽季(2023-2024賽季)起,該隊就一直在日本橄欖球一級聯賽的頂級聯賽中承擔挑戰。朝着在三年內成爲日本第一隊的目標努力,MIE Honda HEAt一直致力於不斷提升實力。通過活動基地的搬遷,該隊將努力使更多人有機會觀看比賽並參與到實現目標的挑戰中。

In Mie Prefecture, the birthplace of the MIE Honda HEAT, the team will continue to interact with the local community through rugby-related activities, including playing league and scrimmage matches, even after the relocation. Moreover, Honda will newly sign a comprehensive regional cooperation agreement with Suzuka City, based on which Honda will contribute to the regional development, human resource development, enhancement of the health and athleticism of local residents through, not only rugby, but also baseball and other sports.

在Mie縣,MIE Honda HEAt的發源地,即使在搬遷後,該隊將繼續通過與當地社區進行橄欖球相關的活動,包括進行聯賽和比賽。此外,本田將與鈴鹿市簽署全面區域合作協議,通過橄欖球、棒球和其他體育項目,爲區域發展、人力資源培養、提高當地居民的健康和體育水平做出貢獻。

Based on the vision for its sports activities – "To increase the number of people who take on challenges through sports activities and make the lives of all people more enjoyable" – Honda has been and will continue to support various athletes who take on challenges toward the realization of their own dreams.


About the comprehensive regional cooperation agreement with Suzuka City


To promote sports and community development, including the enhancement of athletic performance and the health benefits of residing in the community, through sports, such as the activities of the Honda rugby team and the Honda Suzuka Baseball Club.


Areas of Collaboration:
(1) Sports promotion
(2) Enhancement of sports spectating opportunities (rugby and baseball)
(3) Enhancement of health
(4) Development of healthy youth
(5) Regional revitalization

(5) 區域型振興

Term: September 25, 2024 – March 31, 2025 (may be extended upon discussion.)

期限: 2024年9月25日至2025年3月31日(可根據討論進行延長。)

