
Autel Releases Guided ADAS to Bridge New Vehicle Calibration Coverage Gap

Autel Releases Guided ADAS to Bridge New Vehicle Calibration Coverage Gap

PR Newswire ·  09/13 05:43

PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Autel, a leading developer, manufacturer, and distributor of professional automotive diagnostic tools and equipment, has released Guided ADAS. This application enables Autel Calibration system owners to use their frame, targets, and expedited setup, with OE software accessed in-house or via the Autel Remote Expert platform to calibrate vehicles not yet covered by Autel tablet ADAS calibration software.

紐約州華盛頓港,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 專業汽車診斷工具和設備的領先開發商、製造商和分銷商Autel發佈了Guided ADAS。該應用程序使Autel校準系統所有者能夠使用其車架、目標和快速設置,通過內部或通過Autel Remote Expert平台訪問OE軟件來校準Autel平板電腦ADAS校準軟件尚未涵蓋的車輛。

The Autel MaxiSYS IA700 Modular ADAS Calibration System
Autel maxiSYS IA700 模塊化 ADAS 校準系統
The Guided ADAS application enables Autel Calibration system owners to use their frame, targets, and expedited setup, with OE software accessed in-house or via the Autel Remote Expert platform to calibrate vehicles not yet covered by Autel tablet ADAS calibration software.
Guided ADAS應用程序使Autel校準系統所有者能夠使用其車架、目標和快速設置,通過內部訪問或通過Autel遠程專家平台訪問OE軟件來校準Autel平板電腦ADAS校準軟件尚未涵蓋的車輛。

Autel is renowned for its industry-leading vehicle and safety system calibration coverage and its fastest-to-market coverage of new vehicles. Still, Autel depends on automakers to make the latest model diagnostic, servicing, and calibration software and specifications available. This creates a lag time for the newest vehicle coverage to reach Autel tablets. To address this and provide technicians with a comprehensive, all-in-one solution, Autel developed Guided ADAS.

Autel 以其行業領先的車輛和安全系統校準覆蓋範圍以及最快上市的新車覆蓋範圍而聞名。儘管如此,Autel仍依賴汽車製造商提供最新的車型診斷、維修和校準軟件和規格。這會使最新的車輛覆蓋範圍延遲到Autel平板電腦。爲了解決這個問題併爲技術人員提供全面的一體化解決方案,Autel開發了Guided ADAS。

"We are always playing catchup when it comes to coverage. That is just the reality of being an aftermarket software developer. Yet, technicians, especially those working in collision, need to calibrate new or newer vehicles. With Guided ADAS, Autel users can take advantage of all the benefits of their calibration systems—ease of use and efficiency—step-by-step instructions, optical positioning, unlevel floor compensation, and validated documentation, along with our quality targets, patterns, and calibrators—and use OE calibration software to complete the task," said Stewart Peregrine, senior executive of ADAS sales at Autel.

「在報道方面,我們一直在追趕。這只是成爲售後軟件開發人員的現實。但是,技術人員,尤其是從事碰撞工作的技術人員,需要校準新的或更新的車輛。藉助Guided ADAS,Autel用戶可以利用其校準系統的所有優勢——易用性和效率——分步指令、光學定位、非水平地板補償和經過驗證的文檔,以及我們的質量目標、模式和校準器——並使用原廠校準軟件來完成任務。」 Autel ADAS銷售高級主管斯圖爾特·佩雷格林說。

"The Autel calibration system is so innovative and efficient. Why should users have to abandon it when they have to calibrate new vehicles? With Guided ADAS they don't. Once again, Autel is offering its users the most comprehensive calibration solution in the industry," Peregrine said.

「Autel 校準系統非常創新和高效。爲什麼用戶在必須校準新車時必須放棄它?有了引導式 ADAS,他們就不這樣做了。Autel再次爲其用戶提供業內最全面的校準解決方案,」 Peregrine說。

Guided ADAS, which is compatible with all of the Autel calibration systems: the Standard, MA600, IA800, IA900, or the new IA700 frames, allows shops to use their own OE subscriptions and tools or contract with a Remote Expert with OE software subscriptions for the setup specifications and to initiate ADAS calibration on new vehicles.

Guided ADAS與所有Autel校準系統:標準、MA600、IA800、IA900 或新的 IA700 機架兼容,允許商店使用自己的 OE 訂閱和工具,或與訂閱 OE 軟件的遠程專家簽訂合同,以了解設置規範,並在新車輛上啓動 ADAS 校準。

There are three calibration scenarios available in the application. The first allows the in-house or Remote Expert technician who has referenced the OE calibration data and has determined that the vehicle uses the same procedures and targets as a previous model year to retrieve the detailed setup instructions, including target type from the Autel calibration database. Autel offers calibration coverage for more than 40 brands and hundreds of models and model year vehicles sold in North America.

該應用程序中有三種校準場景。第一種方法允許參考原廠校準數據並確定車輛使用與上一車型年份相同的程序和目標的內部或遠程專家技術人員檢索詳細的設置說明,包括來自Autel校準數據庫的目標類型。Autel 爲在北美銷售的 40 多個品牌和數百款車型和車型年份車輛提供校準服務。

The second application allows technicians to input and save the specifications for completely new or existing vehicles with new-to-the-model ADAS components that lack historical parameter data. The third scenario allows technicians to use the Autel patterns, targets, and calibrators identified by the OE as acceptable for calibrating the identified vehicle. The technician would then determine the position identification method, i.e., radar location, front camera, or front of the vehicle, then input the distance and height of the target to meet the OE's vehicle placement requirements.

第二個應用程序允許技術人員輸入和保存全新或現有車輛的規格,這些車輛採用了缺少歷史參數數據的全新 ADAS 組件。第三種情景允許技術人員使用OE認定爲可接受的Autel模式、目標和校準器來校準已識別的車輛。然後,技術人員將確定位置識別方法,即雷達位置、前置攝像頭或車輛正面,然後輸入目標的距離和高度以滿足 OE 的車輛佈置要求。

Next, the user selects "Start Placement." The system will display placement instructions for MA600 or Standard frame system users or activate the optical positioning cameras and guide the user to place the target and frame at the correct distance, offset, and angle to the vehicle.

接下來,用戶選擇 「開始放置」。該系統將顯示針對 MA600 或標準框架系統用戶的放置說明,或激活光學定位攝像頭,引導用戶將目標和框架放置在與車輛的正確距離、偏移量和角度。

when the IA700, IA800, and IA900 frames are used.

當使用 IA700、IA800 和 IA900 幀時。

Remote Expert Platform


The Autel Remote Expert platform enables technicians to contract with an experienced technician with OE tools or subscriptions to complete the calibration if needed. Remote Experts are also available for modular flashing, new ECU programming, and OE tasks currently not supported by Autel software. Released on the Autel MaxiSYS Ultra series of tablets over two years ago, the Remote Expert platform has seen incredible growth, averaging more than 4,000 monthly orders.

Autel Remote Expert平台使技術人員能夠與經驗豐富的技術人員簽訂合同,提供OE工具或訂閱服務,以在需要時完成校準。遠程專家還可用於模塊化刷新、新的 ECU 編程以及 Autel 軟件目前不支持的 OE 任務。兩年多以前,遠程專家平台在Autel MaxiSYS Ultra系列平板電腦上發佈,實現了驚人的增長,平均每月訂單超過4,000份。

The Remote Expert application and network platform connect technicians with remote module programmers, automotive diagnosticians, and system experts to complete tasks requiring OE data, software, or tools through a peer-to-peer network. Remote Expert capitalizes on the tremendous advancements in multi-server networks and transmission speeds. These advancements enable Experts to transmit software to the control module of a technician's vehicle with sustained low latency if the car is down the block or thousands of miles away.

Remote Expert 應用程序和網絡平台將技術人員與遠程模塊編程人員、汽車診斷人員和系統專家聯繫起來,通過點對點網絡完成需要 OE 數據、軟件或工具的任務。Remote Expert 充分利用了多服務器網絡和傳輸速度的巨大進步。這些進步使專家能夠在汽車駛離街區或數千英里之外時以持續的低延遲將軟件傳輸到技術人員車輛的控制模塊。

"Remote Expert is like a virtual lifeline from the technician to an Expert. Whatever the challenge, from a tricky diagnosis to module programming, a technician can use the platform to reach out to an Expert. ADAS calibration assistance has quickly grown in need. With the development of Guided ADAS, we foresee even greater growth," Autel's Director of Technical Operations, Maurice Miller, said of the platform.

「遠程專家就像是從技術人員到專家的虛擬生命線。無論面臨什麼挑戰,從棘手的診斷到模塊編程,技術人員都可以使用該平台聯繫專家。ADAS 校準援助的需求迅速增長。隨着Guided ADAS的開發,我們預計會有更大的增長。」 Autel技術運營總監莫里斯·米勒談到該平台時說。

For information on Guided ADAS, Remote Expert, or Autel's complete line of ADAS solutions, visit


About Autel:

關於 Autel:

Established in 2004, Autel is a global company dedicated to providing customers with high-quality, innovative, and cost-effective automotive diagnostic tools, equipment, and accessories. With 20 years of experience, Autel has become a trusted brand among technicians worldwide and continues to grow and expand to meet the demands of the ever-evolving automotive industry.

Autel 成立於 2004 年,是一家全球性公司,致力於爲客戶提供高質量、創新且具有成本效益的汽車診斷工具、設備和配件。憑藉20年的經驗,Autel已成爲全球技術人員信賴的品牌,並將繼續發展和擴張以滿足不斷變化的汽車行業的需求。

CONTACT: Allison Whitney, [email protected]

聯繫人:艾莉森·惠特尼,[email protected]


來源 Autel U.S.


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