
HNR Acquisition Corp Announces AI Innovations Planned to Reduce Operating Expenses and Improve Efficiencies

HNR Acquisition Corp Announces AI Innovations Planned to Reduce Operating Expenses and Improve Efficiencies

Accesswire ·  09/12 23:20

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / HNR Acquisition Corp (NYSE American:HNRA) (the "Company" or "HNRA") is an independent upstream energy company with oil and gas properties in the Permian Basin. Today, the Company announces that the field is rolling out improved automation techniques that will lead to operational efficiencies and enhanced oil production.

德克薩斯州休斯敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月12日/HNR收購公司(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:HNRA)(「公司」 或 「HNRA」)是一家獨立的上游能源公司,在二疊紀盆地擁有石油和天然氣財產。今天,該公司宣佈,該油田正在推出改進的自動化技術,這將提高運營效率並提高石油產量。

The Company has contracted with a software provider to pilot test a state-of-the-art software application ("app") that will allow the field lease operator to use a single App versus multiple apps, which will lead to enhanced operations. The pilot test will be with two of our field operators, and then roll-out to all our field operators.


Key attributes of the automation include:


  • Consolidating into a single application for the tool to be used by the operators

  • Single entry input

    • ProdView production inputs

    • Sensor data (TP & CP)

    • XSPOC data from pumping wells

    • Import pressure, rate and volume data from each Water Station

    • Import tank gauge data from TankLogix

    • Gas meter readings

  • Replace Microsoft Teams as our daily field communicator to tie communications to locations, tasks, actions, and outcomes

  • Optimize field team routes to our wells and tank batteries to reduce miles driven and fuel consumption

  • Operate by exception by identifying wells that are not operating normally to accelerate remediation and maintain or increase production

  • Provide a single source to order parts for maintenance to optimize supply chain spend

  • Identify opportunities for full automation based on existing infrastructure and telemetry

  • 將該工具整合到一個應用程序中,供操作員使用

  • 單一輸入輸入

    • ProdView 製作投入

    • 傳感器數據(TP 和 CP)

    • 來自抽水井的 XSPOC 數據

    • 從每個水站導入壓力、速率和體積數據

    • 從 TankLogix 導入儲罐儀表數據

    • 煤氣表讀數

  • 取代 Microsoft Teams 作爲我們的日常現場溝通者,將通信與地點、任務、行動和結果聯繫起來

  • 優化現場團隊前往油井和油箱電池的路線,以減少行駛里程和油耗

  • 通過識別不正常運行的油井來進行例外運營,以加快修復並維持或增加產量

  • 爲訂購維護零件提供單一來源,以優化供應鏈支出

  • 根據現有基礎設施和遙測發現實現完全自動化的機會

Key cost savings include:


  • Improved safety with real time monitoring and alarms of critical systems

  • Improved uptime by having all producing wells alarmed so an operator does not lose time to address and correct a problem

  • Improved environmental compliance with a greatly reduced risk of mishaps by having all critical tank batteries and satellites monitored and alarmed

  • Less driving time to "check up on things" when you have a dashboard and cameras to monitor field operations

  • Efficiencies that will allow the field crews to bring new wells into production without additional costs

  • 通過關鍵系統的實時監控和警報提高安全性

  • 通過對所有生產井發出警報來延長正常運行時間,這樣操作員就不會浪費時間來解決和糾正問題

  • 通過對所有關鍵的儲罐電池和衛星進行監控和警報,提高了環境合規性,大大降低了事故風險

  • 當你有儀表板和攝像頭來監控現場操作時,可以縮短 「檢查事情」 的駕駛時間

  • 效率將使現場工作人員能夠在不增加成本的情況下將新油井投入生產

"This will greatly enhance the field operations. The field team will be able to identify problems sooner and initiate corrective actions quicker. These efficiencies and the field route optimization will allow us to deploy the field crews to perform other efforts as we increase our field development and bring new wells into production," said Jesse Allen, the Vice President of Operations.


The implementation of AI automation improvements in the field follows a number of initiatives undertaken by HNRA to reduce OPEX, improve efficiencies and increase production.


  • On August 21, 2024, HNRA announced it has commenced a chemical treatment program where the initial results of the pilot program have been successful and very encouraging with an additional production of 80-plus BOPD.

  • On August 15, 2024, the Company announced: it has upgraded satellite test stations for improving overall reliability; has improved and increased electrical capacity and reliability with the completion of a number of electrical upgrades; and infrastructure improvements and upgrades with flow line improvements which will improve consistency in operations and will result in improved production from our producing wells.

  • 2024年8月21日,HNRA宣佈已啓動一項化學處理計劃,該試點計劃的初步結果取得了成功,並且非常令人鼓舞,增加了80多種BOPD的產量。

  • 2024年8月15日,該公司宣佈:它已經升級了衛星測試站以提高整體可靠性;通過完成多項電氣升級,改善並增加了電力容量和可靠性;並通過改善流線來改善基礎設施和升級,這將提高運營的一致性,並將提高我們的生產井的產量。

About the Oil Field Property


In November 2023, the Company acquired LH Operating, LLC ("LHO") including its holdings in New Mexico of oil and gas waterflood production comprising 13,700 contiguous leasehold acres, 342 producing wells and 207 injection wells situated on 20 federal and 3 state leases in the Grayburg-Jackson Oil Field. The Grayburg-Jackson Oil Field is located on the Northwest Shelf of the prolific Permian Basin in Eddy County, New Mexico.

2023年11月,公司收購了LH Operating, LLC(「LHO」),包括其在新墨西哥州持有的石油和天然氣泛水產量,包括13,700英畝連續租賃土地、342口生產井和207口注入井,這些油井位於格雷堡-傑克遜油田的20個聯邦租約和3個州的租約上。格雷伯格-傑克遜油田位於新墨西哥州埃迪縣多產的二疊紀盆地的西北大陸架上。

Leasehold rights of LHO, now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, include the Seven Rivers, Queen, Grayburg and San Andres intervals that range from as shallow as 1,500 feet to 4,000 feet in depth. The December 2023 reserve report from our third-party engineer, William H. Cobb and Associates, Inc. ("Cobb"), reflects LHO to have proven reserves of approximately 15.4 million barrels of oil and 3.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The mapped original-oil-in-place ("OOIP") in the LHO leasehold is approximately 876 million barrels of oil in the Grayburg and San Andres intervals and 80 million barrels in the Seven Rivers interval for a total OOIP of approximately 956,000,000 barrels of oil.

LHO現在是該公司的全資子公司,其租賃權包括七河、皇后河、格雷堡和聖安德烈斯河段,其深度從1,500英尺到4,000英尺不等。我們的第三方工程師William H. Cobb and Associates, Inc.(「Cobb」)2023年12月的儲量報告顯示,LHO的探明儲量約爲1,540萬桶石油和35億立方英尺的天然氣。LHO租賃權中繪製的原始原油當地(「OOIP」)在格雷堡和聖安德烈斯區間約爲8.76億桶石油,七河間隔爲8000萬桶,總OOIP約爲9.56億桶石油。

Our primary production is currently from the Seven Rivers zone. In addition to proven reserves, the Company believes we may access an additional 34 million barrels of oil by adding perforations in the Grayburg and San Andres formations. With proven oil reserves of over 15 million barrels, combined with the potential 34 million additional barrels from the Grayburg and San Andres zones, LHO should produce oil and a revenue stream for more than two decades with a slow decline rate.


About HNR Acquisition Corp

關於 HNR 收購公司

HNRA is an independent upstream energy company focused on maximizing total returns to its shareholders through the development of onshore oil and natural gas properties in the United States. HNRA's long-term goal is to maximize total shareholder value from a diversified portfolio of long-life oil and natural gas properties built through acquisition and through selective development, production enhancement, and other exploitation efforts on its oil and natural gas properties.


HNRA's Class A Common Stock trades on the NYSE American (NYSE American: HNRA) and our public warrants trade on the NYSE American (NYSE American: HNRAW). For more information on HNRA, please visit the Company's website:


Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what is expected. Words such as "expects," "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," "seeks," "may," "might," "plan," "possible," "should" and variations and similar words and expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Such forward-looking statements relate to future events or future results, based on currently available information and reflect the Company's management's current beliefs. A number of factors could cause actual events or results to differ materially from the events and results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors - including the availability of funds, the results of financing efforts and the risks relating to our business - that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time on EDGAR (see ) and with the Securities and Exchange Commission (see Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Except as expressly required by applicable securities law, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿包括1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 「前瞻性陳述」,這些陳述涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與預期存在重大差異。諸如 「期望」、「相信」、「預期」、「打算」、「估計」、「尋求」、「可能」、「可能」、「計劃」、「可能」、「應該」 等詞語和變體以及類似的詞語和表述旨在識別此類前瞻性陳述,但沒有這些詞語並不意味着陳述不是前瞻性的。根據當前可用信息,此類前瞻性陳述與未來事件或未來業績有關,反映了公司管理層當前的信念。許多因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中討論的事件和結果存在重大差異。公司不時向EDGAR(見)和美國證券交易委員會(見提交的文件中披露了可能導致實際業績與公司預期存在重大差異的重要因素,包括資金的可用性、融資工作的結果以及與我們的業務相關的風險。提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日。除非適用的證券法明確要求,否則本公司不打算或有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Investor Relations


Michael J. Porter, President


SOURCE: HNR Acquisition Corp

來源:HNR 收購公司

