
Stelia and Maerifa Solutions Join Forces to Optimize Global Data Movement and Accelerated Hardware Access for AI and Beyond

Stelia and Maerifa Solutions Join Forces to Optimize Global Data Movement and Accelerated Hardware Access for AI and Beyond

Stelia和Maerifa Solutions聯手優化全球數據傳輸和人工智能及其他領域的加速硬件訪問
PR Newswire ·  09/17 20:33

LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stelia, the AI acceleration platform, today announced a strategic partnership with Maerifa Solutions, an ADGM-registered digital infrastructure solutions provider, designed to reshape the future of AI infrastructure. As all industries increasingly embrace AI, the demand for scalable, high-performance infrastructure has surged, leaving many AI teams grappling with bottlenecks related to data movement, compute power, data centre access and scalability. Together, Stelia and Maerifa Solutions will provide next-generation solutions that directly address these challenges, empowering AI teams to deploy and scale their applications with unprecedented efficiency.

2024年9月17日,Stelia AI加速平台與Maerifa Solutions達成戰略合作伙伴關係。 Maerifa Solutions是一家ADGm註冊的數字基礎設施解決方案提供商,旨在重塑人工智能基礎設施的未來。隨着所有行業日益採用人工智能,對可伸縮高性能基礎設施的需求激增,許多人工智能團隊都面臨着與數據移動、計算能力、數據中心訪問和可伸縮性相關的瓶頸問題。Stelia和Maerifa Solutions將共同提供下一代解決方案,直接解決這些挑戰,使人工智能團隊能夠以前所未有的效率部署和擴展其應用程序。

This partnership will bring significant value to AI teams across industries, enabling faster, more efficient development and deployment of AI models by combining Maerifa Solutions' expertise in large-scale digital infrastructure and Stelia's cutting-edge HyperBand and DawnLink technologies.

該合作將爲各行業的人工智能團隊帶來巨大的價值,通過結合Maerifa Solutions在大規模數字基礎設施和Stelia尖端的HyperBand和DawnLink技術方面的專業知識,使得AI模型的開發和部署更快速、更高效。

Key Benefits for AI Teams:


  1. Unmatched Scalability for AI Workloads:
    By integrating Stelia's HyperBand and DawnLink technologies with Maerifa Solutions' infrastructure and global delivery capabilities, this partnership provides AI teams with the ability to seamlessly scale their workloads. From edge devices to continent-spanning networks, AI teams can efficiently manage the exponential data growth driven by AI and machine learning applications.
  2. Optimized Data Mobility for AI Infrastructure:
    Stelia's DawnLink technology provides an advanced digital bridge that redefines how data moves across AI environments. This enables the efficient transfer of petabit-scale datasets with low latency, ensuring that AI teams can handle the growing demands of AI workloads, such as training large language models and performing real-time data analysis, without compromising performance.
  3. Future-Proof AI Infrastructure with End-to-End Solutions:
    Together, Stelia and Maerifa Solutions are building future-proof infrastructure to support the entire lifecycle of AI models. With Maerifa Solutions' robust partnerships, including those with Supermicro, Bridgefort Maritime, and leading data centre developers, AI teams can leverage end-to-end solutions—from hardware provisioning to renewable-powered data centres. These solutions enable AI applications to grow alongside advancing technologies, such as quantum computing, and adapt to emerging AI standards.
  4. Acceleration of AI Innovation Cycles:
    The partnership compresses the time required for AI teams to move from proof of concept to production. By removing traditional bottlenecks in networking and compute infrastructure, AI teams can focus on innovating and pushing the boundaries of AI, rather than being hindered by supply-chain limitations.
  1. 無與倫比的AI工作負載可擴展性:
    通過將Stelia的HyperBand和DawnLink技術與Maerifa Solutions的基礎設施和全球交付能力集成,該合作伙伴關係爲AI團隊提供了無縫擴展工作負載的能力。從邊緣設備到跨越大陸的網絡,AI團隊可以高效管理由人工智能和機器學習應用程序驅動的指數級數據增長。
  2. 爲AI基礎設施提供優化的數據移動性:
  3. 具有端到端解決方案的未來AI基礎設施:
    Stelia和Maerifa Solutions共同構建未來可靠的製造行業,以支持AI模型的整個生命週期。藉助Maerifa Solutions與Supermicro、Bridgefort Maritime和領先數據中心開發商等強大夥伴關係,AI團隊可以利用從硬件配置到可再生能源驅動的數據中心的端到端解決方案。這些解決方案使AI應用可以與先進技術(如量子計算)並行發展,並適應新興的AI標準。
  4. 加速AI創新週期:

A Strategic Collaboration to Build the AI Internet


The rapid shift towards GPU-based AI infrastructure requires a new approach to network and data processing architecture. Stelia and Maerifa Solutions are delivering the infrastructure required to unlock the full potential of AI in industries such as finance, healthcare, smart cities, and media. Stelia's HyperBand platform, designed to handle dense east-west traffic patterns characteristic of AI workloads, works seamlessly with Maerifa Solutions' infrastructure to ensure that AI teams can deploy and scale applications without experiencing performance degradation.

快速轉向基於GPU的AI基礎設施需要一種新的網絡和數據處理架構。Stelia和Maerifa Solutions提供所需的基礎設施,以在金融、醫療保健、智慧城市和媒體等行業中釋放AI的全部潛力。Stelia的HyperBand平台可以處理AI工作負載中典型的密集的東西流量模式,並與Maerifa Solutions的基礎設施無縫配合,確保AI團隊可以在不降低性能的情況下部署和擴展應用。

"Stelia is building the next internet for AI, and our partnership with Maerifa Solutions accelerates access to this for mutual clients," said Tobias Hooton CEO of Stelia. "By combining our HyperBand and DawnLink technologies with Maerifa Solutions' global infrastructure capabilities, we are empowering AI teams to deliver unmatched time-to-results. Our collaboration offers them the freedom to scale their AI models from edge to core, creating a world where AI's potential is fully realized."

"Stelia正在爲AI構建下一代互聯網,我們與Maerifa Solutions的合作加速了共同客戶訪問的機會," Stelia的首席執行官Tobias Hooton表示。"通過將我們的HyperBand和DawnLink技術與Maerifa Solutions的全球基礎設施能力相結合,我們賦予AI團隊交付無與倫比的結果的權力。我們的合作使他們能夠從邊緣到核心擴展他們的AI模型,打造一個完全實現AI潛力的世界。"

Mitesh Gupta, Non-Exec Chairman of Maerifa Solutions noted "At Maerifa Solutions, we believe that the future of AI depends on how well organizations can manage and scale their infrastructure. Our partnership with Stelia combines the best of both worlds—our global expertise in delivering large-scale infrastructure and Stelia's revolutionary AI data mobility platform. Together, we are enabling AI teams to not just keep up with, but lead, the rapid advancements in AI."

Maerifa Solutions的非執行董事主席Mitesh Gupta指出:"在Maerifa Solutions,我們相信AI的未來取決於組織如何管理和擴展他們的基礎設施。我們與Stelia的合作結合了兩個世界最好的優勢,即我們在提供大規模基礎設施方面的全球專業知識和Stelia的革命性AI數據移動平台。我們一起使AI團隊不僅能夠跟上,而且能夠引領AI的快速進展。"

Enabling the $1 Trillion AI Revolution


As AI continues to revolutionize industries, including healthcare, financial services, and media, Stelia's partnership with Maerifa Solutions is poised to support the ongoing $1 trillion AI revolution. By addressing the limitations of the classic internet and introducing a future-proof infrastructure designed for AI, this partnership will drive innovation across industries and enable AI teams to focus on creating transformative solutions.

隨着人工智能不斷改革包括醫療保健、金融服務和媒體在內的行業,Stelia與Maerifa Solutions的合作預計將支持正在進行的1萬億美元的人工智能革命。通過解決傳統互聯網的侷限性並引入以人工智能爲設計的未來型基礎設施,該合作將推動各行各業的創新,使人工智能團隊能夠專注於創造具有變革性的解決方案。

Meet the Stelia and Maerifa Solutions executive teams at DCD>Connect London, UK from 17-18th September.

於9月17日至18日,在英國倫敦DCD>Connect會議上與Stelia和Maerifa Solutions的高管團隊會面。

For more information about this partnership and how it can benefit your organization, please visit or contact [email protected]

如需了解更多關於該合作以及它如何讓您的組織受益,請訪問 或聯繫 [email protected]

About Stelia:


Stelia is building a global AI acceleration platform to enable limitless potential at an inflection point in compute infrastructure. By fusing the classic and new AI-focused Internet, Stelia is empowering cloud service providers and AI teams to harness the full power of distributed intelligence, unlocking protocol-led innovation without boundaries.


About Maerifa Solutions:

關於Maerifa Solutions:

Maerifa Solutions, an ADGM-registered digital infrastructure company, in collaboration with its extensive ecosystem, brings expertise in technology design and deployment, supply chain management, data centers, energy, and power solutions. This, combined with Maerifa Solutions' deep financial acumen, enables them to deliver creative investment solutions that help clients realize the full potential of AI infrastructure. By offering innovative funding mechanisms and access to hardware and hosting capacity, Maerifa Solutions ensures the long-term scalability and capital efficiency of AI projects.

Maerifa Solutions是一家經過ADGm註冊的數字基礎設施公司,與其廣泛的生態系統合作,提供技術設計和部署、供應鏈管理、數據中心、能源和電力解決方案的專業知識。結合Maerifa Solutions的深厚的金融智慧,他們能夠提供創造性的投資解決方案,幫助客戶實現人工智能基礎設施的全部潛力。通過提供創新的資金機制和硬件及託管能力的訪問,Maerifa Solutions確保人工智能項目的長期可擴展性和資本效率。

Media Contact:


Paul Morrison, Chief Marketing Officer [email protected] +44 0203 151 0644

Paul Morrison,首席市場官 [email protected] +44 0203 151 0644

Stelia, HyperBand, DawnLink, and the Stelia logo are trademarks of Stelia Ltd.







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