
Rio Tinto Launches Biofuel Crop Farming Trial for Renewable Diesel Production in Australia

Rio Tinto Launches Biofuel Crop Farming Trial for Renewable Diesel Production in Australia

Businesswire ·  09/18 03:31

MELBOURNE, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rio Tinto will develop Pongamia seed farms in Australia as part of a new biofuels pilot. The project will explore the potential of Pongamia seed oil as a feedstock for renewable diesel, a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels.


The pilot aims to determine if Pongamia seed oil can contribute to Rio Tinto's renewable diesel needs while potentially contributing to the growth of a new biofuel sector in Australia. Rio Tinto is in the final stages of acquiring approximately 3,000 hectares of cleared land near Townsville in north Queensland to establish farms to study growth conditions and measure seed oil yields.


Rio Tinto has partnered with Midway Limited, to oversee the planting and management of the Pongamia seed farms. Midway Limited will engage with nurseries, agricultural experts and research organisations throughout the pilot, and prioritise opportunities for Traditional Owners and local communities.

力拓已與Midway Limited合作,監督Pongamia種子農場的種植和管理。Midway Limited將在整個試點期間與託兒所、農業專家和研究組織合作,並優先考慮傳統所有者和當地社區的機會。

As part of its ongoing efforts to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 2050, Rio Tinto is actively exploring the potential of biofuels in the low-carbon energy mix. The company sees biofuels as an avenue to reduce reliance on fossil diesel, while fleet electrification technologies mature. Rio Tinto is also investigating how biofuels could be used in scenarios where electrification may face practical limitations.


Rio Tinto Chief Decarbonisation Officer Jonathon McCarthy said: "Diesel accounts for around 10 percent of our emissions footprint in Australia. While we continue to pursue electrification as the long-term solution for displacing the majority of our diesel use, the Pongamia seed pilot is an important parallel pathway that could reduce our reliance on diesel in the mid-term. It also presents a compelling option for other applications that are challenging to electrify, including blasting and non-haul equipment.


"Australia does not yet have a biofuel feedstock industry sufficient to meet domestic demand. A sustainable biofuels industry here could enhance the region's fuel security, create local economic opportunities, and contribute to emissions reductions targets. We are excited about the potential of the Pongamia seed pilot and look forward to partnering with Midway Limited and north Queensland communities."

「澳大利亞尚沒有足以滿足國內需求的生物燃料原料行業。這裏的可持續生物燃料產業可以增強該地區的燃料安全,創造當地經濟機會,並有助於實現減排目標。我們對Pongamia種子試點的潛力感到興奮,並期待與Midway Limited和昆士蘭州北部社區合作。」

Midway Limited Managing Director Tony McKenna said: "We are very excited to be partnering with Rio Tinto on this innovative pilot project. We are proud to be playing an important role in helping develop a sustainable domestic biofuel industry.

Midway Limited董事總經理託尼·麥肯納表示:“我們很高興能與力拓合作開展這個創新試點項目。我們很自豪能夠在幫助發展可持續的國內生物燃料行業方面發揮重要作用。

"The collaboration continues the growth of our position as trusted providers with the capability and experience to deliver a variety of projects for emitters who are committed to seeking alternative solutions to reduce their net emissions."


This pilot follows a smaller-scale trial at Rio Tinto Gove operations in the Northern Territory where Pongamia saplings were planted to learn more about their response to low soil quality, heat and other climatic conditions in northern Australia.


About Pongamia

關於 Pongamia

Pongamia (Millettia pinnata) is a legume tree native to Australia. It is fast-growing, resilient and produces oil-rich seeds that can be processed into renewable diesel, which offers a significant reduction in life-cycle carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel diesel. Pongamia seed can be harvested annually, leaving the trees and soil intact to store carbon dioxide.

Pongamia(Millettia pinnata)是一種原產於澳大利亞的豆科植物。它生長迅速,具有彈性,可生產出富含石油的種子,可以加工成可再生柴油,與化石燃料柴油相比,它顯著減少了生命週期的碳排放。Pongamia 種子每年可以收穫,使樹木和土壤完好無損,可以儲存二氧化碳。

About Midway Limited

關於 Midway Limited

Founded in 1980, Midway Limited is one of Australia's largest woodfibre processors and exporters with a strong and growing carbon abatement management business. Midway's fibre is used in recyclable paper and packaging, plastic replacement products. The Company is building a carbon abatement development and management business to generate carbon abatement and emissions offsets solutions utilising its expertise in the industry.

Midway Limited成立於1980年,是澳大利亞最大的木纖維加工商和出口商之一,其碳減排管理業務強勁且不斷增長。Midway的纖維用於可回收紙張和包裝、塑料替代產品。該公司正在建立碳減排開發和管理業務,利用其行業專業知識制定碳減排和排放抵消解決方案。

Midway has woodchip processing and exporting operations at five major port locations in key forestry areas around Australia including: Bell Bay, Tasmania; Portland and Geelong in Victoria; Brisbane, Queensland; and Melville Island in the Northern Territory's Tiwi Islands.


Note to editors


In 2023, Rio Tinto's Boron, California operations became the first open pit mine in the world to complete the full transition of its heavy machinery to renewable diesel. The company's Kennecott copper operation in Utah will also replace its fossil diesel consumption with renewable diesel in 2024.

2023 年,力拓在加利福尼亞州博隆的業務成爲世界上第一個完成重型機械向可再生柴油全面過渡的露天礦山。該公司在猶他州的肯尼科特銅礦業務也將在2024年用可再生柴油取代其化石柴油的消費。

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