
IBM Study: Divergent Views Among Small to Medium Sized Business Leaders and the Banks That Serve Them Uncover a White Space for Nimble Financial Institutions to Compete in This Varied Market Segment

IBM Study: Divergent Views Among Small to Medium Sized Business Leaders and the Banks That Serve Them Uncover a White Space for Nimble Financial Institutions to Compete in This Varied Market Segment

PR Newswire ·  12:01

ARMONK, N.Y., Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- New findings from IBM's (NYSE: IBM) Institute for Business Value and the Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN), with contributions from the SME Finance Forum managed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), revealed that despite the significant role small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) plays in the global economy, banks may be missing an opportunity to foster growth in this market due to their focus on reducing risks, meeting regulatory requirements, and the substantial costs of serving this highly diverse client segment.

紐約州阿蒙克,2024年9月18日 /PRNewswire/ — IBM(紐約證券交易所代碼:IBM)商業價值研究所和銀行業架構網絡(BIAN)的最新調查結果以及國際金融公司(IFC)管理的中小企業金融論壇的貢獻表明,儘管中小型企業(SME)在全球經濟中起着重要作用,但銀行可能錯過了促進該市場增長的機會他們專注於降低風險、滿足監管要求以及爲此提供高額服務的巨額成本不同的客戶群體。

Banking for Small and Medium Enterprises: Serving the World Economy with Data and AI

The Banking for Small and Medium Enterprises: Serving the World Economy with Data and AI report shares insights and analysis resulting from a global survey of SME business owners and managers with 50 or more employees, senior banking executives and fintech leaders.


Small to medium sized enterprises represent 90% of all businesses, 70% of the workforce, and 50% of gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide1. Given this market segment's role in the global economy, the opportunity for banks and other financial institutions to have a positive impact is significant. Yet banks and SME business leaders diverge in their views on prioritization of services signaling a largely untapped opportunity for nimble financial institutions to exploit.


"The disconnect between what small and midsized business leaders say they need in order to grow and the services most banks currently offer to this customer segment is profound," said Shanker Ramamurthy, Global Managing Partner Banking & Financial Markets, IBM Consulting. "The good news is that emerging technologies such as generative AI, in combination with automation and a robust data strategy, puts the potential for financial institutions to play a much more impactful role in the growth of this important client segment well within reach."

IBM Consulting銀行與金融市場全球管理合夥人Shanker Ramamurthy表示:「中小型企業領袖所說的增長所需的內容與大多數銀行目前爲該客戶群提供的服務之間存在深刻的脫節。」「好消息是,生成式人工智能等新興技術,加上自動化和強大的數據策略,使金融機構有可能在這一重要客戶群的增長中發揮更具影響力的作用。」

The ability to build, integrate and scale a technology environment flexible enough to meet the needs of a dynamic marketplace is paramount.


"While banks around the world increasingly rely on the cost effectiveness of cloud for their high-volume transactions, they retain their core functions and most sensitive data on premises," said John Duigenan, General Manager Global Financial Services Industry, IBM Technology. "A robust hybrid cloud strategy allows institutions to fully leverage the power of generative AI for informed insights into the behaviors of customers and their anticipated needs while ensuring the highest levels of privacy, security and resilience."

IBM Technology全球金融服務行業總經理約翰·杜根南表示:「儘管世界各地的銀行越來越依賴雲的成本效益來進行大批量交易,但它們的核心職能和最敏感的數據仍保留在本地。」「強大的混合雲戰略使機構能夠充分利用生成式人工智能的力量,對客戶的行爲及其預期需求提供明智的見解,同時確保最高級別的隱私、安全性和彈性。」

To better meet the needs of clients in all business domains, it is critical for financial services organizations to adopt a technology development methodology that enables organization-wide acceleration.


"As financial institutions grapple with how to best serve their various client segments, it's clear that a rational, standardized approach to technology architecture lays the groundwork for substantial efficiencies and future innovation," said Steve Van Wyk, Chairman, Banking Industry Architecture Network. "By adopting proven industry standards, banks lay the essential groundwork to improve their competitiveness."


Key Findings


  • Less than 6% of bank executives surveyed graded the quality of their institutions SME banking services with an "A". Nearly half (47%) gave themselves a "C".
  • SMEs expected an understanding of their unique business needs, tailored solutions and networking opportunities while banks prioritized apps, dedicated relationship managers and branch proximity.
  • SMEs cited help with compliance and legal requirements and sustainability decisions and reporting as their two top needs while banks are prioritizing assistance with fraud monitoring in transactions and insurance for unforeseen events.
  • Bank executives surveyed largely recognized the value of technology architecture standards with 64% citing the ability to build faster, 64% noting a reduction in development and maintenance costs, and 60% prizing the ability to integrate faster.
  • 不到6%的受訪銀行高管將其機構的中小企業銀行服務質量評爲 「A」。將近一半(47%)給自己打了 「C」。
  • 中小企業期望了解其獨特的業務需求、量身定製的解決方案和社交機會,而銀行則優先考慮應用程序、專門的客戶經理和分行距離。
  • 中小企業表示,在合規和法律要求以及可持續發展決策和報告方面的幫助是他們的兩大需求,而銀行則優先考慮在交易欺詐監控和意外事件保險方面提供援助。
  • 接受調查的銀行高管在很大程度上認可了技術架構標準的價值,64%的人表示能夠更快地構建,64%的人表示開發和維護成本有所降低,60%的人讚賞更快的整合能力。



  • Financial institutions should explore investments in ecosystem platforms and partners that will allow them to play a valuable role in creating opportunities for their SME clients to grow through digital innovation.
  • An enterprise-wide approach to scaling emerging technologies, versus tactical applications, is the best practice strategy for optimizing the benefits of generative AI, automation and data and ensures that the advantages extend to all business lines and customer segments.
  • Banks should embrace emerging technologies, such as generative AI and automation, to achieve greater efficiencies in compliance, risk and operations and redirect resources to enhance their SME client offerings.
  • 金融機構應探索對生態系統平台和合作夥伴的投資,這將使它們能夠在爲中小企業客戶創造通過數字創新實現增長的機會方面發揮寶貴的作用。
  • 與戰術應用相比,採用企業範圍的方法擴展新興技術是優化生成式人工智能、自動化和數據優勢的最佳實踐策略,可確保優勢擴展到所有業務領域和客戶群體。
  • 銀行應採用新興技術,例如生成式人工智能和自動化,以提高合規、風險和運營方面的效率,並重新分配資源以增強其中小企業客戶服務。

For the full report, visit .


IBM is a leading provider of enterprise AI, hybrid cloud architecture, security and ESG insights to the global financial services sector. Its deep industry expertise, extensive portfolio of services and solutions, and its robust ecosystem of fintech partners, empower collaboration, innovation, and creation with clients. As a trusted partner to banks, insurers, capital markets and payments providers, IBM guides financial institutions on all stages of their digital transformation journeys through IBM Consulting and delivers the proven infrastructure, software, and services they need through IBM Technology. For more information, visit .

IBM 是爲全球金融服務行業提供企業人工智能、混合雲架構、安全和 ESG 見解的領先提供商。其深厚的行業專業知識、廣泛的服務和解決方案組合以及強大的金融科技合作伙伴生態系統爲與客戶的協作、創新和創造提供了動力。作爲銀行、保險公司、資本市場和支付提供商值得信賴的合作伙伴,IBM 通過 IBM 諮詢爲金融機構在數字化轉型之旅的各個階段提供指導,並通過 IBM Technology 提供他們需要的成熟基礎架構、軟件和服務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問



The IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed more than 1,000 SME owners and managers with 50 or more employees equally distributed across nine countries to explore their banking needs and how they are adapting to the progressive availability of digital services. Nearly 700 banking executives across 25 countries were surveyed to understand how their institutions are competing in SME banking. Additionally, one-on-one interviews were conducted with executives from financial institutions and fintechs to gain further insights. Data collection for the study occurred June through August 2024.


The IBM Institute for Business Value, IBM's thought leadership think tank, combines global research and performance data with expertise from industry thinkers and leading academics to deliver insights that make business leaders smarter. For more world-class thought leadership, visit .

IBM 的思想領導力智囊團 IBM 商業價值研究所將全球研究和績效數據與行業思想家和頂尖學者的專業知識相結合,提供讓商業領袖更聰明的見解。要獲得更多世界一流的思想領導力,請訪問。

About IBM
IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Thousands of governments and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. Visit for more information.

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IBM 是全球混合雲和人工智能以及諮詢專業知識的領先提供商。我們幫助超過175個國家的客戶利用其數據中的見解,簡化業務流程,降低成本並在其行業中獲得競爭優勢。金融服務、電信和醫療保健等關鍵基礎設施領域的數千個政府和企業實體依靠IBM的混合雲平台和Red Hat OpenShift來快速、高效、安全地影響其數字化轉型。IBM 在人工智能、量子計算、特定行業的雲解決方案和諮詢方面的突破性創新爲我們的客戶提供了開放而靈活的選擇。所有這些都得到 IBM 對信任、透明度、責任、包容性和服務的長期承諾的支持。請訪問以獲取更多信息。

1Financial Institutions Group (FIG) MSMEs. International Finance Corporation (IFC).


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IBM Global Financial Services Industry External Communications
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