
Husky Labels Installs Epson SurePress L-6534VW UV Digital Label Press for Expanded Output Versatility and Improved Productivity

Husky Labels Installs Epson SurePress L-6534VW UV Digital Label Press for Expanded Output Versatility and Improved Productivity

哈士奇標籤公司安裝了愛普生SurePress L-6534VW UV數字標籤印刷機,以擴大產出多樣性並提高生產效率。
PR Newswire ·  09/17 18:15

Indiana-Based Printing Company Combines 33 Years of Experience to Launch Printshop Touting SurePress Printing Technology


LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Epson today announced Husky Labels in Indiana has installed the SurePress L-6534VW UV digital label press. After decades of experience in the label printing industry, co-owner Glenn DeRossett, decided to start his own printing business. While still in the initial start-up phase, he quickly inherited customers from a closing business and needed to expand output capabilities. To meet the incoming customer needs, Husky Labels installed the SurePress L-6534VW, expanding media compatibility, output versatility and workflow productivity.

加利福尼亞洛斯阿拉米託斯,2024年9月17日 / PR Newswire / - 愛普生今天宣佈印第安納州的Husky標籤已經安裝了SurePress L-6534VW UV數字標籤印刷機。在標籤印刷行業的幾十年經驗之後,合夥人格倫·德羅西特決定創辦自己的印刷業務。在初創階段的時候,他迅速繼承了一家即將關閉的企業的客戶,並且需要擴大產能。爲了滿足不斷增長的客戶需求,Husky標籤安裝了SurePress L-6534VW,擴大了媒體兼容性、輸出靈活性和工作流程效率。

Husky Labels installs Epson SurePress L-6534VW to expand output capabilities and maximize productivity.

Husky標籤安裝愛普生SurePress L-6534VW,以擴大產能和提高生產力。

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Glenn DeRossett, president of Husky Labels, with their Epson SurePress L-6534VW UV digital label press, selected for its high-speed capabilities, output quality, versatility, and reliability.
Husky標籤總裁格倫·德羅西特和他們的愛普生SurePress L-6534VW UV數字標籤印刷機,被選中因其高速能力,輸出質量,多功能性和可靠性。

Husky Labels initially utilized two Epson SurePress L-4033 presses. However, after DeRossett was entrusted with new clients, he started looking for a larger press to accommodate the incoming requests. "I really wanted a UV press," said DeRossett. "I have a UV flexographic printer, and I wanted to leverage that technology with a streamlined, efficient workflow for our label printers as well."

Husky標籤最初使用了兩臺愛普生SurePress L-4033印刷機。然而,在德羅西特被託付管理新客戶之後,他開始尋找一臺更大的印刷機,以適應不斷增長的需求。 "我真的想要一臺UV印刷機," 德羅西特說。 "我有一臺UV柔版印刷機,我希望能夠利用那種技術,併爲我們的標籤印刷機提供一個流暢高效的工作流程。"

Stemming from his previous experience with Epson, DeRossett purchased the SurePress L-6534VW with Orange Ink and has been thrilled with the immediate results. "We replaced an older model with the SurePress L-6534VW and now handle most incoming orders with it. The high speed and output quality are exactly what we wanted."

基於他以前的愛普生經驗,德羅西特購買了帶有橙色墨水的SurePress L-6534VW,並對即時結果感到非常滿意。 "我們用SurePress L-6534VW替換了一臺老型號的印刷機,現在大部分訂單都由它來處理。高速和輸出質量正是我們想要的。"

Husky Labels currently prints nearly 3 million labels per month on the SurePress L-6534VW for customers spanning a variety of industries including alcoholic, food and beverage, cosmetic, health, and more. The SurePress L-6534VW has allowed Husky Labels to offer a wide range of output materials and embellishments to clients, including clear films, metallic foil and more. When asked to produce window labels with clear film media, DeRossett consistently relies on the SurePress. "The SurePress is unique in printing these labels as it reverses the web for each pass, allowing for six or more passes without removing the raw material from the press. This results in a clean label and great registration with a vibrant, standout print," he said.

Husky標籤目前在SurePress L-6534VW上每月印刷近300萬張標籤,爲包括酒精、食品飲料、化妝品、健康等各行各業的客戶提供服務。SurePress L-6534VW使Husky標籤能夠爲客戶提供各種輸出材料和裝飾,包括透明膠片、金屬箔等。當被要求使用透明膠片製作窗戶標籤時,德羅西特始終依賴SurePress。 "SurePress在打印這些標籤時獨具特色,因爲它在每次經過時都會反轉網頁,無需從印刷機中取出原材料。這樣可以得到一個乾淨的標籤,以及鮮豔、突出的印刷效果。" 他說。

Accurate color reproduction is essential for both customer satisfaction and brand integrity. "For all labels, especially prime labels, getting the colors right is crucial since the brand image is what sells the product," emphasized DeRossett. "Epson does a fantastic job with the color. The colors blend beautifully, and with the addition of Orange Ink on the SurePress L-6534VW, I can reproduce a much higher percentage of Pantone colors – color reproduction is far easier and more precise."

準確的色彩再現對於客戶滿意度和品牌完整性都至關重要。"對於所有標籤,尤其是主標籤,正確的顏色非常關鍵,因爲品牌形象是銷售產品的關鍵",德羅塞特強調說。"愛普生在色彩方面做得很棒。顏色混合得很好,並且在SurePress L-6534VW上增加橙色墨水後,我可以複製更高百分比的Pantone色彩 - 色彩再現變得更加容易和精確。"

Workflow Benefits with SurePress L-6534VW
The SurePress L-6534VW offers several additional features that streamline Husky Label's workflow and increase output capabilities. Unlike previous solutions, SurePress prints in a continuous stream, without Frame gaps. Furthermore, the variable data capabilities on SurePress have expanded solutions and allowed DeRossett to take on larger clients with variable data needs.

SurePress L-6534VW的工作流優勢
SurePress L-6534VW提供了幾個額外的功能,可以簡化Husky Label的工作流程並提高產能。與以前的解決方案不同,SurePress連續打印,沒有間隙。此外,SurePress的可變數據功能擴展了解決方案,並使德羅塞特能夠接受具有可變數據需求的更大客戶。

"The continuous stream printing on the SurePress has improved our die cutting and results in a higher quality label," said DeRossett. "And SurePress handles variable data exceptionally well, allowing us to easily customize labels with unique information for each product, which enhances our efficiency and flexibility in meeting diverse client needs."


The SurePress L-6534VW comes equipped with Wasatch RIP software. Husky Labels has leveraged the software, with the help of the Wasatch team, to implement a productive print workflow to support the rapidly growing business. "Wasatch has helped us optimize our printing settings. With Epson and Wasatch, we were able to get up and running easily."

SurePress L-6534VW配備了Wasatch RIP軟件。Husky Labels藉助Wasatch團隊的幫助,利用該軟件實施高效的打印工作流程,以支持快速增長的業務。"Wasatch幫助我們優化打印設置。藉助愛普生和Wasatch,我們能夠輕鬆運行起來。"

"Choosing and integrating the right technology is crucial for new businesses, it's encouraging to see how Husky Labels has already benefitted from the installation of the SurePress L-6534VW," said Mike Pruitt, product manager, Epson America. "With the capacity and versatility of the SurePress L-6534VW, Husky Labels is equipped to grow their business and deliver exceptional results."

"選擇和整合合適的技術對新業務至關重要,看到Husky Labels已經從SurePress L-6534VW的安裝中獲益,這是令人鼓舞的,"愛普生公司的產品經理麥克·普魯特說。"憑藉SurePress L-6534VW的容量和多功能性,Husky Labels有能力發展業務並提供卓越的結果。"

"The SurePress has significantly expanded our capabilities as a new business," said DeRossett. "It allows us to grow and take on more local business opportunities, providing a quick turnaround with high-quality labels that our customers love."


The SurePress L-6534VW is available with Digital Varnish for a unique look and tactile feel or Orange Ink for a wider color gamut. The PrecisionCore printheads, inks, LED pinning technology and curing lamp units, media feeding, and control system are all developed, serviced and manufactured by Epson. Driving the SurePress L-6534VW is the included Wasatch RIP, a fully customizable solution designed to streamline orders, minimize production errors, help increase productivity, and run print production effectively.

SurePress L-6534VW配備了數字亮光和橙色墨水,可呈現獨特外觀和觸感。PrecisionCore噴頭、墨水、LED固定技術和固化燈照明裝置、介質供給以及控制系統都是愛普生研發、服務和生產的。SurePress L-6534VW的驅動程序是包含的Wasatch RIP,這是一種完全可定製的解決方案,旨在簡化訂單、減少生產錯誤、提高生產效率並有效運行印刷生產。

  • Western Region: Mark Elsbernd, 818-620-2730 or [email protected]
  • Eastern Region: Bob Ochalla, 630-710-6005 or [email protected]
  • 西部地區:Mark Elsbernd,818-620-2730或[email protected]
  • 東部地區:Bob Ochalla,630-710-6005或[email protected]

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Epson is a global technology leader whose philosophy of efficient, compact and precise innovation enriches lives and helps create a better world. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson's goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.


Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of more than JPY 1 trillion.


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EPSON, PrecisionCore and SurePress are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2024 Epson America, Inc.

EPSON、PrecisionCore和SurePress是精工愛普生株式會社的註冊商標。所有其他產品和品牌名稱均爲其各自公司的商標和/或註冊商標。愛普生對這些標記不享有任何權利。版權所有2024 Epson America, Inc。

SOURCE Epson America, Inc.





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