
Announcing Workday Illuminate: The Next Generation of Workday AI

Announcing Workday Illuminate: The Next Generation of Workday AI

宣佈Workday Illuminate:下一代Workday 人工智能
Workday ·  09/17 12:00

Illuminate Harnesses the Power of the World's Largest HR and Finance Dataset to Drive Enterprise Transformation With AI


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LAS VEGAS, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday, Inc. (NASDAQ: WDAY), a leading provider of solutions to help organizations manage their people and money, today announced Illuminate, the next generation of Workday AI. Built on the world's largest and cleanest HR and finance dataset, Illuminate accelerates manual tasks, assists every employee, and ultimately transforms entire business processes.

拉斯維加斯,2024年9月17日/美通社/-- Workday,Inc。(NASDAQ:WDAY),這是一個領先的解決方案提供商,幫助組織管理其人民和金錢。人力資源和頁面。財務資產今天宣佈Illuminate,Workday的下一代人工智能。 基於全球最大、最乾淨的人力資源和財務數據集,Illuminate加速手動任務,幫助每一位員工,最終改變整個業務流程。


AI That Taps Into the Combined Power of HR and Finance Data and Context
Illuminate models are fueled by the more than 800 billion business transactions processed by the Workday platform annually. But the data alone doesn't tell the full story. Illuminate understands not only the data but also the context—the "why" or "how" behind every HR and financial process, such as how processes are connected, the people and roles involved, and the current task at hand – along with previous conversational AI interactions. With this powerful combination of data and context, Illuminate enables precise decision-making, anticipates employee needs, and delivers personalized experiences like never before.

Illuminate模型以Workday平台每年處理的超過8000億商務交易爲基礎。 但僅有數據並不能完整地講述故事。 Illuminate不僅了解數據,還了解上下文,即每個人力資源和財務過程背後的「爲什麼」或「如何」,例如過程之間的聯繫,涉及的人員和職位,以及當前的任務以及以前的對話式AI交互。 彼此結合,Illuminate實現精確決策,預測員工需求,並提供前所未有的個性化體驗。

"The business world is in the midst of a tectonic shift, excited about the immense potential of AI while also struggling to implement it in a way that drives meaningful results," said Carl Eschenbach, CEO, Workday. "By placing tangible business value, responsible innovation, and user-centric design at the forefront, Workday Illuminate empowers businesses to harness AI's full potential to drive unprecedented productivity and move forever forward."

Workday首席執行官Carl Eschenbach表示:「商業世界正處於鉅變之中,對人工智能的巨大潛力充滿期待,同時也在努力以能夠產生有意義結果的方式來實現它。」首先,Workday Illuminate把實際的商業價值、負責任的創新和用戶中心的設計放在首位,爲企業賦予充分利用人工智能的潛力以推動前所未有的生產力和不斷前進的能力。

Illuminate: Transforming the Way People Work
Illuminate works across the Workday platform, delivering powerful insights for precise decision making and streamlined actions. Illuminate will help organizations drive exponential productivity gains and significant cost savings in the following ways:

Illuminate可以在Workday平台上運行,爲精確決策和精簡操作提供強大的洞察力。 Illuminate將以以下方式幫助組織實現指數級的生產力提升和大幅降低成本:

  • Accelerating common tasks with generative AI. Illuminate leverages generative AI to expedite content creation and summarization for things like job descriptions, talent highlights, messages, knowledge articles, contracts, and more. Additionally, it offers insights and automation tools, including anomaly detection, auto-filling, prompting, and document scanning to further streamline tasks.
  • Delivering real-time AI assistance in the flow of work. Illuminate reduces friction and helps employees prioritize critical work. The new Workday Assistant facilitates seamless, intuitive assistance across routine HR and finance tasks, providing real-time guidance through complex processes to allow employees to focus on more strategic work.
  • Transforming entire business processes with AI orchestration: Illuminate anticipates and streamlines common business processes to transform the way work gets done. It will provide every user with a "team" of business process experts, or agents, that can operate with and on behalf of the user. Illuminate will also conduct end-to-end business process orchestration, coordinating multiple agents and managing complex cross-platform processes.
  • 利用生成式人工智能加速常見任務。Illuminate利用生成式人工智能來加快內容創作和摘要,例如職位描述、人才亮點、消息、知識文章、合同等。此外,它還提供洞察力和自動化工具,包括異常檢測、自動填充、提示和文檔掃描,以進一步簡化任務。
  • 在工作過程中提供實時的人工智能幫助。Illuminate 減少摩擦,幫助員工優先處理關鍵工作。新的 Workday助手 在日常人力資源和財務任務中提供無縫、直觀的幫助,通過複雜的流程提供實時指導,使員工能夠專注於更具戰略性的工作。
  • 通過AI協同來轉變整個業務流程:Illuminate 預測並優化常見的業務流程,改變工作方式。它將爲每個用戶提供一個"團隊"的業務流程專家,或者說 所有板塊,可與用戶一起操作並代表用戶操作。Illuminate 還將進行端到端的業務流程編排,協調多個代理並管理複雜的跨平台流程。

Illuminate elevates people by enabling them to focus on the work that matters and do the things that are uniquely human – from spending more time with customers, constituents, or patients to pursuing more creative and meaningful work to building critical peer, team, and stakeholder relationships.

通過使人們能夠專注於重要的工作並做出獨特的人類特色事情,Illuminate 提升人們的能力——從與客戶、選民或患者交流更多時間,到追求更有創造性和意義的工作,再到建立重要的同行、團隊和利益相關者關係。

Workday Ecosystem Extends the Power of Illuminate
Illuminate also lets customers use AI innovations from Workday's partners, or developed through Workday AI Gateway, and orchestrates processes across all of them on the same platform. This allows customers to leverage their existing AI investments and extend the power of Illuminate, driving even greater value and innovation across their organizations.

Workday 生態系統擴展了 Illuminate 的能力
Illuminate還允許客戶使用Workday合作伙伴的人工智能創新,或者是通過Workday合作開發的人工智能創新,並在同一平台上協調所有這些過程。這使得客戶能夠利用他們現有的人工智能投資,並擴展Illuminate的功能,爲他們的組織帶來更大的價值和創新。 Workday AI Gateway,並在同一平台上協調所有這些過程。這使得客戶能夠利用他們現有的人工智能投資,並擴展Illuminate的功能,爲他們的組織帶來更大的價值和創新。

"The rapid adoption of AI across enterprises has created a complex web of models, data pipelines, and infrastructure," said Bob Evans of Cloud Wars. "For businesses that want to effectively manage, scale, and govern their AI initiatives – ensuring they deliver real value while also mitigating risk – it's absolutely essential to get all of those AI components working together to complete more complex cross-functional tasks. Workday Illuminate will provide that cross-platform AI orchestration that businesses will need to be successful in this age of AI."

「人工智能在企業中的快速採用產生了一個複雜的模型、數據管道和基礎設施網絡,」Cloud Wars的Bob Evans表示。「對於希望有效管理、擴展和管理他們的人工智能計劃的企業來說,確保所有這些人工智能組件能夠協同工作以完成更復雜的跨職能任務至關重要。Workday Illuminate將提供跨平台的人工智能編排,讓企業在這個人工智能時代獲得成功。」

Workday Illuminate is available to customers now, and will continue to evolve as part of Workday's robust three year AI roadmap.

Workday Illuminate現已提供給客戶使用,並將繼續作爲Workday強大的三年人工智能路線圖的一部分不斷髮展。

For More Information


  • Learn more about Workday's new AI agents.
  • Read about the new Workday AI-powered user experience and Workday Assistant.
  • Become an enterprise AI expert with Workday AI Masterclass.
  • Register and attend Workday Rising sessions in the digital program:
    • Innovation Keynote: The Workday Platform Drives You Forever Forward [KEY02], Sept. 17 at 8:30am PT.
    • Workday AI: Strategy and Vision [PSVIT1890], Sept. 17 at 1:15pm PT.
  • 了解更多關於Workday的新業務 人工智能代理.
  • 了解新的Workday AI驅動的用戶體驗和Workday助手.
  • 通過Workday AI大師班成爲企業級AI專家 參加 Workday AI大師班.
  • 註冊並參加 Workday峯會 數字化項目中的會議:
    • 創新主題演講:Workday平台讓您不斷前進 [KEY02],9月17日上午8:30美國太平洋時間
    • Workday人工智能:策略與願景 [PSVIT1890],9月17日下午1:15美國太平洋時間

About Workday
Workday is a leading enterprise platform that helps organizations manage their most important assets – their people and money. The Workday platform is built with AI at the core to help customers elevate people, supercharge work, and move their business forever forward. Workday is used by more than 10,500 organizations around the world and across industries – from medium-sized businesses to more than 60% of the Fortune 500. For more information about Workday, visit

Workday是一款領先的企業平台,幫助組織管理其最重要的資產——其資產。人力資源和頁面。財務資產。Workday平台以人工智能爲核心構建,幫助客戶提升人員素質,加快工作進程,推動企業不斷前進。Workday被全球10,500多個組織和各行各業使用 – 從中小型企業到超過60%的財富500強企業。欲了解更多關於Workday的信息,請訪問。

2024 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are registered trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding Workday's plans, beliefs, and expectations. These forward-looking statements are based only on currently available information and our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. If the risks materialize, assumptions prove incorrect, or we experience unexpected changes in circumstances, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not rely on any forward-looking statements. Risks include, but are not limited to, risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including our most recent report on Form 10-Q or Form 10-K and other reports that we have filed and will file with the SEC from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Workday assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release, except as required by law.


Any unreleased services, features, or functions referenced in this document, our website, or other press releases or public statements that are not currently available are subject to change at Workday's discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all. Customers who purchase Workday services should make their purchase decisions based upon services, features, and functions that are currently available.


SOURCE Workday Inc.

資源來源Workday Inc。

