
Uxin Limited Secures $7.5M Investment Deal to Boost China's Leading Used Car Platform

Uxin Limited Secures $7.5M Investment Deal to Boost China's Leading Used Car Platform

Benzinga ·  09/13 17:04

Uxin Limited ("Uxin" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") (NASDAQ:UXIN), China's leading used car retailer, today announced that it has entered into a memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with Pintu (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. ( the "Investor"), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Dida Inc. (HKEX: 2559), on September 12, 2024 with respect to a proposed investment in the Company by the Investor (the "Proposed Investment").

優信有限公司("優信"或"公司",連同其附屬公司合稱"集團")(納斯達克股票代碼: UXIN),中國領先的二手車零售商,今天宣佈已於2024年9月12日與帕圖(北京)信息科技有限公司("投資者")簽署了一份諒解備忘錄("諒解備忘錄"),諒解備忘錄涉及投資者("擬投資者")擬對公司進行投資("擬投資")。

Pursuant to the MOU, the Investor intends to subscribe for 1,543,845,204 Class A ordinary shares of the Company for an aggregate subscription amount of US$7.5 million, based on a subscription price of US$0.004858 per share (or US$1.4575 per ADS). The Proposed Investment is subject to the parties' execution of definitive agreements and closing conditions to be stipulated therein.

根據諒解備忘錄,擬投資者打算認購公司的1,543,845,204股A類普通股,認購額度爲750萬美元,認購價格爲每股0.004858美元(或每ADS 1.4575美元)。擬投資需要各方簽署正式協議並遵守其中規定的關閉條件。

In connection with the Proposed Investment, the Investor and the Youxin (Anhui) Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. ("Youxin Anhui") have entered into a Loan Agreement pursuant to which the Investor agrees to extend a loan in a principal amount of RMB equivalent of US$7.5 million to Youxin Anhui. Youxin Anhui is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.


