
Ericsson Unveils Strategy for Enterprise-driven 5G Network Adoption

Ericsson Unveils Strategy for Enterprise-driven 5G Network Adoption

愛立信 ·  09/12 12:00
  • Ericsson's Enterprise 5G portfolio, incorporating private 5G and neutral host solutions, established as a key pillar of its comprehensive enterprise wireless strategy.
  • Go-to-market and product investments drive flexibility and simplicity across the entire lifecycle of deployment including the acquisition, installation, and operation of networks.
  • Customers will be able to deploy and manage the entire Ericsson Enterprise Wireless platform under Ericsson NetCloud Manager, a comprehensive cloud management and orchestration platform focused on 5G.
  • 愛立信的企業5g產品組合,包括私網5g和中立主機解決方案,成爲其全面企業無線策略的重要支柱。
  • 營銷推廣和產品投資在部署的整個生命週期中驅動靈活性和簡易性,包括網絡的獲取、安裝和運營。
  • 客戶將能夠在愛立信的NetCloud Manager下部署和管理整個愛立信企業無線平台,NetCloud Manager是一個專注於5G的全面雲管理和編排平台。

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) today announced its Enterprise 5G strategy that includes private 5G and neutral host 5G solutions, designed to deliver business-critical connectivity across operational and public-facing enterprise environments. These innovative solutions enable both carpeted and industrial enterprises to advance innovation, safety, and operational efficiencies.

愛立信(納斯達克: ERIC)今天宣佈了其企業5G策略,其中包括私網5G和中立主機5G解決方案,旨在爲運營和公共企業環境提供關鍵性的業務連接。這些創新解決方案使得地毯式企業和工業企業能夠提升創新、安全性和運營效率。

Manish Tiwari, Head of Private Cellular Networks, Enterprise Wireless Solutions, Ericsson said: "As enterprises continue to increase automation, improve safety, and invest in seamless connectivity to meet end-user expectations, existing technologies such as Wi-Fi and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) often fall short due to technical limitations, cost, and complexity. Our Enterprise 5G portfolio addresses these requirements by leveraging Ericsson's best-in-class radio, software, and managed-operations capabilities to enable flexible enterprise solutions."


The Ericsson Enterprise 5G portfolio includes three solutions:


  • Ericsson Private 5G: A converged 4G/5G private cellular solution with industry and licensed spectrum support, offering flexible deployment models and best-in-class coverage, mobility, security, and latency.
  • Ericsson Private 5G Compact: A U.S. CBRS-based offering designed for enterprises that need robust connectivity in environments where Wi-Fi falls short, leveraging a simplified radio architecture (Previously branded as Cradlepoint NetCloud Private Networks).
  • Ericsson Enterprise 5G Coverage: A best-in-class neutral host solution, currently certified by all major U.S. carriers, that offers a simplified and scalable architecture compared to legacy DAS, resulting in attractive total cost of ownership for enterprises.
  • 愛立信私有5G:集成了4G/5G的私有蜂窩解決方案,支持工業和有許可的頻譜,提供靈活的部署模型以及最佳的覆蓋範圍、移動性、安全性和延遲性能。
  • 愛立信私有5G緊湊型:基於美國CBRS的一個優秀的解決方案,專爲在Wi-Fi無法滿足需求的企業提供強大的連接性,利用簡化的無線電架構。(之前品牌命名爲Cradlepoint NetCloud Private Networks)
  • 愛立信企業5g覆蓋範圍:最佳的中立託管解決方案,目前已獲得所有主要美國運營商的認證,與傳統的分佈式天線系統相比,提供了簡化且可擴展的架構,爲企業帶來具有吸引力的總體資產所有權成本。

The Enterprise 5G portfolio leverages the broader Ericsson radio access network (RAN) portfolio, including the Radio Dot System for indoor deployments and small cell radios for outdoor. Acquisition costs are reduced through simplified subscription-based packaging with optional services and feature add-ons. Additionally, Ericsson has focused resources on pre- and post-sales support, including vertical expertise and training for channel partners which allows enterprise customers to focus on their business outcomes and innovation.

企業5g組合利用了更廣泛的愛立信無線接入網絡(RAN)組合,包括用於室內部署的Radio Dot System和用於室外部署的小基站無線電。通過簡化的基於訂閱的打包方式以及可選的服務和功能附加組件,降低了收購成本。此外,愛立信已經將資源集中在售前和售後支持上,包括垂直行業專業知識和渠道合作伙伴培訓,這使得企業客戶可以專注於他們的業務成果和創新。

Customers can look forward to deploying and managing any solution in Ericsson's Enterprise Wireless portfolio (Enterprise 5G, Wireless WAN, and SASE) under NetCloud Manager, a comprehensive cloud management and orchestration platform. Ericsson's innovations remove the complexity that enterprise customers are challenged with when wanting to leverage the power of 5G:

客戶可以期待在NetCloud Manager下部署和管理愛立信企業無線組合(企業5g、無線WAN和SASE)中的任何解決方案,這是一種綜合的雲管理和編排平台。愛立信的創新消除了企業客戶在想要利用5g的強大功能時所面臨的複雜性:

  • Simplified deployments with seamless provisioning and configuration capabilities, unified policy management, and single-pane-of-glass visibility across the network.
  • Effortless enterprise 5G network operations, leveraging AIOps to turn visibility into actionable insights for enhancing performance.
  • Streamlined lifecycle management making it easy to update, upgrade, and expand.
  • Innovative features driving business outcomes such as indoor 5G positioning to locate assets with high accuracy.
  • 通過無縫的配置和統一的策略管理能力,以及全網絡的單一視圖,實現了簡化的部署。
  • 利用AIOps實現無憂企業5g網絡運營,將可見性轉化爲增強性能的可操作洞見。
  • 簡化的生命週期管理使得更新、升級和擴展變得容易。
  • 推動業務成果的創新功能,如用於室內5g定位的高精度資產定位。

"Ericsson's strategic and comprehensive approach to evolving its private networking portfolio is addressing the growing demand for secure, high-performance connectivity in enterprises" says Pablo Tomasi, Principal Analyst for Private Networks and Enterprise 5G at Omdia. "Ericsson's ability to meet customers where they are in their 5G journey with a unified experience will be critical in helping the market scale and enabling enterprises leveraging 5G to transform in a meaningful way."

「愛立信對其私人網絡組合進行戰略性和綜合性的演進,以滿足企業對安全、高性能連接的不斷增長需求。」Omdia的私人網絡和企業5g首席分析師Pablo Tomasi表示:「愛立信在客戶5g發展道路上與客戶相遇的能力,提供了統一的體驗,將對市場規模化和幫助利用5g改變企業發揮重要作用。」

In a separate announcement, Ericsson also announced the new networked devices that complement private LTE, 5G, and coverage extension solutions for reliable connectivity where wired networking is unavailable or ineffective.


