
Executive IQ by Money Management Institute Wins Four Brandon Hall Group Awards in Leadership and Professional Development

Executive IQ by Money Management Institute Wins Four Brandon Hall Group Awards in Leadership and Professional Development

《Money Management Institute》董事們榮獲布蘭登.豪爾集團頒發的領導與職業發展四項獎項。
PR Newswire ·  18:00

Third consecutive year of recognition highlights the program's innovative approach to leadership excellence


NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Money Management Institute (MMI) is thrilled to announce that its Executive IQ program has been awarded four prestigious Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards for 2024. These awards recognize best practices for initiatives in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Sales Performance, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and the Future of Work. This marks the third consecutive year Executive IQ has received top honors from the organization, underscoring the program's continued leadership in professional development and executive education.

紐約,2024年9月18日/ PRNewswire/ - - 管理資金學會(MMI)非常高興地宣佈,其行政智商(Executive IQ)計劃已被授予2024年布蘭登·霍爾集團HCm卓越獎四項殊榮。這些獎項肯定了學習與發展、人才管理、領導力發展、人才招聘、人力資源、銷售績效、多樣性、平等和包容性以及未來工作方面的最佳實踐。這是行政智商連續第三年獲得該組織的最高榮譽,強調該計劃在職業發展和高管教育方面的持續領導地位。

Executive IQ earned the following distinctions:


  • Gold in Best Unique or Innovative Leadership Program
  • Gold in Best Executive Development Program
  • Gold in Best Association Professional Development Program
  • Silver in Best Leadership Development Program
  • 最佳獨特或創新領導力計劃金獎
  • 最佳高管發展計劃金獎
  • 最佳協會專業發展計劃金獎
  • 最佳領導力發展計劃銀獎

Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts, and executives based on these criteria: alignment to their business need and environment; program design, functionality, and delivery; adoption, integration, user experience, innovation, and creativity; and overall effectiveness, impact, and measurable benefits.


"Our award recipients demonstrate an unwavering commitment to excellence in human capital management," said Brandon Hall Group Chief Executive Officer Mike Cooke. "This year, we've witnessed some of the most groundbreaking applications of HCM strategies in our organization's history. Many of these innovations leverage cutting-edge technologies and foster unprecedented levels of cross-functional collaboration, resulting in remarkable improvements in operational efficiency and employee engagement."

「我們的獲獎者展示了對人力資本管理卓越的承諾,」Brandon Hall Group首席執行官Mike Cooke說。「今年,我們見證了組織歷史上一些最具突破性的HCm策略應用。許多這些創新利用尖端技術,並促進了前所未有的跨部門協作,從而在運營效率和員工參與方面取得了顯著的改善。」

Now in its fourth year, Executive IQ was developed in collaboration with the University of Virginia Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning (EELL), PwC, and Microsoft. The program is an executive-level accelerator designed to prepare senior investment professionals for leadership in a rapidly evolving financial services landscape.

現在已經是第四年了,Executive IQ是與弗吉尼亞大學達頓管理學院執行教育與終身學習(EELL)、普華永道和微軟合作開發的。該計劃是一個旨在爲高級投資專業人士準備好在快速發展的金融服務領域擔任領導職務的高級加速器。

"For leaders and our industry to thrive, it's crucial to continuously upskill and embrace disruption as an opportunity for growth and reinvention," said Tim Williams, Director of Education Initiatives for MMI and Program Director for Executive IQ. "The dedication to leadership and innovation that defines the Executive IQ program is once again validated through these awards. We are proud to provide a program that not only cultivates senior executives but does so in collaboration with world-class partners."

「爲了領導者和我們的行業茁壯成長,持續提升技能並將混亂視爲增長和重塑的機會至關重要,」MMI教育倡議主任、Executive IQ項目董事Tim Williams說。「通過這些獎項再次驗證了定義Executive IQ計劃的領導和創新的奉獻精神。我們很自豪能夠提供一個不僅培養高級行政人員,而且與世界一流合作伙伴合作的項目。」

Last year, the program won three gold awards for Best Advance in Executive Development, Best Association Professional Development, and Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for External Training in addition to one silver award for Best Advance in Leadership Development. The awards will be formally presented at the Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Conference, taking place January 28-30, 2025, in West Palm Beach, Florida, where select winners will also share their success stories as part of the event's program.

去年,該計劃獲得了三項金獎:最佳高級管理發展、最佳協會專業發展和外部培訓學習管理技術方面的最佳進展,另外還有一項白銀獎項:最佳領導發展進展。這些獎項將於2025年1月28日至30日在佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘舉辦的Brandon Hall Group HCm卓越大會上正式頒發,屆時部分獲獎者還將分享他們的成功故事作爲活動節目的一部分。

"We are so pleased and proud that our partnership program with MMI, Executive IQ, has been recognized for a third year in a row," said Devin Bigoness, Executive Director and Chief Client Officer for UVA Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning. "With a rapidly growing community of senior financial leaders coming through the program since its inception, we've been excited to see how they've embraced a growth mindset to enhance their agility and decision making, to help their organizations innovate in the fast-changing world. Now in its fourth cohort, Executive IQ is a must-have for industry leaders in the rapidly evolving industry that want to continue to be lifelong learners."

「我們非常高興和自豪,我們與MMI的合作計劃Executive IQ已經連續三年被認可,」弗吉尼亞大學達頓管理學院執行教育與終身學習執行董事兼首席客戶主任Devin Bigoness說。「自項目成立以來,通過該項目的日益增多的高級財務領導者社區,我們很高興看到他們如何擁抱增長思維,提升敏捷性和決策能力,幫助他們的組織在快速變化的世界中創新。 Executive IQ現在已經進入第四屆,對於希望繼續成爲終身學習者的快速發展行業的行業領袖來說必不可少。」

About Executive IQ: Executive IQ is an executive-level professional accelerator for senior investment leaders (with a minimum of 10-15 years of experience) looking to advance their careers and their organizations. This 12-month certification program combines a university-backed curriculum with real-world case studies from the industry's most prestigious consultants and Fortune 500 companies. Designed for tomorrow, Executive IQ helps transform experienced decision-makers into industry innovators, able to turn challenge into opportunity. Participants gain not just the tools they need to lead and grow their organizations, but the chance to build executive-level networks they can count on for life. For more information, visit

關於Executive IQ: Executive IQ是一家高級投資領域專業發展機構,旨在幫助具有10-15年以上經驗的高級投資領導人提升自己的職業生涯和組織發展。這個爲期12個月的認證計劃結合了大學背書的課程和行業內最負盛名的諮詢師和財富500強企業的實際案例研究。Executive IQ專爲未來而設計,幫助具有豐富經驗的決策者轉變爲行業創新者,能夠將挑戰轉化爲機遇。參與者不僅獲得了領導和發展組織所需的工具,還有機會建立一生都可以依賴的高級網絡。了解更多信息,請訪問

About the Money Management Institute (MMI): Established in 1997, the Money Management Institute (MMI) is the industry association representing financial services firms that provide financial advice and investment advisory solutions to investors. Through conferences, educational resources, and thought leadership, MMI facilitates peer-to-peer connections, fosters industry knowledge and professionalism, and supports the development of the next generation of industry leadership. MMI member firms are dedicated to helping individual and institutional investors, at every level of assets, plan for and fulfill their financial goals. For more information, visit

關於Money Management Institute (MMI): 成立於1997年的Money Management Institute (MMI)是代表爲投資者提供理財建議和投資諮詢解決方案的金融服務公司的行業協會。通過會議、教育資源和思想領袖,MMI促進了同行之間的聯繫,培養行業知識和專業素養,並支持下一代行業領導者的發展。MMI會員公司致力於幫助個人和機構投資者在各個資產層面規劃和實現他們的財務目標。了解更多信息,請訪問

About University of Virginia Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning: Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning (EELL) is a top-ranked, global provider of executive development. Delivered by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation and taught by the Darden School of Business' world-renowned faculty, Darden EELL prepares and inspires leaders to succeed in a global marketplace. Offering more than 25 open programs and partnering with leading organizations worldwide to develop custom business solutions, we provide personalized, transformational learning experiences at our location in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the Washington, D.C., area and online. Darden shapes the way the world does business through our research and draws upon our collective knowledge and experience to cultivate responsible, innovative leaders. For more information, visit

關於University of Virginia Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning: Darden Executive Education & Lifelong Learning (EELL)是一家享有盛譽的全球高級管理人員發展提供者。由弗吉尼亞大學達登商學院基金會提供教育,由達登商學院世界知名教師授課,Darden EELL爲全球市場培養和激勵領導者。我們提供超過25個公開課程,並與全球領先的機構合作開發定製商業解決方案,在我們位於維吉尼亞州夏洛茨維爾、華盛頓特區地區以及在線上提供個性化的、改變人生的學習體驗。達頂商學院通過我們的研究塑造了全球商業的發展,並借鑑了我們的集體知識和經驗來培養負責任、創新的領導者。了解更多信息,請訪問

About Brandon Hall Group: Brandon Hall Group is the only professional development company that offers data, research, insights and certification to Learning and Talent executives and organizations. The best minds in Human Capital Management (HCM) choose Brandon Hall Group to help them create future-proof employee development plans for the new era.

關於Brandon Hall Group: Brandon Hall Group是唯一一家爲學習和人才高管和組織提供數據、研究、見解和認證的專業發展公司。人力資本管理(HCM)領域的最佳智囊團選擇Brandon Hall Group來幫助他們爲新時代創建具有未來可持續性的員工發展計劃。

For over 30 years, we have empowered, recognized and certified excellence in organizations worldwide, influencing the development of over 10 million employees and executives. Our HCM Excellence Awards program was the first to recognize organizations for learning and talent and is the gold standard, known as the "Academy Awards of Human Capital Management."


The awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully developed and deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems and tools that have achieved measurable results. We are honored to receive applications from organizations worldwide ranging from small, medium, large and global enterprises to government, not-for-profits and associations.


Elizabeth Shim
Haven Tower Group
[email protected]

Elizabeth Shim
[email protected]

SOURCE Money Management Institute





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