
Telix Announces Cardinal Health as U.S. Commercial Distributor for Zircaix

Telix Announces Cardinal Health as U.S. Commercial Distributor for Zircaix

GlobeNewswire ·  09/17 19:00

MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company) today announces that it has selected Cardinal Health, Inc. (NYSE: CAH, Cardinal Health) as a commercial radiopharmaceutical distributor to supply finished unit doses of its PET1 agent, Zircaix2 (TLX250-CDx) for the imaging of kidney cancer in the United States (U.S.), subject to regulatory approval.

澳大利亞墨爾本,2024年9月17日(GLOBE資訊)-- Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司(ASX: TLX, Telix, 該公司) 今日宣佈已選定卡地納健康公司(NYSE: CAH, 卡地納健康) 作爲商業放射性藥物分銷商,以供應其PET1 探劑Zircaix2 (TLX250-CDx)的成品單劑,用於在美國(美國)成像腎癌,待審核通過。

In preparation for a planned commercial rollout, Telix has contracted with Cardinal Health to enable Zircaix2 availability across a wide range of U.S. locations.


Kevin Richardson, Chief Executive Officer, Telix Precision Medicine said, "We are pleased to build on our existing relationship with Cardinal Health to maximize patient access to this breakthrough product for non-invasive kidney cancer diagnosis. Through their extensive nuclear pharmacy network, which enables broad geographic reach and flexible scheduling, Cardinal Health has been central to the commercial success of Illuccix PSMA-PET3 imaging and we look forward to adding Zircaix2 to their U.S. roster."

Telix Precision Medicine首席執行官凱文·理查森(Kevin Richardson)表示:「我們很高興與卡地納健康建立起我們已有的合作關係,以最大限度地提高患者獲取這種用於非侵入性腎癌診斷的突破性產品的機會。通過他們龐大的核藥房網絡,可以實現廣泛地域覆蓋和靈活的調度,卡地納健康對Illuccix PSMA-PET成像的商業成功起到了關鍵作用,我們期待將Zircaix2加入到他們的美國團隊中。」

Mike Pintek, President of Cardinal Health Nuclear & Precision Health Solutions, added, "This new agreement builds upon our successful relationship with Telix and our continued commitment to supporting innovative diagnostics and therapeutics addressing cancer patients today. Pending regulatory approval, our extensive commercial distribution infrastructure and expertise will facilitate reliable supply of Zircaix2 throughout the U.S. to help diagnose kidney cancer."

卡地納健康核能與精準健康解決方案總裁邁克·品坦克(Mike Pintek)補充道:「這一新協議基於我們與Telix的成功合作關係及我們繼續承諾支持當今癌症患者的創新診斷和治療。在待審核通過的情況下,我們龐大的商業分銷基礎設施和專業知識將促進Zircaix2在美國的可靠供應,幫助診斷腎癌。」

Commencement of the distribution agreement between Telix and Cardinal Health is subject to regulatory approval and includes industry-standard commercial performance and termination conditions.


About Zircaix2 (TLX250-CDx)


Zircaix2 (TLX250-CDx, 89Zr-girentuximab) is an investigational PET agent that is under development to characterize indeterminate renal masses as ccRCC or non-ccRCC in a non-invasive manner. Telix's pivotal Phase III ZIRCON trial ( ID: NCT03849118) evaluating TLX250-CDx in 300 patients, of which 284 were evaluable, was completed in 2022 and met all primary and secondary endpoints, including showing 86% sensitivity and 87% specificity and a 93% positive-predictive value for ccRCC across three independent readers4. We believe this demonstrated the ability of TLX250-CDx to reliably detect the clear cell phenotype and provide an accurate, non-invasive method for diagnosing ccRCC. Confidence intervals exceeded expectations in all three readers, showing evidence of high accuracy and consistency of interpretation.

Zircaix2(TLX250-CDx,89Zr-girentuximab)是一種正在開發中的PET試劑,用於以非侵入性的方式對不確定的腎臟腫塊進行病理鑑別。Telix的關鍵性第三期ZIRCON試驗( ID: NCT03849118)評估了300名患者中的TLX250-CDx,其中284名可評估患者,在2022年完成,並滿足了所有主要和次要終點,包括在三個獨立的讀者中顯示86%的敏感性和87%的特異性以及在ccRCC方面的93%的陽性預測值。我們相信這證明了TLX250-CDx可靠地檢測清晰細胞表型並提供一種準確的非侵入性診斷ccRCC的方法。置信區間在所有三個讀者中均超過了預期,顯示出高準確性和解釋一致性的證據。

As part of Telix's commitment to access to medicine, the Company is running an expanded access program (EAP) in the U.S.5, named patient programs (NPPs) in Europe, and a special access scheme (SAS) in Australia to allow continued access to TLX250-CDx outside of a clinical trial to patients for whom there are no comparable or satisfactory alternate options.


Telix's Policy on Offering Compassionate Use to Investigational Medicines can be downloaded at the following link.


About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited

關於Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited

Telix is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of therapeutic and diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals and associated medical devices. Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with international operations in the United States, Europe (Belgium and Switzerland), and Japan. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical and commercial stage products that aims to address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and rare diseases. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX).


Telix's lead imaging product, gallium-68 (68Ga) gozetotide injection (also known as 68Ga PSMA-11 and marketed under the brand name Illuccix), has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)6, by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) 7, and by Health Canada8. No other Telix product has received a marketing authorization in any jurisdiction.

Telix的主要成像產品鎵-68(68Ga)gozetotide注射液(也稱爲68Ga PSMA-11,市場上的品牌名爲Illuccix),已獲得美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)、澳大利亞治療用品管理局(TGA)和加拿大衛生部(Health Canada)的批准。Telix的其他產品在任何司法管轄區均未獲得市場授權。

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Telix Investor Relations

Ms. Kyahn Williamson

Ms. Kyahn Williamson
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
SVP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Kyahn Williamson女士
Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司

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You should read this announcement together with our risk factors, as disclosed in our most recently filed reports with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or on our website.


The information contained in this announcement is not intended to be an offer for subscription, invitation or recommendation with respect to securities of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (Telix) in any jurisdiction, including the United States. The information and opinions contained in this announcement are subject to change without notification. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Telix disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any information or opinions contained in this announcement, including any forward-looking statements (as referred to below), whether as a result of new information, future developments, a change in expectations or assumptions, or otherwise. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained or opinions expressed in the course of this announcement.

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This announcement may contain forward-looking statements that relate to anticipated future events, financial performance, plans, strategies or business developments. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the use of words such as "may", "expect", "intend", "plan", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "outlook", "forecast" and "guidance", or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on Telix's good-faith assumptions as to the financial, market, regulatory and other risks and considerations that exist and affect Telix's business and operations in the future and there can be no assurance that any of the assumptions will prove to be correct. In the context of Telix's business, forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about: the initiation, timing, progress and results of Telix's preclinical and clinical trials, and Telix's research and development programs; Telix's ability to advance product candidates into, enrol and successfully complete, clinical studies, including multi-national clinical trials; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals for Telix's product candidates, manufacturing activities and product marketing activities; Telix's sales, marketing and distribution and manufacturing capabilities and strategies; the commercialisation of Telix's product candidates, if or when they have been approved; Telix's ability to obtain an adequate supply of raw materials at reasonable costs for its products and product candidates; estimates of Telix's expenses, future revenues and capital requirements; Telix's financial performance; developments relating to Telix's competitors and industry; and the pricing and reimbursement of Telix's product candidates, if and after they have been approved. Telix's actual results, performance or achievements may be materially different from those which may be expressed or implied by such statements, and the differences may be adverse. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.


2024 Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited. The Telix Pharmaceuticals, Illuccix and Zircaix2 names and logos are trademarks of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited and its affiliates – all rights reserved.

2024 Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司。Telix Pharmaceuticals、Illuccix和Zircaix2的名稱和標誌是Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司及其關聯公司的商標-保留所有權利。

1 Positron emission tomography.
2 Zircaix is a registered trademark of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited in Australia; it is a trademark of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited in the U.S. Registration status may vary by country. Brand name is subject to final regulatory approval.
3 Imaging of prostate-specific membrane antigen with positron emission tomography.
4 Shuch et al. Lancet Oncology. 2024.
5 ID: NCT06090331.
6 Telix ASX disclosure 20 December 2021.
7 Telix ASX disclosure 2 November 2021.
8 Telix ASX disclosure 14 October 2022.

1 正電子發射斷層攝影。
2 Zircaix在澳大利亞是Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司的註冊商標;在美國是Telix Pharmaceuticals有限公司的商標。註冊狀態可能因國家而異。品牌名稱需獲得最終監管審批。
3 用正電子發射斷層攝影成像前列腺特異性膜抗原。
4 Shuch et al. Lancet Oncology. 2024.
5 ID: NCT06090331.
6 Telix ASX披露 2021年12月20日。
7 Telix ASX披露 2021年11月2日。
8 Telix ASX披露 2022年10月14日。

