
Astronomer Expands Global Footprint With Increased Presence in EMEA

Astronomer Expands Global Footprint With Increased Presence in EMEA

PR Newswire ·  09/18 16:00

As Apache Airflow surpasses 3,000 contributors, Astronomer makes deeper investment to power business-critical data pipelines and AI initiatives across the region

隨着Apache Airflow的貢獻者超過3,000名,Astronomer加大了投資,以支持跨地區的業務關鍵數據流程和人工智能倡議。

LONDON, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Astronomer, the company behind Astro, the leading data orchestration and observability platform powered by Apache Airflow, today announced it is expanding its EMEA presence, with plans to establish a permanent regional office soon. This strategic expansion is driven by the mature Airflow market in the region, the growing demand for Astro, and the company's commitment to serving existing EMEA customers, such as and Pleo.

倫敦,2024年9月18日/PRNewswire/-- Astronomer,Astro的背後是Apache Airflow驅動的主要數據編排和可觀察性平台的公司,今天宣佈正在擴大其EMEA業務,計劃很快在該地區建立永久性區域辦公室。這一戰略性擴張是由該地區成熟的Airflow市場、對Astro日益增長的需求以及公司對爲已有EMEA客戶提供服務的承諾驅動。 Astro,以及公司對爲已有EMEA客戶提供服務的承諾,例如 Booking.com和頁面。Pleo.

Astronomer customers in EMEA will benefit from increased localized support and the wider Airflow community will see increased activity from Astronomer in the region. The company already has key Apache Airflow committers and engineers based across EMEA to enable customers to maximize the value of their Airflow investments and assist upcoming data initiatives. Astronomer just announced the private preview of Astro Observe, which allows any team using Airflow to now have access to an actionable view of the data supply chain and extends Astronomer beyond data orchestration into a platform for data operations. Additionally, Astronomer recently released dbt on Astro, marking the first platform expansion beyond Airflow and providing customers with a fully-managed method to deploy dbt and Airflow together.

歐洲、中東、非洲地區的Astronomer客戶將受益於增強的本地化支持,Airflow社區也將在該地區看到Astronomer的活躍度提高。該公司已經在歐洲、中東、非洲地區設有關鍵的Apache Airflow貢獻者和工程師,以幫助客戶最大程度地發揮其Airflow投資的價值,並協助即將到來的數據計劃。Astronomer剛剛宣佈了"Astro Observe"的私人預覽,使使用Airflow的任何團隊都能夠獲得數據供應鏈的可操作視圖,並將Astronomer從數據編排擴展到數據運營平台。此外,Astronomer最近在Astro上發佈了dbt,這是除Airflow以外的首個平台擴展,併爲客戶提供了一種完全託管的部署dbt和Airflow的方法。 Astro Observe,可讓任何使用Airflow的團隊現在都能夠訪問數據供應鏈的可操作視圖,將Astronomer從數據編排擴展到數據運營平台。 最近發佈了Astro上的dbt,這標誌着除Airflow以外的平台首次擴展,併爲客戶提供了一種完全託管的方法來一起部署dbt和Airflow。

"Data is the primary building block of analytics and AI, and drives the competitive advantage for the modern enterprise," said Andy Byron, CEO, Astronomer. "Everything we do at Astronomer ensures that our customers are able to leverage their data to be the difference maker in executing their business strategy. This further commitment to EMEA means our current and future customers in the region will see world-class support for whatever their data strategy might be."

"數據是分析和人工智能的主要構建模塊,也是現代企業獲得競爭優勢的驅動力," Astronomer的CEO Andy Byron表示。"我們在Astronomer所做的一切都確保我們的客戶能夠利用他們的數據成爲執行業務策略的決策者。這一進一步的在歐洲、中東、非洲地區的承諾意味着我們地區內的現有和未來客戶將看到世界級的支持,無論他們的數據策略是什麼。"

Airflow is the industry's de-facto standard for expressing pipelines and orchestrating data flows as code. Created at Airbnb as an open-source project in 2014, Airflow was brought into the Apache Software Incubator Program in 2016 and announced as a Top-Level Apache Project in 2019. Now, Airflow is widely recognized as the industry's leading and most advanced workflow management and orchestration solution.


" previously relied on OSS Airflow for our ML and analytics workflows, but quickly found that we required additional enterprise-grade features that only Astro could provide," said Huy Dao, Director of Data Machine Learning Platform, "Astronomer has been a key partner in helping with the management of our data infrastructure, especially as we use Airflow for many GenAI initiatives like our AI Trip Planner. The scalability of our data systems along with the ability to enforce workflow ownership were key challenges and Astronomer has delivered on both those needs."

「Booking.com以前依賴開源軟件Airflow進行機器學習和分析工作流程,但很快發現我們需要額外的企業級功能,而只有Astro才能提供,」Booking.com的數據機器學習平台主任Huy Dao表示。「Astronomer一直是我們數據基礎設施的重要合作伙伴,尤其是在我們將Airflow用於諸多GenAI項目,如我們的人工智能旅行計劃中。我們的數據系統的可擴展性和強制執行工作流程所有權的能力是關鍵挑戰,Astronomer在這兩個需求上都得到了滿足。」

Airflow has surpassed over 3,000 contributors, a higher total than other popular Apache open source software like Apache Spark and Apache Kafka. EMEA represents over 3.6 million monthly Airflow downloads, a figure that has continued to grow over time. This is consistent with the exponential growth noted in the 2024 State of Apache Airflow report, which found that last year Airflow saw a 67% year-over-year growth in annual Airflow downloads.

Airflow已經超過了3,000名貢獻者,比其他流行的Apache開源軟件如Apache Spark和Apache Kafka的貢獻者總數更高。EMEA每月的Airflow下載量超過360萬次,這個數字隨着時間的推移繼續增長。這與《2024年Apache Airflow狀況報告》中所指出的指數級增長一致,該報告發現Airflow去年的年度下載量同比增長了67%。 「隨着Astronomer在EMEA地區的投資增加,我在與客戶早期討論中看到了兩個常見主題,」Astronomer的EMEA區域副總裁Phil Duggan說。「首先,客戶希望有一種策略能讓他們的業務更快地發展,提高數據產品的可靠性和信任度,同時加快開發速度並控制成本。其次,組織希望利用他們的數據在不斷髮展的生成式人工智能領域和事件驅動的用例中獲取競爭優勢。我們很高興能夠通過Astro這個唯一的平台,幫助更多EMEA公司應對這些共同的挑戰,實現管道和數據產品的完整編排。」「Airbnb在2014年創立了開源項目Airflow,作爲表達流水線和編排數據流代碼的業界事實標準。2016年,Airflow被納入Apache軟件孵化器計劃,並於2019年成爲頂級Apache項目。如今,Airflow被廣泛認爲是業界領先且最先進的工作流管理和編排解決方案。」

"As Astronomer has grown its investment in EMEA, I've seen two common themes emerge in early discussions with customers," said Phil Duggan, EMEA Regional Vice President, Astronomer. "First, customers want a strategy that enables their business to move faster, to improve the reliability and trust of their data products, while accelerating development velocity and containing costs. Second, organizations want to put their data to work to gain a competitive edge in the evolving generative AI landscape and event-driven use cases. We are excited to help more EMEA companies tackle these common challenges with Astro, the only platform for complete orchestration of pipelines and data products they produce."

「Booking.com以前依賴開源軟件Airflow進行機器學習和分析工作流程,但很快發現我們需要額外的企業級功能,而只有Astro才能提供,」Booking.com的數據機器學習平台主任Huy Dao表示。「Astronomer一直是我們數據基礎設施的重要合作伙伴,尤其是在我們將Airflow用於諸多GenAI項目,如我們的人工智能旅行計劃中。我們的數據系統的可擴展性和強制執行工作流程所有權的能力是關鍵挑戰,Astronomer在這兩個需求上都得到了滿足。」

"EMEA has continued to be a hotbed for Airflow innovation and broad adoption, so we are excited to expand Astronomer's presence in the region to better serve our customers," said Kaxil Naik, Senior Director of Engineering, Astronomer and Apache Airflow PMC Member & Core Committer. "Astro's enterprise-grade features enables companies to place Airflow at the core of their data operations, ensuring the reliable delivery of mission-critical data pipelines and products, while also navigating Europe's complex regulatory landscape, including compliance with emerging regulations like the Cyber Resilience Act."

「EMEA一直是Airflow創新和廣泛採用的熱點地區,因此我們很高興擴大Astronomer在該地區的存在,以更好地服務我們的客戶,」 Astronomer和Apache Airflow PMC成員兼核心開發者Kaxil Naik說道。「Astro的企業級功能使公司可以將Airflow放置在其數據操作的核心,確保可靠地傳輸重要數據管道和產品,同時還可以應對歐洲複雜的監管環境,包括符合新興法規,如《網絡彈性法案》。」

To receive a free Airflow health check from Astronomer, click here and visit the resources below.

點擊此處以獲取Astronomer提供的免費Airflow健康檢查 這裏 並訪問以下資源

Further Resources:


  • Register for the upcoming Airflow Forum in London on October 3
  • Visit Astronomer's booth X446 at Big Data London this week, September 18-19
  • Receive a free Airflow Health Check
  • Download Astronomer's white paper on Full-stack Orchestration in the Age of the Data Product
  • Try Astro now with a 14-day Free Trial
  • 註冊即將舉行的 倫敦的Airflow論壇,時間爲10月3日
  • 訪問Astronomer的展位X446 倫敦大數據 本週,9月18日至19日
  • 免費獲得 Airflow健康檢查
  • 下載Astronomer的白皮書 數據產品時代的全棧編排
  • 使用14天免費試用Astro 免費試用14天

About Astronomer


Astronomer empowers data teams to bring mission-critical software, analytics, and AI to life and is the company behind Astro, the industry-leading data orchestration and observability platform powered by Apache Airflow. Astro accelerates building reliable data products that unlock insights, unleash AI value, and powers data-driven applications. Trusted by more than 700 of the world's leading enterprises, Astronomer lets businesses do more with their data. To learn more, visit .

天文學家賦予數據團隊使命關鍵的軟件、分析和人工智能生命,並是Astro背後的公司,Astro是由阿帕奇石油驅動的領先行業數據編排和可觀測性平台。Astro加速構建可靠數據產品,解鎖洞察力,釋放人工智能價值,推動數據驅動應用程序。天文學家受到全球700多家領先企業的信任,讓企業充分利用數據。要了解更多,請訪問 .

Apache and Apache Airflow are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. No endorsement by the Apache Software Foundation is implied by the use of these marks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Media Contact:
Taylor Jones
[email protected]

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