
Global Telecom Leaders Join Forces to Redefine the Industry With Network APIs

Global Telecom Leaders Join Forces to Redefine the Industry With Network APIs


Landmark agreement to accelerate adoption and innovation of network APIs includes a newly formed company that will drive new monetisation opportunities for the industry.


Singapore, 13 September 2024 – Today, some of the world's largest telecom operators, including América Móvil, AT&T, Bharti Airtel, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Reliance Jio, Singtel, Telefonica, Telstra, T-Mobile, Verizon and Vodafone, together with Ericsson are announcing a new venture to combine and sell network Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) on a global scale to spur innovation in digital services. Network APIs are the way to easily access, use and pay for network capabilities. The venture will drive implementation and access to common APIs from multiple telecom service providers to a broader ecosystem of developer platforms.

新加坡,2024年9月13日——今天,包括美國移動、AT&T、Bharti Airtel、德國電信、Orange、Reliance Jio、新加坡電信、西班牙電信、Telefonica、Telefonile.Mobile、Verizon和Vodafone在內的一些全球最大的電信運營商以及愛立信宣佈了一項新合資企業,在全球範圍內合併和銷售網絡應用程序編程接口(API),以刺激數字創新服務。網絡 API 是輕鬆訪問、使用和支付網絡功能費用的方式。該合資企業將推動多家電信服務提供商的通用API的實施和訪問到更廣泛的開發者平台生態系統。

Modern mobile networks have advanced and intelligent capabilities – like authentication and performance – which have historically been inaccessible to developers. Additionally, it has been impractical for developers to integrate the different capabilities of hundreds of individual telecom operators. The newly formed company will combine network APIs globally, with a vision that new applications will work anywhere and on any network, making it easier and quicker for developers to innovate.


Easily accessible advanced network capabilities will open up the next frontier in app development and empower developers to create new use cases across many sectors. These could include anti-fraud verification for financial transactions and the ability to check device status so streaming providers can dynamically adjust video quality.


The newly formed company will provide network APIs to a broad ecosystem of developer platforms, including hyperscalers (HCPs), Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) providers, System Integrators (SIs) and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), based on existing industry-wide CAMARA APIs (the open-source project driven by the GSMA and the Linux Foundation). Vonage and Google Cloud will partner with the new company, providing access to their ecosystems of millions of developers as well as their partners. The new venture shareholders will bring funding and important assets, including Ericsson's platform and network expertise, global telecom operator relationships, knowledge of the developer community and each telecom operator's network APIs, expertise and marketing.

這家新成立的公司將基於現有的全行業CAMARA API(由GSMA和Linux基金會推動的開源項目),向廣泛的開發者平台生態系統提供網絡API,包括超大規模提供商(HCP)、通信平台即服務(CPaaS)提供商、系統集成商(SI)和獨立軟件供應商(ISV)。Vonage和Google Cloud將與這家新公司合作,爲其數百萬開發人員及其合作伙伴的生態系統提供訪問權限。新合資股東將帶來資金和重要資產,包括愛立信的平台和網絡專業知識、全球電信運營商關係、開發者社區知識以及每家電信運營商的網絡API、專業知識和營銷。

Additional telecom operators are encouraged to join the new company, further driving the industry and developer experience, and allowing all participants to tap into a significant new revenue opportunity. Telecom operator Three Sweden (Hi3G Access) is already in negotiation to become a commercial partner of the new company. The venture will provide implementation in several leading regions globally. This global reach will provide access to network opportunities for millions of developers.

鼓勵更多電信運營商加入新公司,進一步推動行業和開發者體驗,並允許所有參與者抓住重要的新收入機會。電信運營商瑞典三國(Hi3G Access)已經在談判成爲新公司的商業合作伙伴。該合資企業將在全球多個主要地區提供實施服務。這種全球影響力將爲數百萬開發人員提供獲得網絡的機會。

Closing of the transaction is expected early 2025, subject to regulatory approvals and other customary conditions. Upon closing, Ericsson will hold 50% of the equity in the venture while the telecom providers will hold 50% in total. Built on a deep understanding of developer and enterprise needs and in keeping with the industry-body GSMA Open Gateway principles, the new venture's platform and partner ecosystem will remain open and non-discriminatory to maximise value creation across the industry.


"This unified platform and global eco-system will enable even more developers and businesses to leverage 5G quality networks to exploit API opportunities using GSMA's open gateway principles. We look forward to helping even more enterprises and organisations in Asia to use network API solutions to drive growth and innovation through this timely collaboration."


Yuen Kuan Moon,
Group CEO, Singtel


Quotes from the partners


América Móvil

America Mo'vil

Daniel Hajj, Chief Executive Officer, AMX: "We are very excited to join Ericsson and other key players in our industry in this innovative global platform initiative that will benefit the digital ecosystem as a whole. New API solutions will establish exciting value-added offerings to our customers on the top of our networks' infrastructure."

AMX 首席執行官 Daniel Hajj 表示:「我們很高興能與愛立信和我們行業的其他主要參與者一起參與這項創新的全球平台計劃,這將使整個數字生態系統受益。新的API解決方案將在我們的網絡基礎設施的基礎上爲我們的客戶提供令人興奮的增值服務。」



Jeremy Legg, Chief Technology Officer, AT&T: "At AT&T, we've been creating API tools to empower developers for well over a decade. Now, with a broad-based, interoperable API platform, we're giving innovators a new global toolbox where the world's best app developers can create exciting user experiences at scale. This high-performance mobile ecosystem will usher in a new era of greater possibility for customers and mobile users around the world."


Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel

Gopal Vittal, Managing Director and CEO, Bharti Airtel: "Today marks a defining moment as the industry comes together to form a unified platform that will allow more developers and businesses to utilise our networks and explore API opportunities through open gateway principles. This move will enhance network monetisation opportunities. Airtel is delighted to partner in this initiative that will help enable the telecom sector to drive growth and innovation across the ecosystem."

Bharti Airtel董事總經理兼首席執行官Gopal Vittal表示:「今天是一個決定性的時刻,該行業齊聚一堂,形成一個統一的平台,這將允許更多的開發人員和企業利用我們的網絡並通過開放網關原則探索API機會。此舉將增加網絡獲利的機會。Airtel很高興與該計劃合作,這將有助於電信行業推動整個生態系統的增長和創新。」

Deutsche Telekom


Tim Höttges, CEO of Deutsche Telekom: "The new company accelerates our leading work with MagentaBusiness APIs to expose our network capabilities for customers and developers. We believe that this company will open up new monetisation opportunities for the industry. We encourage and look forward to more telecom operators joining us to expand and develop this ecosystem."

德國電信首席執行官蒂姆·霍特格斯表示:「新公司加快了我們在MagentaBusiness API方面的領先合作,以向客戶和開發人員展示我們的網絡能力。我們相信,這家公司將爲該行業開闢新的獲利機會。我們鼓勵並期待更多的電信運營商加入我們,擴大和發展這個生態系統。」



Börje Ekholm, President and CEO, Ericsson: "Today is a defining moment for the industry and milestone in our strategy to open up the network for increased monetisation opportunities. A global platform built on Ericsson's deep technical capabilities and with a comprehensive ecosystem, that provides millions of developers with a single connection, will enable the telecom industry to invest deeper into the network API opportunity, driving growth and innovation for everyone."

愛立信總裁兼首席執行官Börje Ekholm表示:「今天是該行業的決定性時刻,也是我們開放網絡以增加獲利機會戰略的里程碑。一個建立在愛立信深厚技術能力基礎上的全球平台和全面的生態系統,爲數百萬開發人員提供單一連接,將使電信行業能夠更深入地投資網絡API機會,推動所有人的增長和創新。」



Christel Heydemann, Chief Executive Officer, Orange: "This is a critical first step in our innovation journey to fully harness the power of our networks at scale, providing secure access to new on-demand network services and advanced network capabilities. By delivering a common and simple set of network APIs for developers globally, we can unleash this network value for businesses, large and small. This is a definitive gamechanger for businesses, opening up the possibility of a new wave of digital services."

Orange首席執行官Christel Heydemann表示:「這是我們創新之旅中至關重要的第一步,旨在大規模充分利用我們網絡的力量,爲新的按需網絡服務和高級網絡功能提供安全接入。通過爲全球開發人員提供一套通用、簡單的網絡 API,我們可以爲大小企業釋放這種網絡價值。這對企業來說是一個決定性的遊戲規則改變者,爲新一輪數字服務開闢了可能性。」

Reliance Jio

Reliance Jio

Mathew Oommen, President, Reliance Jio: "We spearheaded the transformation of both mobile and fixed home broadband markets by delivering affordable, high-quality broadband to everyone, across India. As we rapidly adopt an AI and API-driven technology ecosystem – by collaborating with global leaders, Jio is thrilled to offer a suite of innovative and transformative APIs to enterprises and developers worldwide. Together, we are not just building networks; we are laying the foundation for a smarter, more connected, and inclusive world in the AI era."

Reliance Jio總裁Mathew Oommen表示:「我們通過向印度各地的所有人提供價格合理、高質量的寬帶,帶頭推動了移動和固定家庭寬帶市場的轉型。隨着我們迅速採用人工智能和API驅動的技術生態系統,通過與全球領導者的合作,Jio很高興爲全球企業和開發人員提供一系列創新和變革性的API。我們共同建設的不僅僅是網絡;我們還在爲人工智能時代更智能、更互聯和更具包容性的世界奠定基礎。」



Yuen Kuan Moon, Group Chief Executive Officer, Singtel, "This unified platform and global eco-system will enable even more developers and businesses to leverage 5G quality networks to exploit API opportunities using GSMA's open gateway principles. We look forward to helping even more enterprises and organisations in Asia to use network API solutions to drive growth and innovation through this timely collaboration."




José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman & CEO of Telefónica: "This collaboration will drive the GSMA Open Gateway initiative and provide customers with a consistent set of Camara APIs. Our belief is that this industry movement, which will be open to all networks, can set the stage for unprecedented innovation and value creation for the sector, by unlocking the potential of network capabilities."

西班牙電信董事長兼首席執行官何塞·瑪麗亞·阿爾瓦雷斯-帕萊特表示:「此次合作將推動GSMA開放網關計劃,併爲客戶提供一套穩定的Camara API。我們相信,這項將向所有網絡開放的行業運動可以通過釋放網絡能力的潛力,爲該行業前所未有的創新和價值創造奠定基礎。」



Vicki Brady, CEO of Telstra: "This is a groundbreaking initiative for our industry. This new global venture will create an ecosystem that provides developers, partners and customers with access to programmable, advanced network capabilities that will unleash a new wave of innovation in digital services and further unlocks the benefits of our 5G network. We've been making good progress locally with Ericsson and other partners, and we look forward to further accelerating digital transformation for our Australian customers and bringing value and simplicity to application developers around the world."




Ulf Ewaldsson, President of Technology, T-Mobile: "At T-Mobile, we've always been laser focused on championing change across the industry to create the best customer experiences, while fueling growth and innovation across the entire wireless ecosystem. That level of transformation takes unprecedented collaboration and expertise. We are excited about the possibilities this venture will create for developers and wireless customers around the world."

Technology萬億.Mobile總裁Ulf Ewaldsson表示:「在T-Mobile,我們一直專注於倡導整個行業的變革,以創造最佳的客戶體驗,同時推動整個無線生態系統的增長和創新。這種轉型水平需要前所未有的合作和專業知識。我們對該合資企業將爲全球開發人員和無線客戶創造的可能性感到興奮。」



Joe Russo, EVP & President, Global Network and Technology of Verizon: "The depth and value of the services and data insights accessible through Verizon's renowned 5G network are practically boundless. Verizon has been at the forefront of developing various network APIs to assist developers in enhancing customer security, reducing pain points in customer interactions, and enabling the creation of novel experiences. This exciting collaboration with global partners will broaden the availability of these services and accelerate adoption of APIs worldwide."

威瑞森執行副總裁兼全球網絡與技術總裁喬·魯索(Joe Russo)表示:「通過威瑞森著名的5G網絡獲得的服務和數據見解的深度和價值幾乎是無限的。Verizon一直處於開發各種網絡API的最前沿,以幫助開發人員增強客戶安全性,減少客戶互動中的痛點,並創造新穎的體驗。與全球合作伙伴的這種激動人心的合作將擴大這些服務的可用性,並加速API在全球的採用。」



Margherita Della Valle, Vodafone Group Chief Executive, said: "Network APIs are reshaping our industry. This pioneering partnership will enable businesses and developers to use the collective strength of our global networks to develop applications that drive growth, create jobs, and improve public services. Just as 4G and smartphones made apps integral to our everyday life, the power of our 5G network will stimulate the next wave of digital services."


Google Cloud


Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, said, "We understand the power of an open platform and ecosystem in driving innovation. We are proud to participate in this important partnership in the telco industry to create value for our global customers via network APIs – and ultimately deliver on the promise of the public cloud."




Niklas Heuveldop, CEO Vonage: "This groundbreaking, open industry collaboration effectively removes the single largest barrier for developers to leverage mobile networks to their full potential. Developers across the world's leading developer platforms will benefit from accessing advanced network capabilities in partner networks globally through common APIs, accelerating the digital transformation of businesses and the public sector. As one of the leading developer platforms, and we look forward to engaging our developer community as we grow the network API business."

Vonage首席執行官Niklas Heuveldop表示:「這種開創性的開放行業合作有效地消除了開發人員充分利用移動網絡發揮其潛力的最大障礙。全球領先的開發者平台上的開發人員將受益於通過通用API訪問全球合作伙伴網絡中的高級網絡功能,從而加速企業和公共部門的數字化轉型。作爲領先的開發者平台之一,我們期待着在發展網絡API業務的同時參與我們的開發者社區。」



