
New Partnership Targets Unlicensed Cannabis Shops In New York, Here's How

New Partnership Targets Unlicensed Cannabis Shops In New York, Here's How

Benzinga ·  09/12 23:34

Leafly (NASDAQ:LFLY) announced Thursday that it's expanding its support of the legal New York cannabis market via a new partnership with the New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA), a non-profit coalition of New York dispensary owners united under the slogan "Collaboration Over Competition."

Leafly(納斯達克股票代碼:LFLY)週四宣佈,它將通過與紐約大麻零售協會(NYCRA)建立新的合作伙伴關係,擴大對紐約合法大麻市場的支持。紐約大麻零售協會是一個由紐約藥房所有者組成的非營利聯盟,其口號是 「合作勝於競爭」。

The new collaboration, notes Leafly, seeks aims to help create a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive cannabis industry.


Why It Matters: Leafly and NYCRA agreed to sponsor a series of industry events in 2024 and also to work on implementing marketing initiatives to strengthen New Yorkers' awareness of the importance of buying legal and local cannabis.



"The operating environment in the Empire State for legal cannabis retailers has been formidable and the continued proliferation of unlicensed retailers in New York creates unfair competition for licensed retailers and confusion for cannabis consumers," Leafly CEO Yoko Miyashita said.


Read Also: A Dictionary Of Weed Slang: Leafly's Leafy Lexicon

另請閱讀:大麻俚語詞典:Leafly 的綠葉詞典

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The new partnership follows years of attempts by New York officials and law enforcement to tackle the growing issue of the illegal cannabis market. That said, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, NYC Mayor Eric Adams and other key city officials recently announced that more than 1,000 illicit cannabis stores have been shut down across NY, including 779 illegal stores padlocked in New York City and an additional 230 closures statewide.


Enter the latest effort by Leafly and NYCRA.

參見 Leafly 和 NYCRA 的最新作品。

"As the first cannabis marketplace to operate in New York, we have seen first-hand the struggles legal cannabis businesses face in a challenging regulatory environment and unfair competition from thousands of unlicensed operators who sell unregulated cannabis to New Yorkers and tourists alike," Miyashita explained. "Simply put, retailers deserve to operate in a fair and competitive marketplace and the citizens of New York deserve access to safe products and information to make informed purchasing decisions."


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