
Odyssey Marine Exploration Reports Win in NAFTA Arbitration Case

Odyssey Marine Exploration Reports Win in NAFTA Arbitration Case

Businesswire ·  09/18 02:02

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$OMEX--Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ: OMEX), an ocean exploration pioneer engaged in the discovery, development and extraction of critical minerals that provide solutions to global challenges, announces an award in its arbitration with the United Mexican States under Chapter Eleven of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

佛羅里達坦帕--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$OMEX--odyssey海洋探索公司(納斯達克:OMEX)是一家海洋探險先驅,致力於發現、開發和提取關鍵礦物,爲全球挑戰提供解決方案,並宣佈在北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)第11章下與墨西哥聯邦政府的仲裁中獲得裁決。

Odyssey Marine Exploration (Odyssey) has received notification from the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the arbitral award on the claims involving Odyssey and its subsidiary, Exploraciones Oceánicas S. de R.L. de C.V. (ExO), against Mexico. The award orders Mexico to pay US$37.1 million for breaching its obligations under NAFTA, plus interest at the one-year Mexico Treasury bond rate, compounded annually, from October 12, 2018, until the award is paid in full, plus the arbitrators' fees and ICSID administrative costs. The amounts awarded are net of Mexican taxes and Mexico may not tax the award. Odyssey expects that most or all of the proceeds of the award will be used to satisfy its litigation financing obligations.

奧德賽海洋探索公司(Odyssey)收到了國際投資爭端解決中心(ICSID)關於涉及奧德賽及其子公司Exploraciones Oceánicas S. de R.L. de C.V.(ExO)針對墨西哥的索賠的裁決通知。裁決要求墨西哥支付3710萬美元作爲違反《北美自由貿易協定》義務的賠償金,加上從2018年10月12日起至裁決全額支付時的墨西哥國債利率一年期複利,以及仲裁員費用和ICSID行政費用。獲得的金額已扣除墨西哥稅款,墨西哥不能對裁決徵稅。奧德賽預計大部分或全部裁決獲得的款項將用於償還訴訟融資義務。

"The ruling today validates our position that Mexico's environmental agency SEMARNAT wrongfully denied our environmental permit, which received extensive input from external advisors and industry experts to determine an economically feasible and environmentally responsible development plan. The project remains strategically significant and commercially viable," said Mark Gordon, Odyssey Marine Exploration's Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. "We are poised to continue advancing our projects globally, while also collaborating with nations interested in exploring their underwater mineral resources to meet the escalating demand for critical minerals. Our focus remains on minerals that offer solutions to pressing global challenges, such as mitigating carbon emissions through renewable energy adoption and enhancing fertilizer accessibility to support an ever-growing global population."

「今天的裁決驗證了我們的立場,即墨西哥的環境機構SEMARNAt錯誤地拒絕了我們的環境許可證,該許可證經過了來自外部顧問和行業專家的廣泛意見,並確定了一個在經濟上可行和環境上負責任的開發計劃。該項目仍然具有戰略重要性和商業可行性,」奧德賽海洋探索公司首席執行官兼董事長馬克·戈登(Mark Gordon)表示。「我們將繼續推進我們的全球項目,並與有興趣開發水下礦產資源的國家合作,以滿足對關鍵礦物的不斷增加需求。我們的重點仍然是提供解決全球緊迫挑戰的礦物,如通過採用可再生能源減少碳排放並改善化肥可及性以支持不斷增長的全球人口。」

ICSID will publish the decision on its website at  when it is available.


NAFTA Case Background


Odyssey initiated the NAFTA arbitration after the manifestly arbitrary and discriminatory denial by SEMARNAT of an environmental permit for ExO based not on Mexico's regulations or on scientific support, but on a politician's directive. Mexico's highest federal administrative court, the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa (TFJA), unanimously ruled in favor of ExO in 2018 that SEMARNAT had unlawfully rejected the environmental permit in 2016. When SEMARNAT once again denied the permit in contravention of Mexican and public international laws, Odyssey determined it needed to commence the arbitration in order to protect its shareholders' investment. Today's ruling reflects the tribunal's examination of SEMARNAT's unlawful handling of the permit. ExO is also once again challenging the unlawful decision of SEMARNAT before the TFJA.


About Odyssey Marine Exploration


Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ: OMEX) is a global leader in ocean exploration with over 30 years of experience. The company is committed to the sustainable and responsible discovery, validation, and advancement of seafloor critical mineral projects, including polymetallic nodules for battery metals and subsea phosphate deposits for fertilizers. Offering comprehensive research, marine operations, and regulatory compliance support, Odyssey works with governments and seafloor rights holders worldwide. Odyssey develops its projects in collaboration with a global network of partners, academics, and industry professionals who share its commitment to environmentally sound solutions to obtain minerals that will address present and future global challenges. Learn more at .

奧德賽海洋探索公司 (納斯達克: OMEX) 是全球海洋探索領域的領導者,擁有超過30年的經驗。該公司致力於可持續和負責任地發現、驗證和推進海底重要礦產項目,包括用於電池金屬的多金屬結核體和用於肥料的海底磷酸鹽沉積物。提供全面的研究、海洋作業和監管合規支持,奧德賽海洋探索公司與全球各國政府和海底權利持有者合作。奧德賽海洋探索公司與全球範圍的合作伙伴、學者和行業專業人士共同開發項目,致力於環境友好解決方案,以獲取能夠應對當前和未來全球挑戰的礦產。了解更多信息,請訪問。

