
Dan Gilbert Talks Detroit's Revival, Rocket's Success, Personal Tragedy

Dan Gilbert Talks Detroit's Revival, Rocket's Success, Personal Tragedy

Benzinga ·  09/14 01:48

Rocket Companies Inc (NYSE:RKT) co-founder and Chairman Dan Gilbert gave a keynote speech to the Detroit Economic Club (DEC) on Friday focusing on the city's revitalization.

Rocket Companies Inc(紐交所:RKT)的聯合創始人兼董事長丹·吉爾伯特(Dan Gilbert)在週五向底特律經濟俱樂部(DEC)發表了主題演講,重點關注底特律的復興。

Bill Emerson, the president of Rocket Companies, introduced Gilbert, highlighting the former's philanthropic efforts in Detroit. Emerson stated Gilbert and his wife Jennifer put more than $1 billion into the city over the past three or four years.

Rocket Companies總裁比爾·埃默森(Bill Emerson)介紹了吉爾伯特,強調他在底特律的慈善努力。埃默森表示,吉爾伯特和他的妻子詹妮弗在過去三四年中在這個城市投入了超過10億美元。

Gilbert discussed how he began in the real estate industry, getting his real estate license when he was 19. Gilbert spoke about Rock Financial, a company he founded in 1985 and would take public in 1998 and then later sell to Intuit Inc (NASDAQ:INTU).
Gilbert then bought back his direct-to-consumer business from Intuit in 2002. Once that happened, the company began capturing significant market share from other major mortgage lenders.

吉爾伯特講述了自己是如何開始進入房地產行業的,19歲時獲得了房地產執照。吉爾伯特談到了他在1985年創辦的Rock Financial公司,並在1998年將其上市,後來又將其出售給Intuit Inc.(納斯達克:INTU)。

Gilbert says Rocket Companies stands out from competitors through its unique culture.

吉爾伯特表示,Rocket Companies通過其獨特的企業文化脫穎而出。

"It's really a special culture and I think that's the No. 1 reason," Gilbert said, speaking of Rocket Companies' success compared to its peers in the industry.

「這確實是一種特殊的企業文化,我認爲這是Rocket Companies在行業中成功的首要原因,」吉爾伯特說道。

Gilbert and Rocket Companies found success bringing mortgage services completely online in the 1990s and early 2000s. Gilbert explained that people may have been hesitant to buy things like couches and cars online without seeing them in person, but mortgages are just numbers, so he figured if anything could have success online, it would be that.
Gilbert and DEC Chair Sandy Pierce's conversation took a more solemn tone, talking about Gilbert's late son Nick, who died from neurofibromatosis, commonly referred to as NF, in 2023. Gilbert's foundation is investing in a medical center in Detroit to help others with NF.
Read Also: Dan Gilbert To Help Fund $400M State-Of-The-Art Detroit Medical Facility: 'We Decided To Build Something Better'
The medical center, a collaboration with the Henry Ford hospital system, will also house a Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, which focuses on neuro rehabilitation for patients who have suffered strokes and accidents. Gilbert, who had a stroke in 2019, traveled to Chicago for rehabilitation.
Gilbert On Battling Michigan's Talent Drain: Gilbert discussed bringing Rocket Companies' headquarters from the suburbs to Detroit, explaining that he saw an opportunity to help rebuild Detroit's downtown to better recruit young talent from across the country. Gilbert discussed the tendency of Michigan students to leave the state after college for cities such as Chicago and New York City.
"It's all about talent and talent retention," Gilbert said. "We survey our young folks almost every month and ask them what they want and need in their city."
Gilbert highlighted one area downtown that Detroit still needs to improve: public transportation. Gilbert highlighted the QLine, a train that serves a 3.5-mile strip in downtown Detroit, but said that more work needs to be done to expand transportation services in the city.

吉爾伯特和Rocket Companies在1990年代和2000年初成功將抵押貸款服務完全搬到了線上。吉爾伯特解釋說,人們可能對在網上購買沙發和汽車等物品持有猶豫態度,因爲沒有親自看到它們,但抵押貸款只是數字,所以他認爲任何在網上都能取得成功。
吉爾伯特和DEC主席桑迪·皮爾斯(Sandy Pierce)的對話變得更加莊重,談論了吉爾伯特的去世兒子尼克,他於2023年因神經纖維瘤病去世。吉爾伯特的基金會正在投資底特律的一家醫療中心,以幫助其他患有神經纖維瘤病的人。

Dan and Jennifer Gilbert. Benzinga file photo by Dustin Blitchok.

丹和詹妮弗·吉爾伯特。Dustin Blitchok拍攝的Benzinga檔案照片。

