
S&P Dow Jones Indices Launches MyIndex and Collaborates With Brooklyn Investment Group to Expand Access to Customizable Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices Launches MyIndex and Collaborates With Brooklyn Investment Group to Expand Access to Customizable Indices

PR Newswire ·  09/16 23:30

NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Dow Jones Indices ("S&P DJI"), the world's leading index provider, and Brooklyn Investment Group ("Brooklyn") today announced the launch of MyIndex, a customizable version of S&P DJI's market-leading indices offering, on Brooklyn's managed accounts platform.

紐約,2024年9月16日 / PRNewswire / - S&P道瓊斯指數(" S&P DJI"),世界領先的指數提供商,以及布魯克林投資集團("布魯克林")今天宣佈在布魯克林的資產管理平台上推出了MyIndex,這是S&P DJI市場領先指數產品的可定製版本。

As the demand for indices and index-based solutions continues to grow, Brooklyn's managed accounts platform enables market participants to build and implement bespoke, index-based portfolio solutions powered by S&P DJI's MyIndex offering. Through this license of its iconic equity indices and related data, S&P DJI expands access to its indices via another tool of choice for market participants while remaining aligned with its publicly available index methodologies.

隨着對指數和基於指數的解決方案的需求不斷增長,布魯克林的資產管理平台使市場參與者能夠構建和實施由S&P DJI的MyIndex提供支持的定製指數組合解決方案。通過此許可證,S&P DJI可以通過另一種市場參與者選擇的工具擴大對其指數的訪問,同時保持與其公開可用的指數方法學保持一致。

"One of S&P DJI's key priorities as an independent index provider is to continue offering choice to the market. As such, S&P DJI engages and collaborates with a wide range of financial institutions and product providers to license our innovative indices and data to make them available to a variety of market participants and channels," said Dan Draper, Chief Executive Officer at S&P DJI. "By collaborating with Brooklyn to deliver our indices on their technology-based platforms, S&P DJI looks forward to facilitating access to our intellectual property as a new generation of investors participates in markets and reflects the ongoing transformation in global financial markets."

"作爲一個獨立的指數提供商,S&P DJI的關鍵重點之一是繼續爲市場提供選擇。因此,S&P DJI積極與各種金融機構和產品提供商合作,授權我們的創新指數和數據,使它們能夠供多種市場參與者和渠道選擇。"S&P DJI首席執行官丹·德雷珀(Dan Draper)表示。"通過與布魯克林合作在他們的技術平台上提供我們的指數,S&P DJI期待着在新一代投資者參與市場,反映全球金融市場持續變革的同時促進對我們知識產權的訪問。"

"S&P DJI has been closely monitoring the direct indexing ecosystem for quite some time and is actively engaged with various platforms to understand how our data offerings may be used for direct indexing," said Brandon Hass, Head of Direct Indexing and Model Portfolios at S&P DJI. "Direct indexing is part of an ongoing market evolution, as new technologies and investing platforms emerge, market participants' demand for portfolio customization increases, and preferences shift. S&P DJI is excited to collaborate with Brooklyn to deliver MyIndex on this platform."

"S&P DJI已經密切關注直接指數化生態系統相當長的一段時間,積極與各種平台合作,了解我們的數據產品如何用於直接指數化。"S&P DJI直接指數化和模型組合負責人Brandon Hass表示。"直接指數化是市場不斷髮展的一部分,隨着新技術和投資平台的出現,市場參與者對投資組合定製的需求增加,偏好也在轉變。S&P DJI很高興與布魯克林合作,在該平台上提供MyIndex。"

Market participants can now leverage thousands of S&P DJI indices, including core U.S. equity indices such as the S&P 500, the S&P SmallCap 600 and the S&P MidCap 400 through MyIndex on Brooklyn's platform, which seamlessly enables multi-asset direct indexing with automated tax-loss harvesting. S&P DJI's indices and index data are also available on Brooklyn's open architecture, white-label managed account technology. Through these direct indexing solutions, market participants may combine the benefits of independently governed and transparent indices that measure different markets with the ability to customize their own investment options based off of market-leading benchmarks.

市場參與者現在可以利用包括標普500、標普小型股600和標普中型股400在內的成千上萬只S&P DJI指數,通過Brooklyn平台上的MyIndex進行多資產直接指數化交易,並自動進行稅收損失抵扣。標普 DJI的指數和指數數據也可以在Brooklyn的開放式架構、白標託管帳戶技術上獲得。通過這些直接指數化解決方案,市場參與者可以結合獨立管理和透明的不同市場衡量指數的優勢,並基於市場領先的基準指數定製自己的投資選擇。

"Brooklyn sees technology as the new wrapper for customized portfolios. Unlike ETFs and mutual funds, our tech-powered managed accounts enable financial advisors to deliver customized investment solutions and tax alpha across equities and fixed income to each client while continuing to scale growth," said Erkko Etula, CEO and Co-Founder of Brooklyn Investment Group. "The combination of MyIndex and Brooklyn offers advisors a solution that is designed to simplify the creation and implementation of custom index-based portfolios – from tax-optimized transitions and ongoing management to after-tax reporting – at Brooklyn we call it operational alpha."

「Brooklyn將科技視爲定製投資組合的新包裝。與ETF和共同基金不同,我們基於技術的託管帳戶可以使理財顧問提供定製的投資解決方案和稅務阿爾法,涵蓋股票和固定收益資產,併爲每個客戶持續擴大增長,」Brooklyn投資集團的首席執行官兼聯合創始人Erkko Etula表示,「MyIndex和Brooklyn的結合爲顧問提供了一個旨在簡化定製基於指數的投資組合的解決方案——從稅優化過渡和持續管理到稅後報告——在Brooklyn,我們稱之爲操作阿爾法。」

For more information about using S&P DJI indices in direct indexing solutions, please visit: .

有關使用標普 DJI指數進行直接指數化解決方案的更多信息,請訪問:



S&P Dow Jones Indices is the largest global resource for essential index-based concepts, data and research, and home to iconic financial market indicators, such as the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. More assets are invested in products based on our indices than products based on indices from any other provider in the world. Since Charles Dow invented the first index in 1884, S&P DJI has been innovating and developing indices across the spectrum of asset classes helping to define the way investors measure and trade the markets.

S&P道瓊斯指數是全球最大的基於指數的概念,數據和研究資源,並且是標誌性金融市場指標的所在地,例如S&P 500和道瓊斯工業平均指數。與任何其他提供者的指數爲基礎的產品相比,投資於我們的指數爲基礎的產品的資產更多。自從查爾斯·道(Charles Dow)在1884年發明第一個指數以來,S&P DJI一直在創新和發展各類資產類別的指數,幫助定義投資者衡量和交易市場的方式。

S&P Dow Jones Indices is a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI), which provides essential intelligence for individuals, companies, and governments to make decisions with confidence. For more information, visit .


The S&P Dow Jones indices (the "Indices") are products of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates ("SPDJI") and/or their third-party licensors and have been licensed for use by Brooklyn. S&P, S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400, S&P SmallCap 600, US 500, The 500, MyIndex , iBoxx, iTraxx and CDX are trademarks of S&P Global, Inc. or its affiliates ("S&P"); Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC ("Dow Jones"); third party licensor trademarks in the Indices, if any, are trademarks of the respective third party licensors and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by Brooklyn. Brooklyn's products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, or their third-party licensors and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the Indices.

S&P道瓊斯指數(以下簡稱「指數」)是S&P道瓊斯指數LLC及/或其關聯公司(以下簡稱「SPDJI」)及/或第三方許可方的產品,並已被Brooklyn許可使用。 S&P、S&P 500、S&P MidCap 400、S&P SmallCap 600、US 500、The 500、MyIndex、iBoxx、iTraxx和CDX屬於S&P Global,Inc.或其關聯公司的商標(以下簡稱「S&P」); Dow Jones是Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC(以下簡稱「Dow Jones」)的註冊商標;指數中的第三方許可方商標,如果有的話,屬於各自第三方許可方的商標,並已被SPDJI許可使用並由Brooklyn進行特定目的的再許可。 Brooklyn的產品不得到SPDJI、道瓊斯、S&P及其各自關聯公司或第三方許可方的贊助、認可、銷售或促銷,並且該等方對於投資該等產品的可行性不提供任何聲明,也對指數的任何錯誤、遺漏或中斷不承擔任何責任。


關於Brooklyn Investment Group

Brooklyn Investment Group is an SEC-registered investment adviser that combines artificial intelligence with institutional-grade portfolio optimization and automated tax-loss harvesting to power personalized portfolios for its clients, which include wealth and asset management firms. To learn more about the company, its technology, and career opportunities, visit, LinkedIn, or reach out to us at [email protected].

Brooklyn Investment Group是一家SEC註冊投資顧問,將人工智能與機構級別投資組合優化和自動稅損收割相結合,爲客戶提供個性化投資組合,包括财富管理和資產管理公司。要了解更多關於該公司、其技術和職業機會的信息,請訪問、LinkedIn,或通過[email protected]與我們聯繫。

The information contained above is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as investment advice, either on behalf of a particular financial product or an overall investment strategy. Brooklyn Investment Group, The Nasdaq, Inc., its affiliates, and its licensors do not make any recommendation to buy or sell any financial product or any representation about the financial condition of any company or fund. Statements regarding Nasdaq's proprietary indexes are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should undertake their own due diligence and carefully evaluate companies before investing. ADVICE FROM A SECURITIES PROFESSIONAL IS STRONGLY ADVISED.

上述信息僅供信息和教育目的,不應將其中任何內容解釋爲投資建議,無論是代表特定的金融產品還是整體投資策略。 Brooklyn Investment Group,納斯達克,Inc.,其關聯公司及其許可方不提出任何購買或銷售任何金融產品或關於任何公司或基金的財務狀況的聲明。有關納斯達克專有指數的聲明不保證未來業績。實際結果可能與所述有所不同。過去的表現不能作爲未來表現的指標。投資者應在投資之前進行自己的盡職調查並仔細評估公司。強烈建議向證券專業人士尋求建議。



S&P Dow Jones Indices


April Kabahar
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April Kabahar
(+1) 917 796 3121
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Alyssa Augustyn
Americas Communications
(+1) 773 919 4732
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Alyssa Augustyn
(+1) 773 919 4732
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Brooklyn Investment Group


Stella Binkevich
Head of Operations
(+1) 908 460 6020
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Stella Binkevich
(+1) 908 460 6020
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SOURCE S&P Dow Jones Indices





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