
Flappy Bird Is 'Officially Coming Back' After A Decade With October Web Launch

Flappy Bird Is 'Officially Coming Back' After A Decade With October Web Launch

Flappy Bird官方宣佈十年後將於十月重新上線
Benzinga ·  09/14 04:03

Flappy Bird, the mobile game that stormed the world in 2013, will return after its removal from app stores a decade ago.


The Flappy Bird Foundation Group, a team of dedicated fans, has acquired the Flappy Bird trademark from Gametech Holdings. This company obtained it from the game's original creator, Dong Nguyen.

《憤怒的小鳥》基金會團隊是一群狂熱的粉絲,他們從Gametech Holdings手中獲得了《憤怒的小鳥》商標。該公司是從遊戲的原始創作者Dong Nguyen手中獲得商標的。

"It's not a rumour. I'm officially coming back, and I'll be FREE to play," the game's official account posted on X.


What's New In Flappy Bird?


Flappy Bird will launch a web version by the end of October and plans to release on iOS and Android in 2025. The new versions will introduce new characters and game modes.


Michael Roberts, chief creative at the Flappy Bird Foundation Group, expressed excitement about the project: "We are beyond excited to be bringing back Flappy Bird and delivering a fresh experience that will keep players engaged for years to come."

《憤怒的小鳥》基金會團隊的首席創意總監Michael Roberts對這個項目表示了興奮之情:「我們非常興奮地帶回《憤怒的小鳥》,併爲玩家帶來一種新鮮的體驗,讓他們在未來的歲月中保持參與。」

The Flappy Bird Foundation Group has also secured the rights to Piou Piou vs. Cactus, a game that influenced the original Flappy Bird.

《憤怒的小鳥》基金會團隊還獲得了Piou Piou vs. Cactus的版權,這款遊戲對原始的《憤怒的小鳥》有很大影響。



Flappy Bird was released in 2013 and quickly became a viral hit. However, in February 2014, the game which was earning $50,000 a day, vanished unexpectedly from app stores.

Flappy Bird於2013年發佈,迅速成爲了一款病毒性遊戲。然而,到了2014年2月,這款每天賺取5萬美元的遊戲突然從應用商店中消失了。

At the time, Nguyen told Forbes: "Flappy Bird was designed to play in a few minutes when you are relaxed... But it happened to become an addictive product. To solve that problem, it's best to take down Flappy Bird. It's gone forever."

當時,阮先生告訴《福布斯》:「Flappy Bird設計成一款在你放鬆的時候可以玩上幾分鐘的遊戲... 但不幸成爲了一個讓人上癮的產品。爲了解決這個問題,最好的辦法就是把Flappy Bird下架。它永遠消失了。」

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Photo: Miljan Zivkovic/

照片:Miljan Zivkovic /

