
Electra and Three Fires Group Announce Aki Battery Recycling Joint Venture

Electra and Three Fires Group Announce Aki Battery Recycling Joint Venture

Electra和Three Fires Group宣佈Aki電池回收創業公司
GlobeNewswire ·  09/18 19:30

TORONTO, Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Electra Battery Materials Corporation (NASDAQ: ELBM; TSX-V: ELBM) ("Electra" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a joint venture, named Aki Battery Recycling, with Indigenous-owned Three Fires Group to produce battery black mass through responsible recycling of lithium-ion battery scrap and waste material. The black mass would then be sold to Electra's refinery to recover lithium, nickel, cobalt and other critical minerals to produce new lithium-ion batteries.

多倫多,2024年9月18日(環球新聞社) - 電池材料公司(NASDAQ:ELBM;TSX-V:ELBM)("Electra"或"公司")很高興宣佈與三炬集團合作成立名爲Aki Battery Recycling的合資企業,通過對鋰離子電池廢料和廢材的負責任回收,生產電池黑色物質。黑色物質隨後將銷售給Electra的精煉廠,以回收鋰、鎳、鈷和其他關鍵礦物,生產新的鋰離子電池。

The Three Fires Group is an Indigenous-owned economic development agency focused on generating wealth and prosperity for current and future generations. The Three Fires Group will lead the capital resourcing of the joint venture, as well as sourcing and determining the location for the future facility. Electra will provide technical and commercial leadership to the project. Under the Aki Battery Recycling joint venture, Electra and the Three Fires Group will collaborate to source and process lithium-ion battery waste from manufacturers to produce black mass at a state-of-the-art facility to be established in southern Ontario. The black mass will then be further treated using Electra's proprietary process at its Ontario hydrometallurgical refinery to recover critical minerals that can be reintroduced into the battery supply chain. By recovering lithium, nickel, cobalt, copper, manganese and graphite through an advanced battery shredding process, the joint venture will reduce the carbon footprint of the EV supply chain and decrease reliance on foreign countries for critical minerals.

三炬集團是一家由土著人擁有的經濟發展機構,專注於爲當前和未來的世代創造財富和繁榮。三炬集團將領導合資企業的資本支持,以及確定未來設施的位置。Electra將爲該項目提供技術和商業領導。在Aki Battery Recycling合資企業下,Electra和三炬集團將合作,從製造商處獲取和處理鋰離子電池廢料,生產位於安大略南部的一家先進工廠中的黑色物質。該黑色物質隨後將在其安大略溼法冶煉廠使用Electra的專有工藝進一步處理,以回收可重新引入電池供應鏈的關鍵礦物。通過先進的電池粉碎工藝回收鋰、鎳、鈷、銅、錳和石墨,這一合資企業將減少電動汽車供應鏈的碳足跡,並減少對外國關鍵礦物的依賴。

Electra CEO, Trent Mell said, "I am grateful for the relationship we have built with Three Fires over the past year and honoured to be advancing a shared vision of a greener future. Aki Battery Recycling aims to address the environmental impact of future battery waste in Ontario and beyond, by returning battery scrap back into the supply chain. This venture not only aligns with our mission to onshore North America's EV battery supply chain, but to do so sustainably and through a scalable solution to meet the growing needs of the North American electric vehicle industry."

Electra首席執行官Trent Mell表示:「我對我們與三炬集團在過去一年建立的關係感到非常感激,並很榮幸能推動一個更加綠色未來的共同願景。Aki電池回收旨在通過將電池廢料重新引入供應鏈,解決安大略和其他地區未來電池廢料的環境影響。這一創業公司不僅符合我們的使命,即實現北美電動汽車電池供應鏈的本土化,而且要在可持續的基礎上實現,並通過可擴展的解決方案滿足北美電動汽車行業不斷增長的需求。」

Reggie George, Executive Director Special Projects and Partnerships, Three Fires Group, said, "We are excited to partner with Electra's industry-leading hydrometallurgical capabilities to address the growing challenge of battery waste. Aki Battery Recycling will provide a full-circle solution including a new primary recycling facility located in southern Ontario to shred lithium-ion batteries, process the scrap, and provide a steady supply of black mass, which will then be refined by Electra at its refinery complex. With the billions of dollars being invested into the southern Ontario battery manufacturing industry, ensuring that valuable materials are recovered and reused in Ontario, rather than discarded, is central to our shareholder First Nations' interests. This initiative not only underscores our dedication to environmental stewardship but also enhances the circular economy in the battery industry."

Three Fires Group的執行董事特別項目與合作伙伴關係Reggie George表示:"我們很高興與Electra行業領先的水冶冶金能力合作,以解決電池廢物日益增長的挑戰。Aki Battery Recycling將提供一個全方位解決方案,包括位於安大略南部的新的主要回收設施,用於碾碎鋰離子電池,加工廢料,並提供穩定的黑色物質供應,然後由Electra在其精煉廠進行精煉。隨着數十億美元投資到安大略南部電池製造業,確保有價值的材料在安大略恢復和重複使用,而不是被丟棄,對我們的股東第一民族的利益至關重要。這一舉措不僅彰顯了我們對環境保護的承諾,還加強了電池行業的循環經濟。

As the demand for electric vehicles, energy storage systems and other advanced battery cells continues to surge, so does the need for innovative solutions to manage and repurpose battery waste. Localized production of black mass by Canada's First Nations ensures participation in the energy transition by the very communities that will have battery manufacturing on their traditional territories.


Several electric vehicle facilities are moving forward across the treaty areas of the Three Fires Confederacy in southwestern Ontario. Circular Energy Storage forecasts that the global volume of lithium-ion batteries available for recycling or reuse will increase from 23.3 gigawatt hours (GWh) in 2023 to 376.1 GWh by 2035, bringing the potential recycling market to a size which is larger than the entire lithium-ion battery market in 2020 ().

在安大略西南部的Three Fires聯盟的條約地區,幾家新能源車設施正在不斷髮展。循環能源存儲預測,到2035年,全球可用於回收或重複使用的鋰離子電池容量將從2023年的23.3吉瓦時增加到376.1吉瓦時,這將使潛在的回收市場變得比2020年整個鋰離子電池市場還要大。

In 2023, Electra processed 40 tonnes of black mass at its refining complex north of Toronto to trial its proprietary recycling process. The program is believed to have been the first plant-scale hydrometallurgical recycling of black mass material in North America as well as the first domestic production of nickel-cobalt mixed hydroxide precipitate product ("MHP"). Electra successfully recovered MHP, lithium carbonate, graphite and other commercial products.


In June of 2024, Electra received C$5 million from Natural Resources Canada to accelerate the next phase of its recycling project, to demonstrate on a continuous basis that the Company's hydrometallurgical black mass process is scalable, profitable, and can be implemented at other locations.


Aki Battery Recycling will provide Electra's refinery with a steady source of black mass for a future continuous operation, while creating long-term job opportunities for communities hosting battery manufacturers.

Aki Battery Recycling將爲Electra的煉油廠提供穩定的黑色質量資源,以便未來持續運營,併爲託管電池製造商的社區創造長期的工作機會。

Electra's near-term priority is to recommission and expand its Ontario cobalt refinery. The Company's longer-term vision includes battery recycling and nickel production, thereby onshoring additional critical mineral refining processes needed for the North American electric vehicle battery supply chain.


Electra Company Update


Electra also announces that on September 17, 2024, it received notice from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") of noncompliance with the minimum bid price requirement ("Minimum Bid Requirement") of US$1.00 per share under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) and that subsequently the shares of the Company are subject to delisting. The Company intends to submit an appeal of Nasdaq's determination pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Listing Rules.


Heather Smiles, Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development commented, "We value the exposure to the U.S. market that our Nasdaq listing provides Electra, and we intend to explore all available options to preserve this listing."

投資者關係與企業發展副總裁Heather Smiles表示:"我們重視納斯達克的上市爲Electra帶來的美國市場曝光,我們打算探索所有可用的選項來保留這個上市資格。"

In the event the appeal is successful, the Company expects to receive additional time in which to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Requirement. There can be no assurance that the appeal will be successful or that the Company will be able to regain compliance. This matter does not impact the listing of the shares on the TSX Venture Exchange.

如果上訴成功,公司預計將獲得額外的時間來恢復符合最低買入價的要求。無法保證上訴會成功或者公司能夠恢復符合要求。此事不影響股票在TSX Venture交易所的上市。

About Aki Battery Recycling


Aki Battery Recycling, a joint venture between the Three Fires Group and Electra Battery Materials, is dedicated to advancing battery scrap and waste recycling in North America. Located in Southwestern Ontario, on the treaty territory of the Confederacy of the Three Fires, we are leveraging our partners' expertise to create sustainable solutions that recover valuable materials from end-of-life batteries and scrap. Aki will shred batteries and scrap at a pre-treatment facility, producing a mix of materials including black mass rich in lithium, nickel, cobalt, and other critical minerals. This black mass can then be sold to Electra for further processing into valuable products for the EV battery supply chain. Aki Battery Recycling is committed to driving the circular economy and fostering a cleaner, greener future. To learn more, visit .

Aki電池回收是Three Fires Group和Electra Battery Materials之間的合資企業,致力於推進北美電池廢棄物和廢舊電池的回收利用。位於安大略省西南部,位於Three Fires部落聯盟的條約領土上,我們利用合作伙伴的專業知識,創建可持續的解決方案,從報廢電池和廢舊電池中回收有價值的材料。Aki將在預處理設施中粉碎電池和廢舊電池,產生包括富含鋰、鎳、鈷和其他重要礦物質的黑質等材料混合物。然後,這些黑質可以賣給Electra進一步加工成EV電池供應鏈的有價值產品。Aki電池回收致力於推動循環經濟,促進更清潔、更綠色的未來。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About the Three Fires Group

關於Three Fires Group

The Three Fires Group is focused on generating wealth and prosperity from economic and infrastructure opportunities for current and future generations. Through its Climate Action Investment Policy, the Three Fires Group supports First Nation investments in non-fossil fuel, clean energy projects generally aligned with the government of Ontario's energy supply acquisition strategy, inclusive of "behind-the-meter" generation and storage.

Three Fires Group專注於爲當前和未來的世代創造經濟和基礎設施機會的財富。通過其氣候行動投資政策,Three Fires Group支持第一民族在無化石燃料、清潔能源項目上的投資,與安大略省政府的能源供應獲取策略基本一致,包括"後電錶"發電和儲能。

The Three Fires Group provided technical and investment assistance for the recently announced Three Fires Nations-Ontario Southwestern Ontario Infrastructure and Economic Opportunities Table - a joint Crown-Indigenous effort to develop clean energy infrastructure in Southern Ontario, including investments to build Ontario's first large-scale electric vehicle battery manufacturing plants, five new regional transmission lines, and a forthcoming fleet of battery energy storage systems. For more information about the Three Fires Group, please visit: .

Three Fires Group爲最近宣佈的Three Fires Nations-Ontario Westestern Ontario Infrastructure and Economic Opportunities Table提供了技術和投資援助,這是一項聯合的皇家-土著努力,旨在發展南安大略的清潔能源基礎設施,包括投資建設安大略省首個大規模的電動車電池製造廠、五條新的區域傳輸線路和一系列的電池儲能系統。有關Three Fires Group的更多信息,請訪問。

About Electra Battery Materials

關於Electra Battery材料公司

Electra is a processor of low-carbon, ethically-sourced battery materials. Currently focused on developing North America's first cobalt sulfate refinery, Electra is executing a phased strategy to onshore the electric vehicle supply chain and provide a North American solution for EV battery materials refining. In addition to building North America's only cobalt sulfate refinery, its strategy includes integrating black mass recycling, potential cobalt sulfate processing in Bécancour, Quebec, and exploring nickel sulfate production potential within North America. For more information, please visit .




Heather Smiles
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
Electra Battery Materials

Heather Smiles

Reggie George
Executive Director, Special Projects and Partnerships
Three Fires Group

Three Fires Group

Aki Battery Recycling

Aki Battery Recycling

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This news release may contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (together, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, are forward-looking statements. Generally, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "plans", "expects", "estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes" or variations of such words, or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, and involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, and opportunities to differ materially from those implied by such forward-looking statements. Among the bases for assumptions with respect to the potential for additional government funding are discussions and indications of support from government actors based on certain milestones being achieved. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements are set forth in the management discussion and analysis and other disclosures of risk factors for Electra Battery Materials Corporation, filed on SEDAR+ at and with on EDGAR at Other factors that could lead actual results to differ materially include changes with respect to government or investor expectations or actions as compared to communicated intentions, and general macroeconomic and other trends that can affect levels of government or private investment. Although the Company believes that the information and assumptions used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed times frames or at all. Except where required by applicable law, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性聲明和前瞻性資訊(統稱"前瞻性聲明"),根據適用證券法和美國1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均爲前瞻性聲明。一般而言,可以通過使用"計劃"、"預計"、"估計"、"打算"、"預測"、"相信"或類似詞彙的方式識別出前瞻性聲明,或者通過指出某些行動、事件或結果"可能"、"可能"、"可能"、"可能"、"發生"或"實現"等陳述識別出前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明是基於某些假設,並涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果、績效和機會與此類前瞻性聲明所暗示的有所不同。關於政府額外資金的假設依據包括政府參與者根據某些里程碑達成的討論和支持跡象。導致實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明不符的因素詳見electrabatterymaterials公司的經營討論和分析以及SEDA+ 和www.sec.gov上EDGAR的風險因素等其他披露。可能導致實際結果與傳達的意圖相比,政府或投資者期望或行動發生變化,以及可能影響政府或私人投資水平的宏觀經濟和其他趨勢是導致實際結果可能有所不同的其他因素。儘管本公司認爲在準備前瞻性聲明時所用的信息和假設是合理的,但不應對這些聲明放置過度依賴,這些聲明僅適用於本新聞發佈日期,並不能保證這些事件將在披露的時間範圍內發生或根本不會發生。除適用法律另有規定外,本公司不承擔任何意向或義務更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

