
Safety 1st and Tinyhood Develop Educational Resources for First Time Parents

Safety 1st and Tinyhood Develop Educational Resources for First Time Parents

PR Newswire ·  09/13 01:37

Together, the parenting duo unveils a collection of free on-demand classes and educational resources designed to help young families navigate all the parenting "firsts" with confidence

育兒二人組共同推出了一系列免費的按需課程和教育資源,旨在幫助年輕家庭自信地度過所有育兒 「第一」

FOXBOROUGH, Mass., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dorel Juvenile USA, a segment of Dorel Industries (TSX: DII.B, DII.A) and the world's largest juvenile products manufacturer, today announces Safety 1st's long-term partnership with Tinyhood, the leading online learning platform for parents. This collaboration will see a new educational digital content series designed to empower young families to navigate all the parenting "firsts" safely and confidently – from setting up their first nursery, to baby's first car ride, the first cold, first steps, and more.

馬薩諸塞州福克斯伯勒,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — Dorel Industries(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DII.B,DII.A)旗下、全球最大的兒童用品製造商美國多雷爾今天宣佈 安全第一 與... 的長期合作伙伴關係 Tinyhood,領先的家長在線學習平台。此次合作將推出一個新的教育數字內容系列,旨在讓年輕家庭能夠安全、自信地應對所有育兒 「第一次」 ——從建立第一個託兒所到寶寶第一次乘車、第一次感冒、第一步等等。

Safety 1st and Tinyhood Develop Educational Resources for First Time Parents
Safety 1st 和 Tinyhood 爲首次爲家長開發教育資源

The partnership brings together two of the most trusted brands in parenting and will offer an extensive collection of on-demand classes and downloadable guides that will be made available free to parents on Through a series of videos, digital handbooks, and emails, parents will have access to a suite of educational content made by experts, ensuring they are fully prepared and supported during every stage of their parenting journey—from newborn care to navigating toddler milestones and beyond.


"Through our 40 years of experience, Safety 1st has come to understand that safety is not a limitation but rather a prerequisite to joy, exploration, and growth," Natalie Thompson, Director of Brand Marketing at Safety 1st said. "This partnership with Tinyhood furthers our commitment to providing parents, grandparents, and caregivers of any kind the tools to turn no zones into go zones so that they can experience every baby milestone with peace of mind."

Safety 1st品牌營銷總監娜塔莉·湯普森說:「通過我們40年的經驗,Safety 1st已經明白,安全不是限制,而是歡樂、探索和成長的先決條件。」「與Tinyhood的這種合作進一步推動了我們的承諾,即爲父母、祖父母和任何類型的看護人提供工具,將禁區變成圍棋區,讓他們可以安心地體驗每個寶寶里程碑。」

Starting today, parents can go to to discover free downloadable guides such as the Baby's 1st Cold: Expert's Guide to Baby's Cold, Baby's 1st Move: The Ultimate Guide to Baby Proofing: Room by Room, and Baby's 1st Meal: What to Know about Baby-Led Weaning. In the coming months, a new set of on-demand classes will be live covering topics such as How to Create a Safe Nursery, Safe Sleep, Babyproofing, and How to Safely Buckle an Infant Car Seat.

從今天開始,父母可以去 查找可免費下載的指南,例如 寶寶第一次感冒: 寶寶感冒專家指南, 寶貝的第一步: 寶寶防護終極指南:逐個房間,以及 寶寶的第一頓飯: 關於以寶寶爲主導的斷奶須知。在接下來的幾個月中,將直播一系列新的按需課程,涵蓋如何創建安全的託兒所、安全睡眠、嬰兒防護以及如何安全繫好嬰兒汽車安全座椅等主題。

"At Tinyhood, it is our mission to empower all parents with the knowledge they need to help their families thrive," said Amanda Weymouth, VP of Brand and Partnerships at Tinyhood. "We hear from our members that all the parenting 'firsts' are exciting but of course can also feel a little intimidating – and sometimes even scary. By partnering on this educational content with Safety 1st, a company that has decades of experience creating innovative baby products and gear that make families safer, we can deliver crucial education and guidance to parents that will hopefully make all these 'firsts' feel less complicated."

Tinyhood品牌與合作伙伴關係副總裁阿曼達·韋茅斯表示:「在Tinyhood,我們的使命是爲所有父母提供幫助家庭蓬勃發展所需的知識。」「我們從會員那裏聽說,所有的育兒'第一'都令人興奮,但當然也會讓人感到有些恐懼,有時甚至令人恐懼。通過與Safety 1st合作製作這些教育內容,Safety 1st是一家擁有數十年創造創新嬰兒用品和裝備的經驗,使家庭更安全的公司,我們可以爲父母提供重要的教育和指導,有望使所有這些'第一'變得不那麼複雜。」

Read more about the Tinyhood x Safety 1st partnership and how it's empowering parents at

閱讀有關 Tinyhood x Safety 1st 合作伙伴關係及其如何賦予家長權力的更多信息

About Dorel Industries
Dorel Industries Inc. (TSX: DII.B, DII.A) is a global organization, operating two distinct businesses in juvenile products and home products. Dorel's strength lies in the diversity, innovation, and quality of its products, as well as the superiority of its brands. Dorel Juvenile's powerfully branded products include global brands Maxi-Cosi, Safety 1st and Tiny Love, complemented by regional brands such as BebeConfort, Cosco, Mother's Choice and Infanti. Dorel Home, with its comprehensive e-commerce platform, markets a wide assortment of domestically produced and imported furniture. Dorel has annual sales of US$1.6 billion and employs approximately 3,900 people in facilities located in twenty-two countries worldwide.

Dorel Industries Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DII.B,DII.A)是一家全球性組織,在青少年用品和家居用品領域經營兩項不同的業務。Dorel 的優勢在於其產品的多樣性、創新性和質量,以及其品牌的優勢。Dorel Jundilen的強大品牌產品包括全球品牌Maxi-Cosi、Safety 1st和Tiny Love,以及BebeConfort、Cosco、Mother's Choice和Infanti等區域品牌。Dorel Home憑藉其全面的電子商務平台,銷售各種各樣的國產和進口傢俱。Dorel的年銷售額爲16億美元,在全球22個國家的工廠擁有約3,900名員工。

About Tinyhood
As the leading online learning platform for parents, Tinyhood is reimagining parenting education with on-demand video classes and educational resources from pregnancy, to baby, to toddler and beyond. Every Tinyhood course is taught by top parenting experts, and members get unlimited access to classes covering a wide range of topics including breastfeeding, childbirth, sleep, infant and child CPR, nutrition, childhood development and more. The classes are 100% on-demand and broken down into bite-size lessons, allowing parents to watch them at their own pace, on their own time, and in the privacy of their own home. Kids don't come with a manual, but this is pretty close.

關於 Tinyhood

SOURCE Dorel Juvenile

來源 Dorel Junely


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