
Aya Gold & Silver Announces Spinout and Creation of Growth-Focused Gold Venture

Aya Gold & Silver Announces Spinout and Creation of Growth-Focused Gold Venture

GlobeNewswire ·  09/12 19:00

MONTREAL, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aya Gold & Silver Inc. (TSX: AYA; OTCQX: AYASF) ("Aya" or the "Corporation") is pleased to report that it has entered into non-binding term sheets for the spinout of its Amizmiz Gold Project (the "Amizmiz Property") in the Kingdom of Morocco and the granting of an option on its Tijirit Project in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to Mx2 Mining ("Mx2" or "SpinCo"), a new North Africa-dedicated gold growth company backed by Aya with the participation of Richard Clark as its Executive Chairman and Adam Spencer as its President and CEO (the "Transaction"). The Transaction is subject to confirmatory due diligence and market standard closing conditions. All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

蒙特利爾,2024年9月12日(環球新聞專線)——Aya Gold & Silver Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AYA;OTCQX:AYASF)(「Aya」 或 「公司」)欣然報告說,它已就分拆其在摩洛哥王國的Amizmiz黃金項目(「Amizmiz地產」)和授予其Tijiji的期權簽訂了不具約束力的條款表毛里塔尼亞伊斯蘭共和國的Rit項目改爲Mx2 Mining(「Mx2」 或 「SpinCo」),這是一家新的北非專用黃金增長公司,由Aya支持,理查德·克拉克擔任執行董事長,亞當·斯賓塞擔任其執行董事長總裁兼首席執行官(「交易」)。該交易受確認性盡職調查和市場標準成交條件的約束。除非另有說明,否則所有金額均以加元計算。

In connection with the spinout, Aya will transfer its rights to the Amizmiz Property, which it owns through a subsidiary, to Mx2 who will concurrently raise a minimum of $7.5 million, of which Aya will invest an amount of $1 million. As a result of spinout and the concurrent financing, Aya will become a majority shareholder of Mx2 and will have two representatives on the Board of Directors to support the team going forward.


  • Highlights
    • Formation of Mx2, a new North Africa-dedicated gold growth company backed by Aya:
    • Amizmiz Gold Project (Morocco)
      • Historic resource of 342,000 ounces ('oz') at 12.98 grams per tonne ('g/t') gold ('Au')
      • 2,400 meter drill program underway to validate +1 million oz Au potential.
      • Mining permit valid until 2029 and renewable.
    • Exclusive option to acquire Tijirit Gold Project (Mauritania)
      • Measured and indicated mineral resources of 292,600 oz at 2.19 g/t Au and an inferred mineral resource of 533,200 oz at 1.63 g/t Au.
      • Mx2 can maintain option by covering minimum spend requirements for 3 years.
      • Development opportunity with consolidation potential.
    • Experienced team and board from Aya, and senior mining executives with top tier pedigree from Red Back Mining, Orca Gold, and Montage Gold.
    • Mx2 will carry out a non-brokered private placement of a minimum of $7.5 million:
    • Proceeds of the raise will be used for exploration activities on the Amizmiz Gold Project and Tijirit Gold Project, and for working capital and general corporate purposes of Mx2.
    • Aya will contribute $1 million.
    • Aya to crystalize $10 million in share consideration from Mx2 through the Transaction and initiate a venture to unlock value of non-core assets:
    • Aya to be the largest shareholder of Mx2, with a dedicated team focused on untapping the potential of the Amizmiz Property while benefiting from Aya's unique positioning in Morocco.
  • 亮點
    • 成立由Aya支持的專門面向北非的新黃金增長公司Mx2:
    • Amizmiz 黃金項目(摩洛哥)
      • 歷史資源爲342,000盎司(「盎司」),每噸(「g/t」)黃金(「金」)12.98克
      • 正在進行2400米的鑽探計劃,以驗證+100萬盎司金的潛力。
      • 採礦許可證有效期至2029年,可續期。
    • 收購提吉里特黃金項目(毛里塔尼亞)的獨家選擇權
      • 測得並顯示的礦產資源爲292,600盎司,金含量爲2.19克/噸,金含量爲1.63克/噸,推斷的礦產資源爲533,200盎司。
      • Mx2 可以通過滿足 3 年的最低支出要求來保留期權。
      • 具有整合潛力的發展機會。
    • 來自Aya的經驗豐富的團隊和董事會,以及來自Red Back Mining、Orca Gold和Montage Gold的頂級礦業高管。
    • Mx2將進行至少750萬美元的非經紀私募配售:
    • 籌款所得將用於Amizmiz黃金項目和提吉里特黃金項目的勘探活動,以及Mx2的營運資金和一般公司用途。
    • Aya 將出資 100 萬美元。
    • Aya將通過交易將Mx2的1000萬美元股票對價具體化,併發起一項合資企業以釋放非核心資產的價值:
    • Aya將成爲Mx2的最大股東,其專業團隊專注於挖掘Amizmiz房地產的潛力,同時受益於Aya在摩洛哥的獨特定位。

"We are excited to announce the spinout, which will optimize Aya's portfolio while ensuring our shareholders continue to benefit from a majority stake in our high-quality gold assets, particularly the highly promising Amizmiz gold project," said Benoit La Salle, President & CEO of Aya. "Additionally, Mx2 will have the opportunity to exercise its option on Tijirit, potentially unlocking significant value from this promising project in the mining-friendly jurisdiction of Mauritania. This transaction is expected to create substantial shareholder value by leveraging our strong Mx2 exposure to these outstanding assets and its seasoned management team, while allowing us to focus on advancing Boumadine and Zgounder, and other strategic growth initiatives."

Aya總裁兼首席執行官Benoit La Salle表示:「我們很高興地宣佈分拆事宜,這將優化Aya的投資組合,同時確保我們的股東繼續受益於我們高質量黃金資產的多數股權,尤其是前景廣闊的Amizmiz黃金項目。」「此外,Mx2將有機會在提吉里特行使期權,這有可能從毛里塔尼亞礦業友好型司法管轄區的這個有前途的項目中釋放巨大價值。通過利用我們對這些未償資產的強大Mx2敞口及其經驗豐富的管理團隊,該交易預計將創造可觀的股東價值,同時使我們能夠專注於推進Boumadine和Zgounder以及其他戰略增長計劃。」

Richard Clark, Executive Chairman of Mx2, commented, "We are excited to continue our success in North Africa with this company-making transaction with Aya. The combination of the Aya organization and the founders of Red Back, Orca Gold and Montage Gold presents a unique opportunity for the growth of a new gold player in North Africa, starting with the foundational assets of Amizmiz in Morocco and Tijirit in Mauritania."

Mx2執行董事長理查德·克拉克評論說:「我們很高興通過與Aya的這項公司組建交易繼續在北非取得成功。Aya組織與Red Back、Orca Gold和Montage Gold的創始人的合併,爲北非新黃金公司的發展提供了難得的機會,首先是摩洛哥的Amizmiz和毛里塔尼亞的提吉里特的基礎資產。」

David Lalonde, B.Sc. P. Geo, Vice-President Exploration, is Aya Gold & Silver's Qualified Person and has reviewed this press release for accuracy and compliance with National Instrument 43-101.

David Lalondeelliondeilro.Sc.勘探副總裁P. Geo是Aya Gold & Silver的合格人士,他已經審查了本新聞稿的準確性和是否符合國家儀器43-101的規定。

About Aya Gold & Silver Inc.

關於 Aya Gold & Silver Inc.

Aya Gold & Silver Inc. is a rapidly growing, Canada-based silver producer with operations in the Kingdom of Morocco.

Aya Gold & Silver Inc. 是一家快速發展的白銀生產商,總部設在加拿大,業務遍及摩洛哥王國。

The only TSX-listed pure silver mining company, Aya operates the high-grade Zgounder Silver Mine and is exploring its properties along the prospective South-Atlas Fault, several of which have hosted past-producing mines and historical resources. Aya's Moroccan mining assets are complemented by its Tijirit Gold Project in Mauritania, which is being advanced to feasibility.


Aya's management team has been focused on maximising shareholder value by anchoring sustainability at the heart of its operations, governance, and financial growth plans.


For additional information, please visit Aya's website at .


Or contact


Benoit La Salle, FCPA, MBA
President & CEO
Alex Ball
VP, Corporate Development & IR
Benoit La Salle,FCPA,工商管理碩士

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"), which reflects management's expectations regarding Aya's future growth and business prospects (including the timing and development of new deposits and the success of exploration activities) and other opportunities. Wherever possible, words such as "expect", "unlock", "promising", "deliver", "untap" and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "will", or are "likely" to be taken, occur or be achieved, have been used to identify such forward-looking information. Specific forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements and information with respect to advancement of the potential Transaction described herein and the Company's ability to close the Transaction. Although the forward-looking information contained in this press release reflect management's current beliefs based upon information currently available to management and based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, Aya cannot be certain that actual results will be consistent with such forward-looking information. Such forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions, opinions and analysis made by management in light of its experience, current conditions, and its expectations of future developments that management believe to be reasonable and relevant but that may prove to be incorrect. These assumptions include, among other things, the ability to obtain any requisite governmental approvals, obtaining regulatory permits for on-site work, importing goods and machinery and employment permits, the accuracy of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates (including, but not limited to, ore tonnage and ore grade estimates), the price of silver, the price of gold, exchange rates, fuel and energy costs, future economic conditions, anticipated future estimates of free cash flow, and courses of action. Aya cautions you not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含某些構成適用證券法所指的前瞻性信息的陳述(「前瞻性陳述」),這些陳述反映了管理層對Aya未來增長和業務前景(包括新存款的時機和開發以及勘探活動的成功)以及其他機會的預期。儘可能使用諸如 「期望」、「解鎖」、「承諾」、「交付」、「Untap」 等詞語以及關於某些行動、事件或結果 「可能」、「可能」、「將」、「可能」、「將」 或 「很可能」 採取、發生或實現的類似表述或陳述來識別此類前瞻性信息。本新聞稿中的具體前瞻性陳述包括但不限於與本文所述潛在交易的進展以及公司完成交易的能力有關的陳述和信息。儘管本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息反映了管理層當前的信念,這些信念基於管理層目前獲得的信息以及管理層認爲合理的假設,但Aya無法確定實際業績是否與此類前瞻性信息一致。此類前瞻性陳述基於管理層根據其經驗、當前狀況和對未來發展的預期做出的假設、觀點和分析,管理層認爲這些假設、觀點和分析是合理和相關的,但可能被證明是不正確的。除其他外,這些假設包括獲得任何必要的政府批准的能力、獲得現場工作的監管許可、進口貨物和機械以及就業許可、礦產儲量和礦產資源估算的準確性(包括但不限於礦石噸位和礦石品位估計)、白銀價格、金價、匯率、燃料和能源成本、未來經濟狀況、自由現金流的預期未來估計以及行動方針。Aya提醒您不要過分依賴任何此類前瞻性陳述。

The risks and uncertainties that may affect forward-looking statements include, among others: the inherent risks involved in exploration and development of mineral properties, including government approvals and permitting, changes in economic conditions, changes in the worldwide price of silver gold and other key inputs, changes in mine plans (including, but not limited to, throughput and recoveries being affected by metallurgical characteristics) and other factors, such as project execution delays, many of which are beyond the control of Aya, as well as other risks and uncertainties which are more fully described in Aya's 2023 Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2024, and in other filings of Aya with securities and regulatory authorities which are available on SEDAR+ at . Aya does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements should assumptions related to these plans, estimates, projections, beliefs, and opinions change. Nothing in this document should be construed as either an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or sell Aya securities. All references to Aya include its subsidiaries unless the context requires otherwise.


