
Lightspeed Launches Trailblazing Benchmarks & Trends in the US: Using AI to Transform Comparative Restaurant Data Into Actionable Insights

Lightspeed Launches Trailblazing Benchmarks & Trends in the US: Using AI to Transform Comparative Restaurant Data Into Actionable Insights

PR Newswire ·  09/12 20:00

Powering American Restaurateurs to Compare Their Performance with Industry Peers Using Machine Learning


MONTREAL, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) ("Lightspeed" or the "Company"), the one-stop commerce platform empowering merchants to provide the best omnichannel experiences, today announced the launch of its latest groundbreaking suite of features, Benchmarks & Trends within Lightspeed Restaurant, now available to American restaurateurs.

蒙特利爾,2024年9月12日/新聞稿/ - Lightspeed Commerce股份有限公司。 (紐交所:LSPD)(TSX:LSPD)(「Lightspeed」或「該公司」)是一家一站式商業平台,使商家能夠提供最佳的全渠道體驗。今天宣佈推出其最新突破性功能套件,Benchmarks & Trends Lightspeed餐廳,現已可供美國餐飲業主使用。

Benchmarks and Trends, from Lightspeed (CNW Group/Lightspeed Commerce Inc.)
來自Lightspeed的Benchmarks和Trends(CNW集團/ Lightspeed Commerce Inc.)

In Lightspeed's 2024 State of Hospitality Report, which tracks trends across the industry, 49% of surveyed restaurateurs reported facing growing competition, and 74% are actively seeking ways to streamline operations with technology. Benchmarks & Trends addresses these needs by giving restaurant owners a deeper understanding of their own performance and how they measure up against local competitors. This cutting-edge tool uses machine learning to give restaurateurs the insights they need to help boost revenue, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge in a crowded dining landscape.

在2019年12月,Lightspeed的2024年餐飲業態報告,該報告跟蹤行業趨勢,調查顯示49%的餐飲業者表示面臨日益激烈的競爭,74%正在積極尋求利用科技優化運營。Benchmarks & Trends通過提供更深入的餐廳業主自身表現和與本地競爭對手的比較,滿足了這些需求。這一前沿工具使用機器學習爲餐飲業者提供所需的見解,幫助提升營收、優化運營,在競爭激烈的餐飲市場獲得競爭優勢。

"Running a restaurant is about more than just great food—it's about making informed, strategic decisions every day," said Adoniram Sides, SVP, Hospitality at Lightspeed. "For years, we've been helping restaurateurs turn data into growth opportunities through Advanced Insights. With Benchmarks & Trends, we're taking that a step further, offering clear insights that restaurateurs crave. Lightspeed is pioneering an AI-driven tool to US restaurants that gives them the level of essential market information they need to outperform the competition."

「經營餐廳不僅僅是提供美食,更在於每天做出知情、戰略性的決策,」Lightspeed餐飲業務高級副總裁Adoniram Sides表示。「多年來,我們一直在幫助餐飲業者將數據轉化爲增長機會。通過Advanced Insights,我們將這一步驟進一步深化,爲餐飲行業提供他們渴望的清晰見解。Lightspeed正在推出基於人工智能的工具,爲美國的餐廳提供他們需要的基本市場信息,幫助他們超越競爭。」 高級見解。通過Benchmarks & Trends,我們提供餐飲業者渴望的明晰見解。Lightspeed正在引領一項以人工智能驅動的工具,爲美國的餐廳提供必要的市場信息,使他們能夠超越競爭。”

Lightspeed Restaurant POS is, on average, 40% faster than other leading restaurant POS systems in North America1. It continues to be a leader in the industry with this breakthrough suite of features. By providing hyper-localized, real-time data, Benchmarks & Trends allows restaurateurs to see exactly where they excel and where adjustments could drive greater success.

Lightspeed餐廳pos在北美地區平均比其他主要餐廳pos系統快40%1。通過這一突破性特性套件,它繼續引領行業。通過提供本地化、實時的數據,Benchmarks & Trends使餐飲業者可以準確了解自身優勢所在,以及哪些調整可以推動更大的成功。

1 Based on internal testing in August 2022 of industry peer check management and other workflows in North America. Lightspeed Restaurant POS requires 40% fewer clicks for completing check splitting, discounting and other basic POS workflows than certain industry-leading POS systems. Results outside such internal testing could vary depending on location and other factors.


What Benchmarks & Trends offers to restaurateurs:
  • Tailored insights: Get a clear view of how your restaurant compares to others in your area. Whether it's sales, pricing, or customer favorites, these personalized benchmarks give you insights that go beyond general industry averages.
  • Meaningful comparisons: Measure your performance against peers using data that accounts for business size and adjusts daily, giving you relevant insights whether you're running a small café or a larger establishment.
  • Smart forecasting: Access up to four weeks of historical data and machine learning-driven forecasts, helping you anticipate trends and make informed decisions with confidence.
  • Streamlined operations: Identify peak hours, optimize staffing, and keep everything running smoothly to ensure the best possible experience for your customers.
  • 定製洞察:清晰了解您的餐廳在您所在地區與其他餐廳相比的情況。無論是銷售額、定價還是顧客最愛,這些個性化的基準爲您提供了超出一般行業平均水平的洞察。
  • 有意義的比較:使用考慮企業規模並每日調整的數據,衡量您的績效與同行的差距,爲您提供相關洞察,無論您是經營小咖啡館還是較大的餐廳。
  • 智能預測:獲取長達四周的歷史數據和機器學習驅動的預測,幫助您預測趨勢,充滿信心地做出明智決策。
  • 精簡運營:識別高峰時段,優化人員安排,確保一切運行順利,以確保爲顧客提供最佳體驗。

Trusted by Michelin-starred restaurants and thousands of leading establishments worldwide, Lightspeed is dedicated to empowering its customers with the tools they need to grow.


Ready to see how Benchmarks & Trends can elevate your restaurant? Access it directly through your Back Office or click here for a personalized demo.

準備好了解Benchmarks&趨勢如何使您的餐廳脫穎而出嗎?直接通過您的後臺訪問它 點擊這裏 進行個性化演示。

About Lightspeed


Powering the businesses that are the backbone of the global economy, Lightspeed's one-stop commerce platform helps merchants innovate to simplify, scale and provide exceptional customer experiences. Our cloud commerce solution transforms and unifies online and physical operations, multichannel sales, expansion to new locations, global payments, financial solutions and connection to supplier networks.

成立於2005年加拿大蒙特利爾,Lightspeed在紐交所(NYSE: LSPD)和 TSX 上進行了雙重上市。公司團隊遍佈北美、歐洲和亞太地區,爲超過100個國家的零售、酒店和高爾夫業務提供服務。

Founded in Montréal, Canada in 2005, Lightspeed is dual-listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD). With teams across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, the company serves retail, hospitality and golf businesses in over 100 countries.

Lightspeed成立於2005年,總部位於加拿大蒙特利爾,在紐交所和多倫多證券交易所 (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) 具有雙重上市。公司在北美、歐洲和亞太地區設有團隊,在100多個國家爲零售、酒店和高爾夫業務提供服務。

For more information, see .

更多信息,請參見 .

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在社交媒體上關注我們:LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube推特.

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may include forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"), including information regarding Lightspeed's product offerings and planned product roadmap. Forward-looking statements are statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events or conditions and are identified by words such as "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "estimates" or similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Such statements are based on current expectations of Lightspeed's management and inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, including economic factors. A number of risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this news release, including, among other factors, those risk factors identified in our most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, under "Risk Factors" in our most recent Annual Information Form, and in our other filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available under our profiles on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at Readers are cautioned to consider these and other factors carefully when making decisions with respect to Lightspeed's subordinate voting shares and not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and, while forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions that Lightspeed considers reasonable, actual events and results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements made by Lightspeed. Except as may be expressly required by applicable law, Lightspeed does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or revise any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


SOURCE Lightspeed Commerce Inc.

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