
Capital A To Consolidate AirAsia and AirAsia X For Enhanced Profitability

Capital A To Consolidate AirAsia and AirAsia X For Enhanced Profitability

Capital A將合併AirAsia和AirAsia X以提高盈利能力
Business Today ·  09/18 15:20

Capital A has announced its intention to combine both short-haul (AirAsia)and long-haul (AirAsia X) operations under one umbrella, AirAsia Group, to ensure operational efficiency, robust connectivity, expanded market share, and ultimately enhanced profitability following a well-defined strategic direction.

Capital A宣佈打算將短途(亞航)和長途(亞航X)業務合併到一個保護傘下,即亞航集團,以確保運營效率、穩健的連接、擴大市場份額,並最終按照明確的戰略方向提高盈利能力。

Tony Fernandes, CEO of Capital A said, "We are beyond excited about the next step of the aviation transformation. We are set to redefine the aviation future with the birth of the new AirAsia Group, where AirAsia and Air Asia X operations unite to deliver increased profitability and returns for the shareholders.

Capital A首席執行官託尼·費爾南德斯表示:“我們對航空轉型的下一步感到非常興奮。隨着新的亞航集團的誕生,我們將重新定義航空業的未來,亞航和Air Asia X的業務將聯合起來,爲股東帶來更高的盈利能力和回報。

He continued, "This transaction is a key part of our long-term strategy to unlock unparalleled value for our shareholders and position Capital A for sustainable growth across all its business verticals. By separating our aviation and non-aviation businesses, we can better focus on building synergies within each entity, driving growth, and maximising shareholder returns. Importantly, this will also allow Capital A to have a clean balance sheet and focus on finalising its regularisation plan to exit Practice Note 17 (PN17) status. We look forward to receiving the support of our shareholders at the upcoming EGM as we embark on this transformative journey."

他繼續說:「這筆交易是我們長期戰略的關鍵部分,該戰略旨在爲股東釋放無與倫比的價值,並使Capital A在其所有垂直業務領域實現可持續增長。通過將航空業務和非航空業務分開,我們可以更好地專注於在每個實體內部建立協同效應,推動增長並最大限度地提高股東回報。重要的是,這也將使Capital A能夠保持良好的資產負債表,並專注於完成其正規化計劃,以退出第17號實踐說明(PN17)狀態。我們期待在即將舉行的股東大會上獲得股東的支持,因爲我們踏上這段變革之旅。」

Today, Capital A announced that the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) circular detailing the proposed disposal of its aviation business to AirAsia X (AAX) has been cleared by Bursa Malaysia. This key procedural step paves the way for an EGM to be convened in the next three weeks, when shareholders will have the opportunity to approve the proposal. The successful completion of this transaction will lead to the formation of the new AirAsia Group.

今天,Capital A宣佈,特別股東大會(EGM)通告已獲得馬來西亞證券交易所批准,該通告詳細說明了向亞航X(AAX)出售航空業務的提議。這一關鍵程序步驟爲在未來三週內召開股東大會鋪平了道路,屆時股東將有機會批准該提案。該交易的成功完成將導致新的亞航集團的成立。

Following shareholders' approval at the upcoming EGM, the aviation disposal proposal will proceed to court for approval of the proposed distribution to shareholders via capital reduction.


