
Perception Point Wins Prestigious SC Media Award for Best Threat Detection Technology 2024

Perception Point Wins Prestigious SC Media Award for Best Threat Detection Technology 2024

PR Newswire ·  09/18 21:00

The Company's Advanced Email Security solution is recognized for its GenAI innovations powering detection accuracy and all-included managed Incident Response service

公司的Advanced Email Security解決方案憑藉其GenAI創新技術的檢測準確性和全包管理的事件響應服務而備受認可。

TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Perception Point, a leading provider of advanced email and workspace security solutions, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded the 2024 SC Media Award for Best Threat Detection Technology. This esteemed recognition highlights the company's innovation and leadership in protecting organizations against the most advanced cyber threats in a cost-effective way.

以色列特拉維夫,2024年9月18日 /美通社/ -- Perception Point,一家領先的高級電子郵件和工作空間安全解決方案提供商,對獲得2024年SC媒體最佳威脅檢測技術獎感到非常榮幸。 此殊榮突出了該公司在以成本效益方式保護組織免受最先進的網絡威脅方面的創新和領導地位。SC大獎已經舉辦27年,表彰網絡安全行業中最前沿的解決方案。Perception Point的高級電子郵件安全系統

The SC Awards, now in its 27th year, honors the most cutting-edge solutions in the cybersecurity industry. Perception Point's Advanced Email Security solution stood out for its ability to address the increasing complexity of threats driven by GenAI-fueled attacks. With traditional security measures often falling short, Perception Point's solution offers 99.95% detection accuracy, near real-time prevention, and rapid remediation for even the most sophisticated threats.

高級電子郵件安全解決方案 該解決方案因其能夠應對由GenAI驅動的攻擊所帶來的日益複雜的威脅而脫穎而出。傳統的安全措施往往力有不逮,Perception Point的解決方案提供99.95%的檢測準確率,近實時預防和快速修復,即使是最複雜的威脅也能應對。

"These award recipients represent the very best of what the cybersecurity community has to offer," said Tom Spring, Editorial Director at SC Media. "Each winner has shown a commitment to advancing the industry with forward-thinking solutions and an ability to adapt to new challenges. Their contributions help drive progress in securing our digital environments."

「這些獲獎者代表了網絡安全社區的最佳成果,」SC Media的編輯總監Tom Spring表示。「每個獲獎者都表現出了推動行業發展的承諾,以及適應新挑戰的能力。他們的貢獻有助於推動保護我們的數字環境的進步。」

SC Media judges praised Perception Point's solution for its AI-driven detection engines, which thoroughly scan all content—text, files, and URLs—across various platforms. The solution incorporates innovative features like the GenAI Decoder, designed to detect social engineering-based threats such as Business Email Compromise (BEC) by analyzing text context and patterns, as well as its advanced defenses against quishing and evasive phishing attacks. The judges also reviewed real-world case studies to assess Perception Point's impact including Red Bull, Flow Control Group and more.

SC Media的評委對Perception Point的解決方案給予了高度讚揚,這款解決方案採用了以人工智能爲驅動的檢測引擎,可以對多個平台上的所有內容(包括文本、文件和URL)進行全面掃描。該解決方案還結合了創新性的特點,如GenAI解碼器,旨在檢測基於社會工程學的威脅,例如「商業電子郵件欺詐」(BEC) AI驅動的檢測引擎,該引擎可以對各種平台上的所有內容(包括文本、文件和URL)進行全面掃描。 GenAI解碼器,用於檢測基於社會工程學的威脅,例如 「商業電子郵件欺詐」(BEC) 通過分析文本上下文和模式,以及其高級防禦機制,以應對 針對欺詐和頁面。具有規避性的網絡釣魚 攻擊。評委還審查了現實案例研究,評估了Perception Point的影響,包括紅牛、Flow Control Group和 .

Perception Point's platform goes beyond email security, safeguarding the modern workspace, with email, browser and SaaS app security in a unified platform. The solution also integrates its fully managed Incident Response service, powered by the GPThreat Hunter, an autonomous IR agent that leverages GPT-4 and other LLM models to automate detection and response, reducing Security Operations Center (SOC) workloads by up to 75%. This all-included service is a significant differentiator, helping organizations stay ahead of even the most evasive threats. The company's effectiveness and customer satisfaction are evidenced by a 4.9/5 rating on the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer Report, the highest score of any vendor in the category.

Perception Point的平台不僅僅是電子郵件安全,還保護現代工作空間,提供統一平台的電子郵件、瀏覽器和SaaS應用安全。該解決方案還整合了其 fully managed Incident Response service, powered by the GPThreat Hunter, an autonomous IR agent that leverages GPt-4 and other LLm models to automate detection and response, reducing Security Operations Center (SOC) workloads by up to 75%. This all-included service is a significant differentiator, helping organizations stay ahead of even the most evasive threats. The company's effectiveness and customer satisfaction are evidenced by a 4.9/5 rating on the Gartner Peer Insights用戶反饋報告, the highest score of any vendor in the category.

"We are honored to receive the SC Media Award for Best Threat Technology," said Yoram Salinger, CEO of Perception Point. "This award is a testament to our solution's leading innovation and our unwavering dedication to protecting our customers, no matter what their size, from advanced, targeted attacks. Our AI-powered advanced threat prevention platform, combined with a unique all-included 24/7 managed Incident Response service, allows security teams to stay ahead of even the most evasive cyber threats."

"We are honored to receive the SC Media Award for Best Threat Technology," said Yoram Salinger, CEO of Perception Point. "This award is a testament to our solution's leading innovation and our unwavering dedication to protecting our customers, no matter what their size, from advanced, targeted attacks. Our AI-powered advanced threat prevention platform, combined with a unique all-included 24/7 managed Incident Response service, allows security teams to stay ahead of even the most evasive cyber threats."

About CyberRisk Alliance

About CyberRisk Alliance

CyberRisk Alliance provides business intelligence that helps the cybersecurity ecosystem connect, share knowledge, accelerate careers, and make smarter and faster decisions. Through our trusted information brands, network of experts, and more than 250 innovative annual events we provide cybersecurity professionals with actionable insights and act as a powerful extension of cybersecurity marketing teams. Our brands include SC Media, the Official Cybersecurity Summits, Security Weekly, InfoSec World, Identiverse, CyberRisk Collaborative, ChannelE2E, MSSP Alert, LaunchTech Communications and TECHEXPO Top Secret.

CyberRisk Alliance提供業務情報,幫助網絡安全生態系統連接,分享知識,加快職業發展,並做出更加聰明和迅速的決策。通過我們信任的信息品牌,專家網絡,以及超過250個創新的年度活動,我們爲網絡安全專業人士提供行動建議,並充當網絡安全營銷團隊的有效延伸。我們的品牌包括SC Media,官方網絡安全峯會,Security Weekly,InfoSec World,Identiverse,CyberRisk Collaborative,ChannelE2E,MSSP Alert,LaunchTech Communications和 TECHEXPO Top Secret。

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About Perception Point

關於Perception Point

Perception Point is a leading provider of AI-powered threat prevention solutions that safeguard the modern workspace against sophisticated threats. The unified security solution protects email, web browsers, and SaaS apps. By uniquely combining the most accurate threat detection platform with an all-included managed incident response service, Perception Point reduces customers' IT overhead, improves user experience, and delivers deep-level cybersecurity insights.

Perception Point是領先的提供基於人工智能動力的威脅預防解決方案的供應商,可保護現代工作空間免受複雜威脅。這一統一安全解決方案可保護電子郵件,Web瀏覽器和Saas應用程序。通過獨特地將最準確的威脅檢測平台與全包含的託管事件響應服務相結合,Perception Point降低了客戶的IT開支,改善了用戶體驗,並提供深層次的網絡安全洞察。

Deployed in minutes, with no change to the organization's infrastructure, the cloud-native service is easy to use and replaces cumbersome, traditional point systems. Perception Point proactively prevents phishing, BEC, ATO, malware, spam, insider threats, data loss, zero-days, and other advanced attacks well before they impact the end-user. Fortune 500 enterprises and organizations across the globe are protecting more and managing less with Perception Point. To learn more about Perception Point, visit

在幾分鐘內部署,無需更改組織基礎設施,這種雲原生服務易於使用,替代了繁瑣的傳統點系統。Perception Point可以預防網絡釣魚,BEC,ATO,惡意軟件,垃圾郵件,內部威脅,數據丟失,零日攻擊等其他高級攻擊,遠在其影響終端用戶之前。全球的《財富》500強企業和組織正通過Perception Point保護更多內容,並減少管理工作量。要了解更多關於Perception Point的信息,請訪問

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關注Perception Point的Facebook,LinkedIn和Twitter。

Media Contact:
Talya Mizrahi
[email protected]

Talya Mizrahi
[email protected]

SOURCE Perception Point

SOURCE Perception Point




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