
Contra Costa Transportation Authority and May Mobility Launch Autonomous Vehicle Service in Martinez, California

Contra Costa Transportation Authority and May Mobility Launch Autonomous Vehicle Service in Martinez, California

Contra Costa Transportation Authority和May Mobility在加利福尼亞州馬丁內茲推出自動駕駛車輛服務
PR Newswire ·  09/13 03:00

The free service aims to improve access to healthcare and eliminate transportation barriers for community residents


MARTINEZ, Calif., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and May Mobility, an autonomous driving (AD) technology company, today launched PRESTO, a shared autonomous vehicle (AV) service for the general public in Martinez, California and Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (County Hospital) patients. A goal of the service is to improve access to healthcare in the area by providing another reliable and convenient mode of transportation.

加利福尼亞州馬丁內斯,2024 年 9 月 12 日 /PRNewswire/ — 康特拉科斯塔交通管理局 (CCTA)五月交通一家自動駕駛(AD)技術公司今天推出了PRESTO,這是一項共享自動駕駛汽車(AV)服務,面向加利福尼亞州馬丁內斯和康特拉科斯塔地區醫療中心(縣級醫院)患者的公衆。該服務的目標是通過提供另一種可靠和便捷的交通方式來改善該地區獲得醫療保健的機會。

Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA)
康特拉科斯塔交通管理局 (CCTA)
PRESTO autonomous vehicle
PRESTO 自動駕駛汽車

The free service will run Monday through Friday, first offering County Hospital patients rides from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and then opening to the general public from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Patients can book rides to or from the County Hospital and to a preferred pharmacy from a set list of locations by calling (925) 995-3797 or by arranging travel with a hospital representative.


From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., the service will open to all residents in the area. Those interested can book rides to a list of designated stops within the service zone by using the May Mobility app, powered by transit tech leader Via, or by calling (925) 995-3797. In addition to stops at the County Hospital healthcare facilities and local pharmacies, the service zone includes stops that help connect Martinez residents to their community, including residential areas, shopping districts and downtown Martinez.

從下午6點到晚上10點,該服務將向該地區的所有居民開放。有興趣的人可以使用由交通技術領導者Via提供支持的May Mobility應用程序或致電(925)995-3797來預訂前往服務區內指定停靠點清單的行程。除了在縣醫院醫療機構和當地藥店停靠外,服務區還包括幫助馬丁內斯居民與社區建立聯繫的停靠點,包括住宅區、購物區和馬丁內斯市中心。

"CCTA is once again making history here in Northern California by offering a free, autonomous vehicle transportation service to City of Martinez residents," said CCTA Chair Newell Arnerich. "We established the County Hospital element to aid patients who may need rides in the afternoon to resources in the community. As an added benefit to residents, during the evening hours, the service will carry passengers to an array of destinations in the City of Martinez."


May Mobility equipped a fleet of seven Toyota Sienna Autono-MaaS vehicles with its patented Multi-Policy Decision Making (MPDM) AD technology. MPDM uses in-situ AI to learn in real-time by imagining thousands of "what-if" scenarios every second while it drives and then commits to the safest and most comfortable maneuvers within milliseconds. Each shared AV seats five passengers and all will have an attendant on board to answer questions and assist with passenger entry and exit if needed. Three of the AVs are also wheelchair accessible, with an ADA-compliant wheelchair ramp allowing entry and exit via the rear of the vehicle. The wheelchair-accessible vehicles seat up to three passengers, including one wheelchair user.

May Mobility爲一支由七輛豐田西耶娜Autono-Maas汽車組成的車隊配備了其獲得專利的多政策決策(MPDM)AD技術。mPDM 使用原位 AI 進行實時學習,在駕駛過程中每秒想象成千上萬個 「假設」 場景,然後承諾在幾毫秒內做出最安全、最舒適的操作。每個共用視聽設備可容納五名乘客,所有乘客都將在機上回答問題並在需要時協助乘客進出。其中三輛自動駕駛車也可供輪椅通行,符合ADA標準的輪椅坡道允許通過車輛後部進入和退出。輪椅無障礙車輛最多可容納三名乘客,包括一名輪椅使用者。

"May Mobility is dedicated to filling gaps in public transportation. With the PRESTO shared AV pilot in Martinez, we're redefining how communities connect and move," said May Mobility Chief Commercial Officer Manik Dhar. "We're excited to see how our patented MPDM technology will service local residents and contribute to the broader adoption of AVs."

「May Mobility致力於填補公共交通的空白。隨着馬丁內斯PRESTO共享自動駕駛試點項目,我們正在重新定義社區的連接和移動方式。」 May Mobility首席商務官馬尼克·達爾說。「我們很高興看到我們的專利mPDM技術將如何爲當地居民提供服務,併爲自動駕駛汽車的更廣泛採用做出貢獻。」

CCTA and May Mobility have also partnered with County Connection, which provides fixed-route and paratransit bus service for communities in Central Contra Costa County.

CCTA和May Mobility還與County Connection合作,後者爲孔特拉科斯塔縣中部的社區提供固定路線和輔助公交服務。

"County Connection has partnered with our paratransit contractor to provide union drivers to serve as safety stewards in each Martinez ADS vehicle," said County Connection General Manager Bill Churchill, "underscoring our commitment to innovative transportation deployments ensuring everyone has the freedom to travel safely and independently."

County Connection總經理比爾·丘吉爾說:「County Connection已與我們的輔助交通承包商合作,讓工會司機在每輛Martinez ADS車輛中擔任安全管理員,這突顯了我們對創新交通部署的承諾,確保每個人都能自由地安全和獨立地旅行。」

Passenger feedback will play a critical role in shaping the future of autonomous mobility, as data from the City of Martinez PRESTO pilot will be used by federal transportation officials to advance standards in automated mobility. The pilot is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Martinez marks the third location where CCTA has introduced an autonomous vehicle pilot program.


To learn more about PRESTO, visit

要了解有關 PRESTO 的更多信息,請訪問

About the Contra Costa Transportation Authority
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is a public agency formed by Contra Costa voters in 1988 to manage the county's transportation sales tax program and oversee countywide transportation planning efforts. CCTA is responsible for planning, funding, and delivering critical transportation infrastructure projects and programs that connect our communities, foster a strong economy, increase sustainability, and safely and efficiently get people where they need to go. CCTA also serves as the county's designated Congestion Management Agency, responsible for putting programs in place to keep traffic levels manageable. More information about CCTA is available at

康特拉科斯塔交通管理局(CCTA)是由康特拉科斯塔選民於1988年成立的公共機構,負責管理該縣的交通銷售稅計劃並監督全縣的交通規劃工作。CCTA負責規劃、資助和交付關鍵的交通基礎設施項目和計劃,以連接我們的社區,促進強勁的經濟,提高可持續性,並安全有效地將人們送到他們需要去的地方。CCTA還是該縣指定的擁堵管理機構,負責制定計劃以保持交通水平的可控性。有關 CCTA 的更多信息,請訪問。

About May Mobility
May Mobility is an autonomous driving (AD) technology company redefining the future of autonomous mobility-as-a-service (MaaS). Leveraging its patented Multi-Policy Decision Making (MPDM) system, May Mobility built the first-ever in-situ AI, which integrates real-time data every 200 milliseconds to ensure safety and efficiency, even in unpredictable situations. This revolutionary technology pairs live, online learning with traditional offline training, enabling rapid global deployment at half the cost and one-third of the time. Operating fleets of on-demand shared ride vehicles across the U.S. and Japan, May Mobility delivers safer, more efficient transportation across diverse environments, including rural cities, dense urban areas and challenging weather conditions. Backed by strategic partnerships with industry leaders, including Toyota Motor Corporation and NTT, May Mobility is disrupting the autonomous vehicle industry with one of the most practical vehicle offerings available. The company has completed over 380,000 autonomy-enabled rides across 14 deployments worldwide. For more information, visit .

May Mobility是一家自動駕駛(AD)技術公司,重新定義了自動出行即服務(MaaS)的未來。利用其獲得專利的多政策決策(MPDM)系統,May Mobility構建了有史以來第一個原位人工智能,該人工智能每200毫秒集成一次實時數據,即使在不可預測的情況下也能確保安全和效率。這項革命性的技術將實時在線學習與傳統的離線培訓相結合,以一半的成本和三分之一的時間實現了快速的全球部署。May Mobility在美國和日本運營按需共享乘車車隊,在包括農村城市、人口稠密的城市地區和惡劣的天氣條件在內的各種環境中提供更安全、更高效的交通。在與包括豐田汽車公司和nTT在內的行業領導者的戰略合作伙伴關係的支持下,May Mobility正在通過目前最實用的汽車產品之一顛覆自動駕駛汽車行業。該公司已在全球14次部署中完成了超過38萬次自動駕駛乘車服務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

SOURCE May Mobility

來源 5 月交通


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