
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPTT) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPTT) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPTT) 2025年第一季度業績會交易摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/17 23:25  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPTT) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Ocean Power Technologies公司(OPTT)2025財年第一季度業績會講話記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Ocean Power Technologies reported Q1 2025 revenues of $1.3 million, consistent with the previous year.

  • Operating expenses decreased significantly by 39% to $4.9 million due to optimization activities, showcasing effective cost management.

  • Achieved a 35% reduction in net loss, reflecting the impact of reduced operating expenses.

  • Notably, the company reported an increase in backlog by 71%, signaling potential future revenue growth.

  • Ocean Power Technologies報告2025財年第一季度收入爲130萬美元,與去年持平。

  • 由於優化活動,營業費用大幅下降39%至490萬美元,展示了有效的成本管理。

  • 實現淨虧損降低35%,反映了營業費用的減少帶來的影響。

  • 值得注意的是,該公司報告的待處理訂單增長了71%,預示着潛在的未來營業收入增長。

Business Progress:


  • Significant advancements in strategic partnerships and technological development, including the successful offshore testing of the Next Generation PowerBuoy.

  • Launch of patent application for docking and recharging technology aimed at enhancing operational efficiency of marine vessels.

  • Expanded market presence through new reseller agreements, particularly geared towards critical services in strategically important regions like Latin America and the Middle East.

  • Advanced integration of 5G systems and marine sensors, reinforcing capabilities in autonomous maritime technologies.

  • 戰略合作伙伴關係和技術發展取得了重大進展,包括成功進行下一代PowerBuoy的海上測試。

  • 發佈了針對增強海上船舶操作效率的對接和充電技術專利申請。

  • 通過新的經銷商協議擴大了市場的影響力,特別是針對拉丁美洲和中東等戰略重要地區的關鍵服務。

  • 通過5G系統和海洋傳感器的深度集成,加強了自主海事技術的能力。



  • Reported readiness to achieve profitability by the fourth quarter of calendar year 2025, indicating a positive financial outlook based on current strategic and operational approaches.

  • Continuous expansion into renewable energy production and technologies signals opportunities for market leadership in non-grid connected marine energy sectors.

  • 報告稱計劃在2025年日曆年第四季度實現盈利能力,這表明基於當前戰略和運營方法,公司財務前景積極。

  • 不斷擴大可再生能源生產和技術的規模,預示着在非聯網海洋能源領域有市場領導地位的機會。



  • Experiencing delays in opportunities within the backlog, which are now projected to materialize in the latter quarters of FY'25, indicating potential variability in revenue timings.

  • 預計備忘錄中的機會出現延遲,現在預計將在2025財政年度後幾個季度實現,這表明收入的時機可能存在變化。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


