
Flora Growth Corp. Announces Supply Agreement With Blossom Genetics to Bring Colombian Medical Cannabis to Germany

Flora Growth Corp. Announces Supply Agreement With Blossom Genetics to Bring Colombian Medical Cannabis to Germany

Flora Growth Corp.宣佈與Blossom Genetics達成供應協議,將哥倫比亞醫療大麻帶到德國
newsfile ·  09/18 21:20

Fort Lauderdale, Florida--(Newsfile Corp. - September 18, 2024) - Flora Growth Corp. (NASDAQ: FLGC) (FSE: 7301) ("Flora" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a strategic supply agreement with Blossom Genetics to bring Colombian medical cannabis to the German market. This partnership will introduce two high sought-after exotic strains, Chemmy Jones and Northern Lights, to Germany, supporting Flora's mission to meet the country's growing demand for high-quality medical cannabis following the legalization of cannabis on April 1, 2024.

佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡--(新聞稿 Corp. - 2024年9月18日) - Flora Growth 公司 (納斯達克: FLGC) (FSE: 7301) ("Flora" 或 "公司") 很高興地宣佈與 Blossom Genetics 簽訂戰略供應協議,將哥倫比亞醫用大麻引入德國市場。這項合作將爲德國引入兩種備受追捧的異域品種,Chemmy Jones 和 Northern Lights,以滿足德國對高質量醫用大麻的不斷增長需求,這是在2024年4月1日大麻合法化之後的事。

Flora's wholly-owned subsidiaries have been active in Germany since 2017, obtained the first medical cannabis license in Germany and are responsible for selling the first gram of medical cannabis in the country. Flora also has an EU-GMP facility in the country. Flora's distribution network in Germany is far reaching and has access and sold to over 1,200 pharmacies across the country.

Flora 的全資子公司自2017年以來一直在德國活躍,獲得了德國的第一個醫用大麻許可證,並負責在該國銷售第一克醫用大麻。Flora 在該國還擁有一家符合EU-GMP標準的設施。Flora 在德國的銷售網絡廣泛,已經在全國範圍內超過1,200家藥店銷售。

With this agreement, Flora will leverage its expertise in distribution to deliver Chemmy Jones and Northern Light, both known for their potential properties, to Germany's evolving medical cannabis market. The transaction underscores Flora's commitment to scaling operations in Europe, ensuring that German patients have access to some of the world's best cannabis strains.

憑藉這項協議,Flora 將利用其在分銷方面的專業知識,將 Chemmy Jones 和 Northern Lights 這兩個以其潛在特性而聞名的品種引入德國不斷髮展的醫用大麻市場。此次交易凸顯了 Flora 在歐洲擴展業務的承諾,確保德國患者能夠獲得世界上最好的大麻品種之一。

As part of Flora's broader European strategy, this partnership highlights the growing importance of the German market, which has been a sharp increase in demand for medical cannabis since legalization. Beginning April 1, 2024, patients across Germany have sought new strains for medical use, and Flora is poised to fulfill this need through its agreement Blossom Genetics, starting deliveries in the fourth quarter of 2024.

作爲 Flora 在更廣泛的歐洲策略的一部分,這項合作突顯了德國市場日益重要的地位,自合法化以來對醫用大麻的需求急劇增加。自2024年4月1日起,德國各地的患者一直在尋求新的品種進行醫療用途,並且 Flora 正準備通過與 Blossom Genetics 的協議在2024年第四季度開始交付以滿足這種需求。

Clifford Starke, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "This supply agreement with Blossom Genetics is a pivotal step in our efforts to expand Flora's global presence and provide top-tier cannabis products to Germany. The demand for medical cannabis has surged since legalization, and we are confident that the strains we will bring to the market, will resonate with patients and healthcare providers alike."

董事長兼首席執行官 Clifford Starke 評論道: "與 Blossom Genetics 的這項供應協議是我們擴大 Flora 全球業務、向德國提供一流大麻產品的努力中的一個重要步驟。自合法化以來醫用大麻的需求激增,我們相信我們將引入市場的品種將會受到患者和醫療保健提供者的認可。"

About Flora Growth Corp.

關於Flora Growth Corp。

Flora Growth Corp.'s mission is to become the leading NASDAQ small-cap international cannabis company. It is a cannabis-focused consumer-packaged goods leader and pharmaceutical distributor serving all 50 states and 28 countries with 20,000+ points of distribution around the world. For more information on Flora, visit .

Flora Growth Corp.的使命是成爲納斯達克小市值國際大麻公司領導者。它是面向消費者的大麻產品領導者和製藥分銷商,在世界各地的50個州和28個國家擁有超過2萬個分銷點。有關Flora的更多信息,請訪問.

Investor Relations:


Investor Relations


Clifford Starke





Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking statements," as defined by U.S. federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements reflect Flora's current expectations and projections about future events at the time, and thus involve uncertainty and risk. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "will," "could," "would," "should," "may," "plan," "estimate," "intend," "predict," "potential," "continue," and the negatives of these words and other similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about: the introduction of two high sought-after exotic strains, Chemmy Jones and Northern Lights, Flora's ability to meet the growing German demand for cannabis or at all, Flora's ability to distribute medical cannabis in Germany including the strains of Chemmy Jones and Northern Lights, Flora delivering medical cannabis from Colombia to Germany in the fourth quarter of 2024 or at all, Flora expanding its global presence and providing top-tier cannabis products to Germany, and Flora's strains resonating with patients and healthcare providers. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various and risks and uncertainties, including those described under section entitled "Risk Factors" in Flora's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on March 28, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in Flora's periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC's website at Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included in this release and in Flora's filings with the SEC. While forward-looking statements reflect Flora's good faith beliefs, they are not guarantees of future performance. Flora disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changes in underlying assumptions or factors, new information, data or methods, future events or other changes after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which are based on information currently available to Flora (or to third parties making the forward-looking statements).

本新聞稿包含依照美國聯邦證券法定義的"前瞻性聲明"。前瞻性聲明反映了Flora當前對未來事件的期望和預測,因此涉及不確定性和風險。"相信"、"期待"、"預期"、"將"、"可能"、"應該"、"可能"、"規劃"、"估計"、"打算"、"預測"、"潛力"、"持續"等詞彙,以及這些詞彙的否定形式和其他類似表達通常用來識別前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明包括但不限於以下方面的聲明:推出兩種備受追捧的外來品種,Chemmy Jones 和Northern Lights,Flora 達到滿足不斷增長的德國大麻需求的能力或完全滿足,Flora 在德國分發醫用大麻的能力, 包括Chemmy Jones 和 Northern Lights 等品種,Flora 在2024年第四季度將從哥倫比亞向德國運送醫用大麻或完全運送,Flora 擴大其全球業務,並向德國提供高級大麻產品,以及Flora的品種受患者和醫護人員的認可。此類前瞻性聲明會受到各種風險和不確定性的影響,包括Flora在2024年3月28日向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的年度10-k表格中描述的風險因素,在Flora與SEC的定期申報中可能隨時更新的這些因素,可在SEC網站 上查閱。/edgar。因此,在本釋放和Flora向SEC提交的文件中包括其他警示性聲明的情況下,可能存在或將存在重要因素,導致實際後果或結果與這些聲明所示的有所不同。

