
Aramco Digital and Groq Announce Progress in Building the World's Largest Inferencing Data Center in Saudi Arabia Following LEAP MOU Signing

Aramco Digital and Groq Announce Progress in Building the World's Largest Inferencing Data Center in Saudi Arabia Following LEAP MOU Signing

PR Newswire ·  09/12 22:00

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. and RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during LEAP, Aramco Digital, the digital and technology subsidiary of Aramco, and Groq, a leader in AI inference and creator of the Language Processing Unit (LPU), announced their partnership to establish the world's largest inferencing data center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This strategic collaboration marks a significant step forward in advancing the Kingdom's digital transformation initiatives and solidifying its position as a global leader in AI and cloud computing.

加州山景城和沙特阿拉伯利雅得,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 繼LEAP期間簽署諒解備忘錄(MoU)之後,阿美的數字和技術子公司阿美數碼和人工智能推理領域的領導者、語言處理單元(LPU)的創建者Groq, 宣佈了他們的合作伙伴關係 在沙特阿拉伯王國建立世界上最大的推理數據中心。這種戰略合作標誌着沙特在推進數字化轉型計劃和鞏固其作爲人工智能和雲計算領域全球領導者的地位方面向前邁出了重要一步。

Aramco Digital & Groq partner to build largest inferencing data center leveraging Groq LPU AI inference technology.

阿美數字與Groq合作建立最大的推理數據中心,利用Groq LPU AI推理技術。

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Aramco Digital, the digital and technology subsidiary of Aramco, and Groq, a leader in AI inference and creator of the Language Processing Unit (LPU), announced their partnership to establish the world's largest inferencing data center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The inferencing data center will play a pivotal role in Aramco Digital's vision to leverage advanced technologies that drive operational excellence and support the Kingdom's program, Vision 2030. By combining cutting-edge AI and ML infrastructure from Groq with Aramco Digital's strategic goals, this partnership aims to revolutionize data processing and analytics across various sectors. The facility will process billions of tokens per day by the end of 2024 and be able to onboard hundreds of thousands of developers in the region and then hundreds of billions of tokens per day with millions of developers by 2025, setting a new industry standard and bringing advanced technology from Groq to the Kingdom.


Tareq Amin, CEO of Aramco Digital, stated, "With the support of the Kingdom's leadership, we are proud to partner with Groq to develop a world-leading inferencing data center in Saudi Arabia. This initiative not only aims to create the largest facility of its kind but also ensures seamless access to advanced AI computing power for everyone, offered through our digital marketplace, nawat, in a flexible 'as-a-Service' model. Our collaboration with Groq aligns directly with Vision 2030, promoting the localization of advanced technologies, driving innovation, enhancing sustainability, and reinforcing digital excellence within the Kingdom."

阿美數字首席執行官塔雷克·阿明表示:「在沙特領導層的支持下,我們很榮幸能與Groq合作,在沙特阿拉伯開發世界領先的推理數據中心。該計劃不僅旨在創建同類設施中最大的設施,還旨在確保每個人都能無縫獲得先進的人工智能計算能力,這些計算能力是通過我們的數字市場nawat以靈活的 「即服務」 模式提供的。我們與Groq的合作與2030年願景直接一致,促進先進技術的本地化,推動創新,增強可持續性,並加強王國內部的數字化卓越。」

This ground-breaking inferencing data center will use Groq LPU AI inference technology, advanced AI processors designed specifically for massive-scale inference workloads that deliver speed and efficiency. In the past six months alone, nearly half a million AI developers have adopted Groq inference cloud solutions. This partnership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is instrumental in setting the new compute standard for AI inference data centers around the world, and marks progress towards the Groq mission to develop AI inference compute centers around the globe

這個開創性的推理數據中心將使用Groq LPU AI推理技術,這是專爲大規模推理工作負載設計的高級AI處理器,可提供速度和效率。僅在過去的六個月中,就有近50萬AI開發人員採用了Groq推理雲解決方案。沙特阿拉伯王國的這種合作伙伴關係有助於爲全球人工智能推理數據中心設定新的計算標準,也標誌着Groq在全球開發人工智能推理計算中心的使命方面取得了進展

"The Groq partnership with Aramco Digital demonstrates our shared dedication to pushing the boundaries of AI. Integrating with Aramco Digital's marketplace nawat will generate unparalleled processing power and scalability accessible to anyone, making it a key contributor to the global AI ecosystem," said Jonathan Ross, CEO and Founder of Groq. "Securing our first and largest local presence within Saudi Arabia ensures Groq will remain at the center of the leading AI hub in the region. Saudi Arabia's visionary leadership and strategic location offer an ideal platform for Groq to achieve its goal of meeting half of the world's AI inference needs."

「Groq與阿美數字的合作伙伴關係表明了我們對突破人工智能界限的共同承諾。與阿美數字的市場整合nawat將產生無與倫比的處理能力和可擴展性,任何人都可以使用,使其成爲全球人工智能生態系統的關鍵貢獻者。」 Groq首席執行官兼創始人喬納森·羅斯說。「確保我們在沙特阿拉伯的第一個也是最大的本地業務確保了Groq將繼續處於該地區領先的人工智能中心的中心。沙特阿拉伯富有遠見的領導地位和戰略位置爲Groq提供了理想的平台,以實現其滿足世界一半的人工智能推理需求的目標。」

Daniel Newman, CEO of The Futurum Group and leading industry analyst, commented, "The speed at which AI is proliferating is unprecedented and requires the most capable technologies to deliver on the promise of AI. Our research has found that the growing demand for AI services will not only require an incredible amount of investment in AI infrastructure, but also an ecosystem of highly capable technology partners and implementers to realize its potential. The recent announcement of Aramco Digital partnering with Groq to deliver market-leading AI inference represents a key partnership in one of the most important and fastest growing regions for AI investment and consumption."

丹尼爾·紐曼Futurum Group首席執行官兼領先的行業分析師評論說:「人工智能的擴散速度是前所未有的,需要最強大的技術才能兌現人工智能的承諾。我們的研究發現,對人工智能服務的需求不斷增長,不僅需要對人工智能基礎設施進行大量投資,還需要一個由高能力的技術合作夥伴和實施者組成的生態系統才能發揮其潛力。阿美數字最近宣佈與Groq合作提供市場領先的人工智能推理,這是在人工智能投資和消費最重要、增長最快的地區之一的關鍵合作伙伴關係。」

This initiative is expected to attract global technology companies and startups to the Kingdom, fostering a dynamic ecosystem of innovation and collaboration. It will also create numerous high-tech job opportunities for Saudi talent, further enhancing the country's capabilities in the digital domain.


About Groq

關於 Groq

Groq builds fast AI inference technology. Groq LPU AI inference technology is a hardware and software platform that delivers exceptional AI compute speed, quality, and energy efficiency. Groq, headquartered in Silicon Valley, provides cloud and on-prem solutions at scale for AI applications. The LPU and related systems are designed and manufactured in North America.

Groq 構建了快速的人工智能推理技術。Groq LPU 人工智能推理技術是一種硬件和軟件平台,可提供卓越的人工智能計算速度、質量和能效。Groq 總部位於硅谷,爲 AI 應用提供大規模的雲和本地解決方案。LPU 和相關係統在北美設計和製造。

About Aramco Digital


Aramco Digital is the digital and technology subsidiary of Aramco, a global integrated energy and chemicals company. Aramco Digital aims to help drive digital transformation and technological innovation across various sectors.


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Aramco Digital
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