
WildBrain Ltd. (WLDBF) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

WildBrain Ltd. (WLDBF) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

WildBrain Ltd.(WLDBF)2024年第四季度業績會交易摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/19 01:00  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the WildBrain Ltd. (WLDBF) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • WildBrain reported a fiscal year 2024 consolidated revenue of $462 million, down 13% primarily due to reduced output in studio businesses.

  • Gross margins improved by over 250 basis points year-over-year.

  • Net loss for the fiscal year 2024 was $106 million, primarily driven by impairment charges and investment write-downs in the television business.

  • WildBrain報告2024財年的綜合營業收入爲4,6200萬美元,下降13%主要是因爲工作室業務產出減少。

  • 毛利率同比提高了超過250個點子。

  • 2024財年淨虧損爲1,0600萬美元,主要由電視業務的減值損失和投資減記所驅動。

Business Progress:


  • Focused on key brands and partnerships to unlock value, highlighting brands like Peanuts, Strawberry Shortcake, and Teletubbies which have shown strong global engagement and revenue growth.

  • Improved audience engagement on platforms like YouTube, AVOD, and FAST, resulting in a significant increase in views and watch time.

  • Launched the new series Yo Gabba GabbaLand on Apple TV+ which experienced strong engagement and has plans for product licensing partnerships.

  • Announced the development of a new animated series for Minecraft in collaboration with Netflix and Mojang Studios.

  • Expanded partnerships and IP distribution, including a new partnership with Spinmaster and an enhanced relationship with Samsung TV+.

  • 專注於重點品牌和合作夥伴關係,突出展示像花生漫畫、草莓蛋糕和天線寶寶等品牌,這些品牌表現出全球範圍內強大的參與度和營業收入增長。

  • 在YouTube、AVOD和FASt等平台上改善了受衆參與度,導致觀看次數和觀看時間顯著增加。

  • 在Apple TV+上推出了新系列節目Yo Gabba GabbaLand,用戶參與度強,並計劃開展產品許可合作。

  • 宣佈與Netflix和Mojang Studios合作開發一個新的Minecraft動畫系列。

  • 拓展合作伙伴關係和知識產權分發,包括與Spinmaster的新合作伙伴關係和與Samsung TV+的增強合作關係。



  • The company is poised to benefit from the expected growth in the FAST market, aiming to double viewership year-over-year and leverage its established market leadership.

  • Potential for increased profitability in AVOD and FAST platforms by improving ad-selling capabilities and capitalizing on the high engagement metrics.

  • Opportunities for new and enhanced premium project commissions with major platforms such as Apple TV+ and Netflix.

  • 該公司有望受益於FASt市場的預期增長,旨在實現年複合增長率翻番,並利用其在市場領導地位上的優勢。

  • 通過提升廣告銷售能力和利用高參與指標,AVOD和FASt平台的盈利能力有望增加。

  • 與Apple TV+和Netflix等主要平台合作,提供新的和增強的高端項目委託機會。



  • Continued impact from the slowdown in the content production industry, although an upturn is expected as platforms invest in higher-end premium projects.

  • Financial risks related to elevated leverage, with a targeted plan to reduce it despite expecting it to remain high through fiscal year 2025.

  • 受制於內容製作行業的放緩,儘管預計隨着平台在高端優質項目上的投資增加,將迎來上升勢頭。

  • 與過高的槓桿相關的財務風險,儘管預計其在2025年財務年度仍將保持高位,但制定了減少槓桿的計劃。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


