
美股异动 | 哔哩哔哩(BILI.US)涨超4% 港股今日涨1.13%

US stocks are fluctuating | Bilibili (BILI.US) rises more than 4%, Hong Kong stocks rose 1.13% today.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 17 22:58

Bilibili rose more than 4%, reaching $15.325.

According to the Zhitong Finance app, on Tuesday, Bilibili (BILI.US) rose more than 4%, reaching $15.325. Bilibili's Hong Kong stock rose 1.13% today, reaching HKD 116.2. In terms of news, China Merchants Securities International published a report stating that the stock price of mainland leading internet platforms has shown resilience recently, which is believed to be due to the improvement of the competitive environment and the enhancement of profit prospects. The agency has listed Bilibili as one of the industry's top picks, giving it a "shareholding" rating with a target price of $21.

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