
C4 Unveils New Flavor-Packed Collaboration With The Hershey Company

C4 Unveils New Flavor-Packed Collaboration With The Hershey Company

PR Newswire ·  09/18 22:00

Hershey's Iconic Confections Reimagined by C4 as Energy Drinks, Pre-Workout and
Protein Powders


AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nutrabolt, owner of C4, the #1 selling global pre-workout and one of the fastest growing energy drink brands in the country, today announced a flavorful partnership with The Hershey Company. The unique and expansive collaboration will bring a number of Hershey's beloved confections to life in the Energy Drink and Pre-Workout categories, as well as launch the first-ever Protein Powder for both C4 and Hershey. New products and flavors will roll out this Fall with additions planned for 2025 and beyond.

2024年9月18日,德克薩斯州奧斯汀市 / PRNewswire - Nutrabolt公司是C4公司的所有者,C4是全球最暢銷的鍛鍊前補劑之一,也是該國增長最快的能量飲料品牌之一,今天宣佈與好時公司展開一項富有創意的合作。這次獨特而廣泛的合作將使好時公司最受喜愛的糖果產品在能量飲料和鍛鍊前補劑類別中煥發新的生命,並推出C4和好時的首款蛋白粉。新產品和口味將在今年秋天推出,並計劃於2025年及以後進一步擴展。 C4是全球銷量最好的鍛鍊前補劑之一,也是該國增長最快的能量飲料品牌之一。今天宣佈與好時公司展開一項富有創意的合作。這次獨特而廣泛的合作將使好時公司最受喜愛的糖果產品在能量飲料和鍛鍊前補劑類別中煥發新的生命,並推出C4和好時的首款蛋白粉。新產品和口味將在今年秋天推出,並計劃於2025年及以後進一步擴展。

C4 x Hershey
C4 x 好時

A candy lover's dream come true, the C4 x Hershey collaboration will infuse the flavors of some of Hershey's most cherished products including Jolly Rancher Candy, Bubble Yum Bubble Gum, Reese's Peanut Butter, and Hershey's Milk Chocolate into a C4 product lineup formulated to fuel fitness performance.

糖果愛好者的夢想成真,C4 x 好時的合作將把好時公司最受喜愛的產品(包括Jolly Rancher糖果、Bubble Yum泡泡糖、Reese's花生醬和好時牛奶巧克力)的口味融入C4的產品系列中,爲健身提供能量。

The collaboration kicks off in select retailers this September with the unveiling of the C4 Original x Bubble Yum Pre-Workout along with C4 Performance Energy x Jolly Rancher energy drinks available in three classic Jolly Rancher flavors: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, and Watermelon.

這次合作從今年9月開始在特定零售商處推出,首款爲C4 Original x Bubble Yum鍛鍊前補劑和C4 Performance Energy x Jolly Rancher能量飲料,提供三種經典Jolly Rancher口味:藍色莓果、青蘋果和西瓜。

In October, the product collection will expand to include C4 Whey Protein powders in three delectable flavors including Vanilla Bean and two iconic Hershey fan-favorites: Hershey's Milk Chocolate and Reese's Peanut Butter - giving sweet enthusiasts everywhere a reason to rejoice.

今年十月,產品系列將擴展,包括三種可口的C4乳清蛋白粉,包括香草豆和兩種標誌性的好時粉絲最愛:好時牛奶巧克力和花生醬糖 - 讓甜食愛好者有理由歡呼。

"At Nutrabolt, we prioritize listening to our customers and value our strategic partnerships. For years, users have been mixing their own peanut butter and chocolate protein shakes, and we've frequently heard requests for a Jolly Rancher candy flavored C4. After extensive testing, we're thrilled to finally bring these products to market," said Doss Cunningham, Chairman and CEO at Nutrabolt. "Delivering on customer feedback is important to us, so this launch is particularly meaningful as we continue to deliver the best tasting and top performing products on the market."

「在Nutrabolt,我們優先考慮聽取客戶的意見,並重視我們的戰略合作伙伴關係。多年來,用戶一直在混合自己的花生醬巧克力蛋白奶昔,我們經常聽到要求推出Jolly Rancher糖果味的C4的聲音。經過廣泛的測試,我們終於將這些產品帶到市場上,」Nutrabolt主席兼首席執行官Doss Cunningham說。「對於我們來說,實現客戶反饋意見很重要,所以這次的推出尤爲重要,因爲我們將繼續推出市場上品味最佳且性能最佳的產品。」

"We are constantly seeking new ways to introduce our adored Hershey candy and chocolate treats in innovative formats," said Andy Paladino, Director, Global Licensing, The Hershey Licensing Company. "These new beverages and powders sweeten the performance category for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to achieve their best, and we are thrilled to partner with C4 to deliver this lineup."

「我們不斷尋求以創新的形式介紹我們受歡迎的好時糖果和巧克力款待,」好時許可公司全球許可主任Andy Paladino說。「這些新的飲料和粉末爲運動員和健身愛好者帶來了性能類別的甜美,幫助他們達到最好的狀態,我們很高興與C4合作推出這個系列。」

Consumers craving a mouth-watering burst of flavor can now treat themselves to the classic Jolly Rancher Hard Candy taste in an energy drink format with the added benefits of C4 Performance Energy. Each energy drink contains CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine to support muscular endurance, BetaPower to maintain muscle cell hydration, and 200mg of Caffeine to aid performance.

消費者渴望口感爽口的爆炸性味道,現在可以品嚐到經典的Jolly Rancher硬糖口味的能量飲料,還附帶了C4性能能源的額外益處。每瓶能量飲料含有CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine以支持肌肉耐力,BetaPower以保持肌肉細胞水合,以及200mg咖啡因以提高性能。

C4 Original X Bubble Yum Pre-Workout will be a limited-edition release designed to take performance to the next level with ingredients to support hard-hitting energy, enhanced muscular endurance, and improved focus. It also includes novel, AI-powered peptides.

C4 Original X Bubble Yum Pre-Workout將成爲一個限量版發佈,旨在通過支持強大的能量,增強肌肉耐力和提高注意力的成分將性能提升至新水平。它還包含了創新的AI動力蛋白。

With the launch of C4's inaugural protein powders, featuring the irresistible flavors of Reese's Peanut Butter and Hershey's Milk Chocolate, candy fans everywhere can now savor their favorite treats while supporting their muscle recovery and growth. Each serving of C4 Whey Protein - which also includes Vanilla Bean - boasts 25g of whey protein to help build lean muscle following physical training, combining iconic Hershey flavors with the benefits of protein in one delectable product.

隨着C4首款蛋白粉的推出,融合了花生醬糖和好時牛奶巧克力的誘人口味,甜點愛好者們現在可以在支持肌肉恢復和生長的同時享受他們最喜歡的甜點。每份C4乳清蛋白粉 - 還包括香草豆 - 含有25克乳清蛋白,有助於在體育訓練後建立瘦肌肉,將標誌性的好時口味與蛋白質的好處結合在一個可口的產品中。

C4 Performance Energy x Jolly Rancher energy drinks are available now exclusively at HEB, Amazon, and In October, the drinks will be available for purchase at retailers including Walmart, 7-11, Albertson, Kroger, Hy-vee, Giant Eagle, Market Basket, Stater Bros, Royal Farms, Hannaford, Kum n Go, and Casey's with additional availability to follow in 2025. C4 Original x Bubble Yum Pre-Workout will be available on and at GNC. The C4 Whey Protein x Hershey's Milk Chocolate and C4 Whey Protein x Reese's products will be available at GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe later this fall.

C4 Performance Energy和Jolly Rancher能源飲料現已在HEB、亞馬遜和c4energy.com獨家上市。十月份,這些飲料將在包括沃爾瑪、7-11、阿爾伯特森、克羅格、海維、巨鷹、市場籃子、斯泰特兄弟、皇家農場、漢納福特、Kum n Go和Casey's在內的零售商店可購買,並在2025年之後提供更多渠道。C4 Original x Bubble Yum Pre-Workout將在Cellucor.com和The Vitamin Shoppe上有售。 GNCC4 Whey Protein x Hershey's Milk Chocolate和C4 Whey Protein x Reese's產品將於今年秋季在The Vitamin Shoppe上有售。 GNC和頁面。The Vitamin Shoppe 今年秋季將有更多甜蜜驚喜,請關注C4。

For a sneak peek at all the sweetness, follow C4 on Instagram and TikTok.

了解更多甜蜜驚喜,請關注C4。 Instagram和頁面。TikTok.

Jolly Rancher, Bubble Yum, Reese's and Hershey's trademarks and trade dress are used under license.

Jolly Rancher、Bubble Yum、Reese's和Hershey's的商標和商業外觀是在許可下使用的。

About Nutrabolt
Nutrabolt is a fast-growing, global active health and wellness company with a portfolio of market leading performance-oriented brands that energize and fuel active lifestyles. The company's disruptive and innovative products compete in the Functional Beverage and Active Nutrition segments, under three consumer-loved brands: C4 (one of the fastest-growing energy drink brands in the United States and the #1 selling global pre-workout brand), XTEND (the #1 post-workout recovery brand in the United States), and Cellucor (an award-winning sports nutrition brand created in 2002).


Since its founding 20 years ago, Nutrabolt has set out to meet the discerning needs of performance athletes and fitness enthusiasts, while appealing beyond this core group to include consumers around the globe who are making healthy, active living a daily priority.


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