
Independence Blue Cross Expands Member Options for Faster Access to Behavioral Health Services, to Support Their Whole Health Journey

Independence Blue Cross Expands Member Options for Faster Access to Behavioral Health Services, to Support Their Whole Health Journey

Independence Blue Cross擴大會員選擇,以更快獲取行爲健康服務,以支持他們整體健康之旅
PR Newswire ·  09/17 22:00

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Independence Blue Cross (IBX) has expanded its covered behavioral health offerings, which include mental health and substance use disorder services and member programs, to better support members' whole health. The offerings get members the type of care they need faster and give them a wider range of clinicians to choose from.

Independence Blue Cross (IBX)已擴展了其覆蓋的行爲健康服務,包括精神健康和物質使用障礙服務以及會員計劃,以更好地支持會員的整體健康。這些服務可以讓會員更快地獲得他們所需的護理,併爲他們提供更廣泛的臨床醫生選擇。

"As part of our commitment to equitable whole-person health, we have prioritized expanding access to behavioral health care across our community," said Dr. Rodrigo Cerdá, senior vice president of Health Services and chief medical officer at Independence Blue Cross. "One of the things we did when looking at our members' needs was to identify high quality providers, who can get our members quick access to appointments and the services that they need. We have also created mental health value-based programs to recognize our best providers and incentivize continuous improvement in the network."

「作爲我們致力於公平的全人健康的一部分,我們已將擴大社區內的行爲健康護理途徑作爲首要任務,」獨立****(Independence Blue Cross)衛生服務高級副總裁兼首席醫務官羅德里戈·塞爾達博士說。「當我們審視我們會員的需求時,我們做的一件事是確定高質量的提供者,他們可以讓我們的會員快速獲得約見和所需的服務。我們還創建了以價值爲基礎的精神健康計劃,以表彰我們最好的提供者並激勵網絡中的持續改進。」

Enhancing members' access to care


Members have access to a comprehensive and diverse behavioral health network as part of the expanded offerings. It gives members a wider range of services to choose from for a variety of conditions, including:


  • General mental and behavioral health.
  • Children, adolescent, and young adult services.
  • Specific conditions, such as eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, substance use disorders, and more.
  • 一般的精神和行爲健康。
  • 兒童、青少年和年輕成人服務。
  • 特定疾病,如進食障礙、強迫症、物質使用障礙等。

The local options include 6,700 behavioral health practitioners in the Philadelphia five-county region who offer in person and virtual care. That is a 47 percent increase from the number of local providers that were in IBX's network in 2022. More than 500 of the new providers are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). The top two languages they speak are Spanish and Russian, the two most common languages requested by IBX members. This shows that IBX is working hard to make sure that people have access to health care from providers who are more likely to understand their culture and speak their language.


IBX is also working to improve health equity in behavioral health by encouraging and compensating for depression screenings by all providers, not just those in the behavioral health field which should improve the observed disparity in behavioral health diagnosis and treatment.


Additionally, IBX offers an expanded set of virtual care options serving both local and out-of-area members, offering convenient access, and innovative care models. Included in these options are "Connect to Care" providers who can help members quickly access appointments with scheduling tools and live intake. These providers have approximately 4,000 appointments available per month and offer appointments in less than seven days. Members can choose from several providers, including but not limited to those focused on:


  • General mental health care: Grow Therapy, Thriveworks, Headway
  • Children, adolescents and young adults: Little Otter, Joon, Handspring Health, Blackbird Health
  • Care for people with substance use disorders: Pelago, Ria Health, Pursue Care, Forge Health, Crossroads, New Life
  • Other behavioral health specialty care: Equip Health, NOCD, Quartet Medical Group
  • 一般心理健康護理:Grow Therapy,Thriveworks,Headway
  • 兒童,青少年和年輕人:Little Otter,Joon,Handspring Health,Blackbird Health
  • 用於治療物質使用障礙的護理:Pelago,Ria Health,Pursue Care,Forge Health,Crossroads,New Life
  • 其他行爲健康專科護理:Equip Health,NOCD,Quartet Medical Group

Navigating members to the right care when they need it


"Health care is complex and navigating care can be overwhelming. This is especially true for people who are dealing with a mental health or substance use disorder condition," said Diana Lehman, B.S.N., R.N., vice president of Case and Condition Management at Independence Blue Cross. "That's why we have Behavioral Health Case Managers, Behavioral Health Customer Care Advocates, and a Clinical Triage Team available to help support members with all aspects of their care."

"醫療保健是複雜的,導航護理可能令人不知所措。這對於那些正在處理心理健康或物質使用障礙狀況的人來說尤其如此,"狄安娜·李曼億S.N.,R.N. Independence Blue Cross的病例和情況管理副總裁說。"這就是爲什麼我們有心理健康案例經理,心理健康客戶關懷倡導者和臨床審查團隊可隨時幫助支持會員的護理的各個方面。"

IBX Behavioral Health Case Managers are registered nurses, licensed social workers, and professional counselors who proactively identify members who may benefit from behavioral health services. They look at a member's health history and their care patterns to identify risk levels and offer support. This support involves reaching out to members to help them access care, schedule follow-ups, and stay aligned with their care plans. By identifying unmet needs and supporting quicker access to integrated care, IBX is helping to close care gaps and improve total health. Since making Behavioral Health Case Managers available in 2022, IBX has been able to identify four times more members in need of behavioral health services.


Members also have access to care navigation services that are provided by specialized IBX Behavioral Health Customer Care Advocates and Licensed Behavioral Health professionals. The team works together to provide risk screening and guide members to the right care options based on their individual needs. High risk members are escalated to the IBX Clinical Triage Team who can identify priority needs, provide in the moment support, directly connect the member to care (via warm transfer or direct scheduling), and follow up to ensure safety and successful linkage. Care navigation services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide members with rapid connection to the right care. Between April 2023 and June 2024, the team has helped more than 20,000 members connect to care. With the support of seamless connection and direct scheduling, members are receiving appointments within five days.


Offering members additional support and tools:


IBX members enrolled in fully insured health plans can get additional support from Quartet Health*, a company that matches them to mental health care that fits their needs, preferences, and is covered by their health insurance. In addition to its regular platform, Quartet Health has a Virtual Clinic that it launched in 2022 with IBX. The clinic, which focuses on treating the needs of patients with serious mental illness, has a patient appointment availability guarantee within 48 hours. IBX, as part of its strategic partnership with and investment in Quartet, offers these navigational services free to eligible members.

IBX的全額保險健康計劃成員可以從Quartet Health*獲得額外的支持,Quartet Health是一家匹配符合其需求、偏好並由其健康保險覆蓋的心理健康護理的公司。除了常規平台外,Quartet Health還與IBX合作推出了一個虛擬診所,該診所專注於治療患有嚴重精神疾病的患者,保證在48小時內提供患者預約。作爲與Quartet的戰略合作伙伴關係和投資的一部分,IBX向符合條件的會員免費提供這些導航服務。

The company also gives members access to the Shatterproof* Treatment Atlas tool. The tool helps people search and compare addiction treatment facilities to find high-quality care for themselves or their loved ones. Members also have coverage for mental health coaching by Teladoc Health*, a digital resource that offers personalized, evidence-based programs and dedicated support for a wide range of topics, including stress, depression, chronic pain, work-life balance, substance use, and anxiety. The Mental Health Coaching is available 24/7 from a computer or the Teladoc mobile app.

該公司還向會員提供了Shatterproof* Treatment Atlas工具的訪問權限。這個工具可以幫助人們搜索和比較戒癮治療設施,以便爲自己或親人找到高質量的護理。會員還可以享受在Teladoc Health*提供的心理健康輔導服務,這是一個提供個性化、以循證爲基礎的方案和專業支持的數字資源,涵蓋了各種話題,包括壓力、抑鬱、慢性疼痛、工作與生活的平衡、物質使用和焦慮等。心理健康輔導服務可以通過計算機或Teladoc手機應用24/7提供。

Visit for more information on IBX's expanded offerings for behavioral health and to see how they are helping to give members quicker and expanded access to care, enhancing care coordination, closing care gaps, ensuring appropriate use of services, and supporting innovative products and programs.

訪問 以了解更多關於IBX擴展行爲健康服務的信息,以及他們如何幫助會員更快地獲得擴展的護理、增強護理協調、填補護理差距、確保適當使用服務和支持創新產品和計劃。

*Independent companies


About Independence Blue Cross
Independence Blue Cross is the leading health insurance organization in southeastern Pennsylvania. For more than 85 years, we have been enhancing the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. We deliver innovative and competitively priced health care products and services; pioneer new ways to reward doctors, hospitals, and other health care professionals for coordinated, quality care; and support programs and events that promote wellness. To learn more, visit Connect with us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and Instagram. Independence Blue Cross is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

關於Independence Blue Cross
Independence Blue Cross是賓夕法尼亞東南部地區的領先醫療保險機構。85多年來,我們一直致力於提高我們服務的人們和社區的健康和福祉。我們提供創新且具有競爭力的醫療保健產品和服務;開創了獎勵醫生、醫院和其他醫療保健專業人員協調、優質護理的新方法;並支持促進健康的計劃和活動。了解更多信息,請訪問。在Facebook、X(以前是Twitter)、領英和Instagram上與我們保持聯繫。Independence Blue Cross是藍十字藍盾協會的獨立許可證持有人。


Diana Quattrone

215-815-7828 (cell)

[email protected]


Diana Quattrone


[email protected]

SOURCE Independence Blue Cross





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