
92 PRO-FM Expands Morning Talent Lineup With Return of Kim Zandy, Who Joins Bekah Berger and Jay Buff as Co-Host of "92 PRO-FM Mornings," New England's Most Entertaining Top 40 Morning Radio Show

92 PRO-FM Expands Morning Talent Lineup With Return of Kim Zandy, Who Joins Bekah Berger and Jay Buff as Co-Host of "92 PRO-FM Mornings," New England's Most Entertaining Top 40 Morning Radio Show

92 PRO-Fm擴大了早間人才陣容,金·贊迪回歸,與貝卡·伯傑和傑伊·巴夫一同擔任「92 PRO-Fm早間秀」的共同主持人,成爲新英格蘭最有趣的Top 40晨間廣播節目。
積雲媒體 ·  09/12 12:00

PROVIDENCE, RI – September 12, 2024 — Cumulus Media (NASDAQ: CMLS) announces that it has appointed longtime 92 WPRO-FM on-air personality Kim Zandy as Co-Host, Mornings on 92 WPRO-FM, expanding its live and local talent lineup for New England's most entertaining Top 40 morning radio show. Zandy returns to the station's popular morning show alongside Host Bekah Berger and Executive Producer Jay Buff, who debuted on the show in May following the retirement of legendary 92 PRO-FM Morning Host, Giovanni. This marks a return to 92 PRO-FM mornings for Zandy, who was Co-Host of "Giovanni in the Morning" for 24 years. Bekah, Kim, and Jay can be heard Monday through Friday from 6:00am-10:00am.

羅得島州普羅維登斯——2024年9月12日——Cumulus Media(納斯達克股票代碼:CMLS)宣佈已任命92歲的WPro-FM的長期直播名人金贊迪爲聯合主持人,爲新英格蘭最具娛樂性的40強早間廣播節目擴大了現場和本地人才陣容。贊迪與主持人貝卡·伯傑和執行製片人傑伊·巴夫一起重返該電臺廣受歡迎的早間節目,後者在傳奇的92Pro-FM早間主持人喬瓦尼退休後於5月在該節目中首次亮相。這標誌着曾擔任《早晨的喬瓦尼》聯合主持人的贊迪回到了92個Pro-FM的早晨。週一至週五上午 6:00 至上午 10:00 可以聽見 Bekah、Kim 和 Jay 的聲音。

Together, the talented on-air trio delivers a relatable perspective that appeals to the show's broad and passionate audience and includes Gen Z and Millennials, reflecting life in Southern New England in a highly engaging and fun way. The 92 PRO-FM morning show continues to be #1 in key demos for June and July, continuing its long tradition of success.

才華橫溢的直播三人組共同提供了一個相關的視角,吸引了該節目的廣泛而充滿激情的觀衆,其中包括Z世代和千禧一代,他們以一種極具吸引力和有趣的方式反映了新英格蘭南部的生活。92 pro-FM 早間節目在 6 月和 7 月的關鍵演示中繼續位居第 #1 位,延續了其悠久的成功傳統。

Holly Paras, Market Manager and Regional Vice President, Cumulus Providence/New London, said: "It is a phenomenal moment to welcome Kim back to 92 PRO-FM and to bring our listeners more of what they love in Mornings. We are very pleased to add additional live talent to an already successful show."

Cumulus Providence/新倫敦市場經理兼區域副總裁霍莉·帕拉斯表示:「歡迎金重返92 pro-FM,爲我們的聽衆帶來更多他們在早上喜歡的內容,這是一個了不起的時刻。我們很高興爲已經成功的節目增加更多的現場表演。」

Kim Zandy commented: "I am so lucky and excited to join Bekah and Jay in Mornings. They did all the hard work to get the show to #1 and I get to come in and have a great time! It is amazing to be back home on 92 PRO-FM Mornings!"

金·贊迪評論說:「能在《早晨》加入Bekah和Jay的行列,我非常幸運也很興奮。他們爲把節目推到 #1 做了所有的辛勤工作然後我就能進來玩得開心了!能在 92 pro-FM Mornings 上回到家真是太神奇了!」

Jay Buff and Bekah Berger remarked: "We are thrilled to warmly welcome back Kim Zandy to the 92 PRO-FM family. Her vibrant personality and deep connection to the community make her the perfect addition to Mornings, and we look forward to creating amazing moments together with our listeners in Southern New England and beyond."

傑伊·巴夫和貝卡·伯傑表示:「我們很高興熱烈歡迎金·贊迪重返92 pro-FM大家庭。她充滿活力的個性和與社區的深厚聯繫使她成爲《早晨》的完美補充,我們期待與新英格蘭南部及其他地區的聽衆一起創造精彩時刻。」

For more information or to stream 92 PRO-FM, visit: .

欲了解更多信息或直播 92 Pro-FM,請訪問:。

About Cumulus Media


Cumulus Media (NASDAQ: CMLS) is an audio-first media company delivering premium content to over a quarter billion people every month — wherever and whenever they want it. Cumulus Media engages listeners with high-quality local programming through 401 owned-and-operated radio stations across 85 markets; delivers nationally-syndicated sports, news, talk, and entertainment programming from iconic brands including the NFL, the NCAA, the Masters, Infinity Sports Network, AP News, the Academy of Country Music Awards, and many other world-class partners across more than 9,800 affiliated stations through Westwood One, the largest audio network in America; and inspires listeners through the Cumulus Podcast Network, its rapidly growing network of original podcasts that are smart, entertaining and thought-provoking. Cumulus Media provides advertisers with personal connections, local impact and national reach through broadcast and on-demand digital, mobile, social, and voice-activated platforms, as well as integrated digital marketing services, powerful influencers, full-service audio solutions, industry-leading research and insights, and live event experiences. Cumulus Media is the only audio media company to provide marketers with local and national advertising performance guarantees. For more information visit .

Cumulus Media(納斯達克股票代碼:CMLS)是一家音頻優先媒體公司,每月向超過25億人提供優質內容,無論他們何時何地需要這些內容。Cumulus Media通過遍佈85個市場的401家自有和運營的廣播電臺爲聽衆提供高質量的本地節目;通過美國最大的音頻網絡Westwood One在9,800多個附屬電臺提供來自包括NFL、NCAA、大師賽、Infinity Sports Network、美聯社新聞、鄉村音樂學院獎以及9,800多個附屬電臺的許多其他世界級合作伙伴的全國聯合體育、新聞、談話和娛樂節目;並激發聽衆的靈感觀衆通過Cumulus播客網絡,其增長迅速原創播客網絡,這些播客既聰明、有趣又發人深省。Cumulus Media通過廣播和點播數字、移動、社交和語音激活平台,以及綜合數字營銷服務、強大的影響者、全方位服務的音頻解決方案、行業領先的研究和見解以及現場活動體驗,爲廣告商提供人際關係、本地影響力和全國影響力。Cumulus Media是唯一一家爲營銷人員提供本地和全國廣告績效保證的音頻媒體公司。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Contact: Lisa Dollinger, Dollinger Strategic Communication for Cumulus Media, 512.633.4084,

聯繫人:麗莎·多林格,Cumulus Media的多林格戰略傳播,512.633.4084,。

