
Roots Automation Raises $22.2 Million to Unlock the Value Held Within Unstructured Data Across Insurance With AI

Roots Automation Raises $22.2 Million to Unlock the Value Held Within Unstructured Data Across Insurance With AI

Roots Automation籌集了2220萬美元,用人工智能解鎖保險行業中未結構化數據中蘊藏的價值
PR Newswire ·  09/17 21:02

Capital will accelerate growth and build upon Roots Automation's made-for-insurance AI, enabling
carriers, TPAs, brokers, and agents to drive significant improvements in overall business performance

資本將加快增長,並建立在Roots Automation專爲保險業打造的AI基礎上,從而使承保人、TPA、經紀人和代理商能夠在整體業務績效方面取得重大改善

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Roots Automation, creator of the AI-powered Digital Coworker and InsurGPT, the world's first generative AI model for insurance, today announced the closing of a $22.2 million Series B funding round. Harbert Growth Partners led the round, with follow-on investments from MissionOG, Liberty Mutual Strategic Ventures and Vestigo Ventures.

2024年9月17日,紐約 /PRNewswire/ -- Roots Automation,這個由AI驅動的數字合作伙伴 Digital Coworker和頁面。InsurGPT, the world's first generative AI model for insurance, today announced the closing of a $2220萬 Series b funding round. Harbert Growth Partners led the round, with follow-on investments from MissionOG, Liberty Mutual Strategic Ventures and Vestigo Ventures.

Unstructured data trapped in everyday correspondence - including submissions, legal demands, and medical records - constitutes around 80% of all data across insurance. The inability to effectively harness this data for decision-making costs insurance companies $100 billion annually due to underpricing premiums, insurance fraud and overpaying claims.

Unstructured data trapped in everyday correspondence - including submissions, legal demands, and medical records - constitutes around 80% of all data across insurance. The inability to effectively harness this data for decision-making costs insurance companies $1000億 annually due to underpricing premiums, insurance fraud and overpaying claims.

To address this, Roots Automation created the most advanced AI-powered Digital Coworker. It leverages Roots' proprietary generative AI, InsurGPT, and the Roots Autonomous Workforce Platform to transform unstructured information into clear, actionable insights. This allows insurance leaders to make faster decisions with greater confidence.

To address this, Roots Automation created the most advanced AI-powered Digital Coworker. It leverages Roots' proprietary generative AI, InsurGPT延遲焦化裝置。Roots自主工作平台 將非結構化信息轉化爲清晰、可操作的洞察力。這使保險領導者能夠更快地作出決策,並且更有信心。

Roots Automation has delivered transformative results for the company's 35 customers in the US insurance industry, including:

Roots Automation爲美國保險行業的35家客戶帶來了革命性的成果,包括:

  • 99% accuracy on data extraction for an East Coast-based regional P&C insurer
  • 97% reduction in handling times for a US-based commercial P&C and workers' compensation carrier
  • 90% error reduction in premium calculations for a US-based commercial auto insurer
  • 85% increase in claims processing capacity for a US-based third-party claims administrator
  • 東海岸區域型財產保險公司數據提取準確率達到99%
  • 美國商業財產保險和工傷賠償承運商處理時間減少了97%
  • 美國商業汽車保險的保費計算錯誤減少了90%
  • 美國第三方理賠管理員理賠處理能力提高了85%

"The benefit of Roots' team's experience in and focus on the insurance industry is that we are already speaking the same language. This means we can come to an understanding on the business requirements and objectives quickly in the solution development lifecycle," said Ned Rand, CEO of ProAssurance Group. "After seeing the success of a Digital Coworker at Eastern Alliance, our workers' compensation business, executives from our medical malpractice and life sciences/medical technology are now looking to Roots for potential implementations."

ProAssurance集團的首席執行官Ned Rand表示:「Roots團隊對保險行業的經驗和專注帶來的好處是,我們已經在說着同樣的語言。這意味着我們可以在解決方案開發生命週期中迅速達成對業務需求和目標的理解。在看到東方聯盟(Eastern Alliance)的數字助手取得成功後,我們醫療責任險和生命科學/醫療技術的高管現在正在考慮Roots的潛在應用。」

The overwhelming demand from the global insurance market for Roots' products has led to the need for new capital to support market expansion, organizational growth, and product development for its cutting-edge AI. The new funding represents the ongoing commitment from customers and investors and is testament to the value and innovation that Roots brings to the insurance industry.


"Six years ago, Roots set out to solve the unstructured data problem that insurers, third-party administrators (TPAs), brokers and agents all face," said Chaz Perera, Co-Founder & CEO, Roots Automation. "Now, by freeing their teams from manual processes, we enable today's top insurance brands to excel in their markets and concentrate on what really matters—delighting clients with impeccable service and exceptional care."

「六年前,Roots開始解決保險公司、第三方管理員(TPAs)、經紀人和代理人所面臨的非結構化數據問題,」 Roots Automation的聯合創始人兼CEO Chaz Perera說。「現在,通過解放他們的團隊,使他們擺脫手工流程,我們讓今天頂尖的保險品牌在其市場上脫穎而出,並專注於真正重要的事情——用無可挑剔的服務和特別關懷來讓客戶滿意。」

"The Roots leadership team brings over 100 years of deep insurance industry and AI expertise, ensuring solutions and products are designed to meet the specific needs of insurance organizations," said Brian Carney, General Partner of Harbert Growth Partners. "We were extremely impressed by Roots' glowing customer feedback and validation of the value created across its customer base. We're excited to have the opportunity to provide Roots with additional capital and guidance as they solve increasingly complex challenges across insurance."

「Roots領導團隊擁有100多年的深厚保險行業和人工智能專業知識,確保解決方案和產品設計滿足保險機構的特定需求,」 Harbert Growth Partners的常務合夥人Brian Carney說。「我們對Roots所得到的客戶反饋以及在其客戶群體中創造的價值的驗證印象非常深刻。我們很高興有機會向Roots提供額外資金和指導,以幫助他們解決保險領域日益複雜的挑戰。」

About Roots Automation
Roots Automation combines machine intelligence and human ingenuity in the form of advanced AI that reads, reasons and infers like humans. Roots' AI is trained on millions of non-public insurance documents, workflows and systems and continuously learns through interactions with human teams. Roots Automation enables leading brands to liberate their teams from high-volume, complex workflows allowing them to focus on what truly matters - delighting customers with superior service and care. Roots Automation is based in New York and was founded in 2018. For more, visit .

關於Roots Automation
Roots Automation將機器智能和人類智慧相結合,形成類似人類的高級人工智能。Roots的人工智能接受過數百萬份非公開保險文件、工作流程和系統的訓練,並通過與人類團隊的互動不斷學習。Roots Automation使領先品牌能夠擺脫大量複雜的工作流程,使他們能夠專注於真正重要的事情——用卓越的服務和關懷讓客戶滿意。Roots Automation總部位於紐約,成立於2018年。更多信息,請訪問 .

About Harbert Growth Partners
The Harbert Growth Partners Funds (the "HGP Funds") seek to generate superior returns for their investors by identifying and investing in promising emerging growth-stage technology companies. The HGP Funds' Investment Team combines substantial investment, advisory, and operating experience with capital and networking contacts to support great entrepreneurial teams in successfully executing their growth plans. Currently investing out of HGP V, the HGP Funds have successfully exited several portfolio investments through transactions with a distinguished list of strategic acquirers, including, among others, Amazon, GE, GSK, Medallia, Philips, Qualtrics, Salesforce, Sophos, Target, and WEX.

關於Harbert Growth Partners
Harbert Growth Partners基金(「HGP基金」)旨在通過識別和投資於有前途的新興增長階段科技公司,爲其投資者創造卓越的回報。HGP基金的投資團隊將豐富的投資、諮詢和運營經驗與資本和人脈聯繫相結合,支持優秀的創業團隊成功執行其增長計劃。HGP基金目前正在HGP V基金中投資,成功從一系列具有卓越交易記錄的戰略收購者(包括亞馬遜、GE、GSK、Medallia、飛利浦、Qualtrics、賽富時、Sophos、Target和WEX等)手中退出了數個投資組合投資。

About MissionOG
MissionOG partners with high-growth businesses that have proven models in segments where we have had success as operators and investors, including financial services and payments, data platforms, and software. We apply our experience and capabilities to a group of highly skilled and passionate entrepreneurs whose businesses are on the cusp of exponential growth. The firm is managed by operators and investors who have effectively built early to growth stage businesses and guided them through successful acquisitions. MissionOG is headquartered in Philadelphia. For more information visit .

MissionOG與具有市場成功模式的高增長企業合作,這些企業在我們作爲運營商和投資者的領域內取得了成功,包括金融服務和支付、數據平台和軟件。我們將我們的經驗和能力應用於一群高技能和充滿激情的企業家,他們的業務正處於指數級增長的邊緣。該公司由能夠成功建立初創到成長階段業務並引導它們進行成功收購的運營商和投資者管理。MissionOG總部位於費城。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

Media Contacts
Market Street Group
Jessica Mularczyk
[email protected]

Market Street Group
Jessica Mularczyk
[email protected]

SOURCE Roots Automation Inc

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