
East Texas Gets Digital Upgrade With Spectrum Broadband Expansion

East Texas Gets Digital Upgrade With Spectrum Broadband Expansion

特許通訊 ·  09/18 12:00

News and ViewsSeptember 18, 2024

資訊和觀點 2024年9月18日

East Texas Gets Digital Upgrade with Spectrum Broadband Expansion

東得克薩斯州通過 Spectrum 寬帶擴展獲得數字升級

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In the vast expanse of East Texas, from wide-open fields to swampy marshes, Spectrum is undertaking a massive expansion to deliver high-speed broadband to communities across the region. Populated by remote towns and rural ranches, residents have historically not had access to dependable broadband.

在得克薩斯州廣袤的東部,從開闊的田野到沼澤地,Spectrum 正在進行一項大規模擴展,將高速寬帶網絡傳送到該地區的社區。這個地區有着邊遠的城鎮和農村牧場,居民們在過去一直沒有可靠的寬帶網絡。

By 2025, Spectrum's subsidized Rural Construction Initiative is expected to connect an FCC-estimated 133,000 homes and small businesses in Texas, requiring some 14,000 miles of new fiber.

到2025年,Spectrum 的補貼農村施工計劃預計將連接美國聯邦通信委員會預估的13.3萬個家庭和小型企業,需要鋪設大約1.4萬英里的新光纖。

"Our Spectrum teams are doing something truly unprecedented in the industry," said Mike Matson, Spectrum's Regional Vice President, Texas-Louisiana. "We are bringing broadband to so many underserved parts of the country, which includes East Texas. Our work is so comprehensive in scale, that we had to grow our Texas team by hundreds of employees to include additional construction crews, field technicians and small and medium business representatives to conduct outreach in the community."

「我們的頻譜團隊正在業內做一些真正前所未有的事情,」 Spectrum的地域板塊副總裁邁克·馬特森(Mike Matson)表示,「我們正在爲全國許多被忽視的地區帶來寬帶,其中包括德克薩斯州東部。我們的工作規模如此龐大,以至於我們不得不將德克薩斯團隊擴大數百名員工,包括額外的施工隊、現場技術人員以及中小型企業代表,以在社區進行外展。」

Previously, many of these communities had to rely on satellite services and other unreliable connections that would limit what they could access online. Slow upload and download speeds would turn a short task to hours, limiting how East Texans used the internet.


"Spectrum's broadband expansion is delivering reliable, high-speed internet access to more than 100,000 Texas locations for the first time. It's partnerships like these that are critical to closing the state's digital divide. It's good to see companies like Spectrum willing to invest in uplifting rural communities and helping local small businesses thrive and grow."

Texas State Rep. Keith Bell


德克薩斯州議員基思·貝爾(Keith Bell)

Reliable Broadband Speeds Keep BBQ Business Fired Up


Fireside BBQ, one of the many rural businesses connected since the project began, has elevated its business since being activated.

自項目啓動以來,諸多農村企業之一Fireside BBQ自開業以來業務水平有所提高。

Owner Glenn Northfleet opened the barbecue restaurant in 2015 in Birthright, Texas, growing it from a roadside canopy to what is now a WiFi-connected kitchen that serves award-winning smoked meats. His WiFi connection dropped frequently with his previous provider, but he no longer has that problem. Now a Spectrum Business customer, he enjoys the Ultra Internet package along with Business WiFi.

業主格倫·諾思菲特(Glenn Northfleet)於2015年在德克薩斯州伯斯賴特(Birthright)開設了這家燒烤餐廳,將其從路邊涼棚發展成今天一個連接WiFi的廚房,供應屢獲殊榮的熏製肉類。他以前的供應商WiFi連接頻繁中斷,但現在不再有這個問題。作爲Spectrum業務客戶,他享受超級互聯網套餐以及商用WiFi。

"The reality today is that all businesses need a dependable internet connection to keep their day-to-day operations going," said Glenn. "My registers, security system, menu board, and even my meat thermometers are connected to the internet via WiFi. If I can't connect to my thermometers, there's a chance I could overcook the briskets and end up losing thousands of dollars."

「如今的現實是,所有企業都需要一個可靠的互聯網連接來保持他們的日常運營,」 格倫表示,「我的收銀機、安全系統、菜單板,甚至家畜肉類溫度計都通過WiFi連接到互聯網。如果我無法連接到我的溫度計,就有可能會把牛胸肉燻熟過頭,最終損失數千美元。」

Connecting Life on the Ranch


The news of Spectrum's expansion came as a sigh of relief for staff at High Lonesome Ranch in Eustace, Texas, who manage hundreds of cattle. Open since 1983, much of the ranch business takes place in person at the beef shop, 10 miles away. The lack of a reliable connection required additional physical trips into town for what should have been a click away.

Spectrum擴張的消息讓得克薩斯州尤斯塔斯的High Lonesome Ranch的員工鬆了一口氣,他們管理着數百頭牛。自1983年開業以來,牧場的很大一部分業務都需要親自前往10英里外的肉店進行。缺乏可靠的連接需要額外的往返於城鎮,本應只需一鍵之遙。

"We were driving to the beef shop 10 miles just to check on inventory," said Larry Linder, Foreman at High Lonesome Ranch. "Now we're hooked up through WiFi and can do it real time through a laptop or a phone."

「我們過去要開車前往10英里外的肉店檢查庫存,」 High Lonesome Ranch的領班Larry Linder說道,「現在通過WiFi接入,可以通過筆記本電腦或手機實時操作。」

Larry Tiner, manager, High Lonesome Ranch, Eustace, Texas
得克薩斯州尤斯塔斯的High Lonesome Ranch的經理Larry Tiner

Now, the ranch, another Spectrum Business customer, has Gig Internet, along with Static IP and Business WiFi, to bring unprecedented efficiency to their business.

現在,作爲Spectrum Business的另一家客戶,牧場擁有千兆寬帶接入,靜態IP和商用WiFi,爲他們的業務帶來前所未有的效率。

"After getting connected to Spectrum's reliable services we can run our day-to-day administrative operations from the ranch and get back all those hours of driving back and forth every week," said Larry.

「接入Spectrum可靠的服務後,我們可以從牧場運行日常行政業務,並節省每週往返所花費的時間,」 Larry說。

Spectrum crews have heard from many small businesses like Fireside BBQ and High Lonesome Ranch, and Mike expects the completion of the project to improve life in the region.

Spectrum的施工人員聽說了許多像Fireside BBQ和High Lonesome Ranch這樣的中小企業的需求,Mike預計該項目的完成將改善該地區的生活。

"For many rural communities and residents, access to our services is a game changer," said Mike. "People can work or study remotely, obtain access to telemedicine, and simply stay connected in a modern way."

「對於許多農村社區和居民來說,我們的服務的接入是改變遊戲規則的,」 Mike說道,「人們可以遠程工作或學習,獲得遠程醫療服務,以現代方式保持聯繫。」

Learn more about Charter's commitment to expanding broadband access here.


