The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Talos Energy, Parker Drilling Company, Ring Energy, Sibanye Gold and U.S. Gold
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Talos Energy, Parker Drilling Company, Ring Energy, Sibanye Gold and U.S. Gold
For Immediate Release
Chicago, IL – January 6, 2020 – announces the list of stocks featured in the Analyst Blog. Every day the Zacks Equity Research analysts discuss the latest news and events impacting stocks and the financial markets. Stocks recently featured in the blog include: Talos Energy Inc. (TALO-Free Report) , Parker Drilling Company (PKD-Free Report) , Ring Energy, Inc. (REI-Free Report) , Sibanye Gold Limited (SBGL-Free Report) and U.S. Gold Corp. (USAU-Free Report) .
芝加哥,伊利諾伊州,2020年1月6日-Zacks.com宣佈了分析師博客中的股票名單。扎克斯股票研究公司的分析師們每天都在討論影響股票和金融市場的最新新聞和事件。該博客最近推薦的股票包括:塔洛斯能源Inc.(TALO-Free Report),派克鑽井公司(PKD-免費報告),環能量,Inc.(REI-Free Report),Sibanye Gold Limited(SBGL-自由報告)和美國黃金公司(U.S.Gold Corp)。(USAU-自由報告)。
Here are highlights from Friday’s Analyst Blog:
Middle East Tensions Rise: 5 Big Gainers
Following the siege of the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad, the United states retaliated by deploying about 750 U.S. soldiers in the Middle East. Further on Jan 3, Iraq’s Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary force confirmed that the head of Iran’s Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, was killed in an airstrike on Baghdad’s international airport, following direct orders from President Donald Trump.
在巴格達的美國大使館大院被圍困後,美國進行了報復,在中東部署了大約750名美軍士兵。1月3日,伊拉克哈希德·沙比準軍事部隊證實,根據唐納德·特朗普總統的直接命令,伊朗聖城部隊領導人卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qasem Soleimani)在對巴格達國際機場的空襲中喪生。
Iraq and Iran have been in conflict since 1980 on several issues including, land, oil and water ways. However, America had provided support to Ba'athist Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War including billion dollars' worth of economic aid, technology, military intelligence, and special operations training. Nevertheless, Iran has had no formal diplomatic relationship with the United States since 1980 and the death of Soleimani is likely to turn the proxy war into a direct one.
As this war intensifies, it will lead to a shutdown of oil production in the Middle East, disrupting the stock market heavily. However, this will drive oil prices north and increase demand for safe-haven assets like gold.
Oil Prices Spike
Iran, an oil-rich country of the Persian Gulf, holds a significant position in Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It was one of the five countries involved in signing of the OPEC agreement in September 1960. Notably, any tension in the Middle East disrupts production of oil, eventually leading to the rise in crude price.
In 2019, crude prices surged to a record high in September on account of an attack on Saudi Arabia’s Aramco facilities, which cut the world's top exporter’s output by half for nearly a week. Earlier in 2019, blasts on tankers in the Gulf had also led to a rally in oil price. President Trump blamed Iran for this attack, and geo-political tensions got aggravated.
Brent crude futures jumped 4.4% to $69.16 and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures rose 4.3% to $63.84, post the news of America’s attack on Baghdad’s international airport.
With oil prices rising, thanks to the Middle East tension, investors can take a look at energy stocks. Some of the prominent stocks worth buying is listed below.
Talos Energy Inc. is an independent exploration and production company that produces crude from Gulf of Mexico and offshore. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s current-year earnings has been revised 33.2% upward over the past 60 days. Talos Energy flaunts a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here .
塔羅斯能源公司(Talos Energy Inc.)是一家獨立的勘探和生產公司,從墨西哥灣和近海生產原油。扎克斯對該公司當前年度收益的普遍預期在過去60天裏上調了33.2%。塔洛斯能源公司(Talos Energy)炫耀Zacks排名第一(強力買入)。你可以看到這裏是今天ZACKS排名第一的股票的完整名單 .
Parker Drilling Company provides contract drilling and drilling-related services and rental tools and services to the energy industry. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s current-year earnings has been revised 56.9% upward over the past 60 days. Parker Drilling carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy).
派克鑽井公司為能源行業提供合同鑽探和鑽探相關服務以及租賃工具和服務。扎克斯對該公司當前年度收益的普遍預期在過去60天裏上調了56.9%。Parker Drilling的排名為Zacks#2(買入)。
Ring Energy, Inc. is an exploration and production company that acquires, explores, develops, and produces oil and natural gas in Texas. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s current-year earnings has been revised 7.3% upward over the past 60 days. Ring Energy has a Zacks Rank #2.
Ring Energy,Inc.是一家在德克薩斯州收購、勘探、開發和生產石油和天然氣的勘探和生產公司。扎克斯對該公司當前年度收益的普遍預期在過去60天裏上調了7.3%。Ring Energy的扎克斯排名第二。
Gold Price to Rally
As oil prices move northward, this will lead to price hike of essential goods and commodities. And as inflation picks up, demand for safe-haven assets like gold increases. Needless to say, gold acts as a hedge against inflation. Spot gold prices jumped to $1,540.49 an ounce in Asia.
Also, gold acts as a hedge for investors during times of geo-political and economic crisis. This incident will encourage traders to buy gold, as there are speculations that the Iranian government will take retaliatory measures, which may eventually halt crude production and supply.
As gold prices are poised to grow these are the companies that can provide higher returns.
Sibanye Gold Limited operates as a precious metals mining company in the United States and other South American and African countries. The company also produces palladium, platinum, and rhodium. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s current-year earnings has been revised 18.2% upward over the past 60 days. EverQuote flaunts a Zacks Rank #1.
Sibanye Gold Limited作為一家貴金屬礦業公司在美國和其他南美和非洲國家運營。該公司還生產鈀、鉑和銠。扎克斯對該公司當前年度收益的普遍預期在過去60天裏上調了18.2%。EverQuote推出扎克斯排行榜第一名。
U.S. Gold Corp. operates as a gold mining company in the United States and also explores other minerals and metals like copper, silver, and zinc. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s current-year earnings has been revised 31.7% upward over the past 60 days. U.S. Gold carries a Zacks Rank #2.
美國黃金公司(U.S.Gold Corp.)在美國作為一家金礦公司運營,還勘探其他礦物和金屬,如銅、銀和鋅。扎克斯對該公司當前年度收益的普遍預期在過去60天裏上調了31.7%。美國黃金的扎克斯排名第二。
Biggest Tech Breakthrough in a Generation
Be among the early investors in the new type of device that experts say could impact society as much as the discovery of electricity. Current technology will soon be outdated and replaced by these new devices. In the process, it’s expected to create 22 million jobs and generate $12.3 trillion in activity.
A select few stocks could skyrocket the most as rollout accelerates for this new tech. Early investors could see gains similar to buying Microsoft in the 1990s. Zacks’ just-released special report reveals 8 stocks to watch. The report is only available for a limited time.
See 8 breakthrough stocks now>>
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