
Polaris Dawn Crew Shares Pictures On X With The Help Of Starlink Satellites In Space: 'Hello Earth'

Polaris Dawn Crew Shares Pictures On X With The Help Of Starlink Satellites In Space: 'Hello Earth'

Benzinga ·  09/13 15:44

The Polaris Dawn crew on Thursday shared pictures from space on social media platform X with the help of Starlink satellite internet, showing the Earth from outer space.

Polaris Dawn的工作人員週四在Starlink衛星互聯網的幫助下在社交媒體平台X上分享了來自太空的照片,展示了來自外太空的地球。

What Happened: "Sent to you from space over a beam of Starlink laser light," the team wrote about the two pictures. While one picture shows the four-member all-civilian crew, the other shows the Earth as seen from outer space.


Starlink is the satellite internet segment of Elon Musk's SpaceX aimed at removing cellular dead zones with the help of a satellite constellation in low-Earth orbit.


Hello Earth –
We are so grateful for all the support! Please enjoy two recent photos from our mission and stay tuned for our next message
Sent to you from space over a beam of Starlink laser light – Crew of Polaris Dawn

— Polaris (@PolarisProgram) September 12, 2024

你好地球 —
通過 Starlink 激光束從太空發送給你 — 北極星黎明乘員

— 北極星 (@PolarisProgram) 2024 年 9 月 12 日

Polaris Dawn is the first of up to three human spaceflight missions planned under the Polaris program founded by Shift4 Payments CEO Jared Isaacman.

Polaris Dawn是Shift4 Payments首席執行官賈裏德·艾薩克曼創立的北極星計劃下計劃的多達三次載人太空飛行任務中的第一項。

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launched the mission to space from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at around 5:23 a.m. ET on Tuesday. SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft and the all-civilian Polaris Crew composed of four including its mission commander Isaacman, Kidd Poteet, Sarah Gillis, and Anna Menon will spend up to five days in orbit before returning to Earth.

美國東部時間週二凌晨 5:23 左右,SpaceX的獵鷹9號火箭從佛羅里達州的美國宇航局肯尼迪航天中心發射了太空任務。SpaceX的Dragon飛船和由包括任務指揮官艾薩克曼、基德·波蒂特、莎拉·吉利斯和安娜·梅農在內的四人組成的全民北極星機組人員將在軌道上停留長達五天的時間才能返回地球。

Other Landmarks On Mission: On day two of the mission, the mission touched its maximum target altitude of 870 miles, marking the farthest humans have ventured from Earth in over 50 years since the end of the Apollo program. The International Space Station (ISS), in comparison, travels to a maximum altitude of only about 285 miles.


During a spacewalk earlier on Thursday, crew members Isaacman and Gillis separately exited SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft into the vacuum of space at an altitude of about 738 km.


Isaacman exited the spacecraft first after the Dragon's cabin was depressurized and the hatch opened, followed by Gillis. Gillis' return to the capsule and subsequent closing of the hatch marked the end of the spacewalk.

在 「龍」 號的艙室減壓並且艙口打開後,艾薩克曼首先退出了飛船,吉利斯緊隨其後。吉利斯返回太空艙並隨後關閉艙口,標誌着太空行走的結束。

Both Isaacman and Gillis spent about 12 minutes each outside of the spacecraft, testing the SpaceX-designed EVA spacesuits.


While space agency NASA routinely conducts extravehicular activities with government astronauts, no commercial player or civilians have attempted it before, making this a landmark achievement for SpaceX and commercial spaceflight companies.


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Photo courtesy: Polaris Dawn

照片由 Polaris Dawn 提供

