
Reported Earlier, GE Healthcare Technologies Prices Upsized Secondary Offering Of 15M Common Shares At $86/Share

Reported Earlier, GE Healthcare Technologies Prices Upsized Secondary Offering Of 15M Common Shares At $86/Share

Benzinga ·  09/13 14:40

GE HealthCare is not selling any shares of common stock and will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the GEHC Shares in the Offering or from the debt-for-equity exchange (as described below).

GE Healthcare沒有出售任何普通股,也不會從本次發行中出售GEHC股票或債轉股交易所獲得的任何收益(如下所述)。

Prior to the closing of the Offering, GE Aerospace (General Electric Company) is expected to exchange the GEHC Shares for indebtedness of GE Aerospace held by Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A. and Morgan Stanley Senior Funding, Inc. (together, the "MS Lenders"), affiliates of Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, the selling stockholder in the Offering by designation of the MS Lenders. Following the debt-for-equity exchange, if consummated, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, as the selling stockholder in the Offering, intends to sell the GEHC Shares to the underwriters in the Offering. The selling stockholder in the Offering has granted the underwriters an option to purchase 2,250,000 additional shares of GE HealthCare common stock for settlement on or before September 30, 2024.

在本次發行結束之前,預計通用電氣航空航天(通用電氣公司)將把GEHC股票換成摩根士丹利銀行和摩根士丹利高級融資有限公司(合稱 「MS貸款人」)持有的摩根士丹利航空航天集團的債務,這兩個公司是摩根士丹利公司的附屬公司。有限責任公司,指定爲本次發行的賣出股東。繼債轉股(如果完成)之後,摩根士丹利公司作爲本次發行的賣出股東,有限責任公司打算在本次發行中將GEHC股票出售給承銷商。本次發行的賣出股東已授予承銷商額外購買225萬股通用電氣醫療普通股的選擇權,以便在2024年9月30日當天或之前進行結算。

