
AmeriCU Credit Union Leverages Jack Henry to Fuel Community Reinvestment and Growth

AmeriCU Credit Union Leverages Jack Henry to Fuel Community Reinvestment and Growth

傑克亨利 ·  09/11 12:00

Long-term alliance amplifies credit union's impact on local communities  


MONETT, Mo., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) announced today that AmeriCU Credit Union is leveraging its technology infrastructure and expertise to expand geographically and meet more community needs.

密蘇里州莫內特,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 傑克·亨利(納斯達克股票代碼:JKHY)今天宣佈,AmeriCU信用合作社正在利用其技術基礎設施和專業知識進行地域擴張並滿足更多社區需求。

Founded in 1950 at Griffiss Air Force Base in Rome, N.Y., AmeriCU provides military personnel and an expanded field of membership with solutions to help them achieve their financial goals and make banking easier. Today, the credit union serves more than 164,000 members in 20 locations throughout Central and Northern New York.

AmeriCU 於 1950 年在紐約州羅馬的格里菲斯空軍基地成立,爲軍事人員和擴大成員範圍提供解決方案,幫助他們實現財務目標並簡化銀行業務流程。如今,該信用合作社爲紐約中部和北部20個地點的164,000多名會員提供服務。

AmeriCU has used Jack Henry's Symitar core system for the past 30 years, expanding its assets from $193 million to $2.7 billion with the support of the technology provider. As it scaled, Jack Henry was able to meet AmeriCU's needs, transitioning them to the private cloud while optimizing and extending its systems. Continual modernization made the credit union more efficient, allowing it to reallocate time and resources toward expansion and greater community impact.

在過去的30年中,AmeriCU一直使用傑克·亨利的Symitar核心系統,在技術提供商的支持下,將其資產從1.93億美元擴大到27億美元。隨着規模的擴展,傑克·亨利得以滿足 AmeriCU 的需求,將它們過渡到私有云,同時優化和擴展其系統。持續的現代化提高了信用合作社的效率,使其能夠重新分配時間和資源用於擴張和擴大社區影響力。

AmeriCU's expansion is powered by a broader digital footprint. Jack Henry's SymAdvisor consulting team helped the credit union launch a competitive rewards checking and debit card account for consumers and businesses, attracting new members. They also provided data analytics and reporting solutions to support easy adoption-based rewards, keeping members engaged. Collaborating with Jack Henry, the credit union was able to identify and verify member eligibility more efficiently, reducing account opening time from 10 minutes to just 3.5 minutes. In addition, they added features to differentiate the credit union and increase wallet share, such as earned wage access, which offers employees and members the financial flexibility to access their wages before payday.

AmeriCU 的擴張是由更廣泛的數字足跡推動的。傑克·亨利的SymAdvisor諮詢團隊幫助該信用合作社爲消費者和企業開設了一個有競爭力的獎勵支票和借記卡帳戶,吸引了新成員。他們還提供了數據分析和報告解決方案,以支持基於採用的輕鬆獎勵,從而保持會員的參與度。該信用合作社與傑克·亨利合作,能夠更有效地識別和驗證會員資格,將開戶時間從10分鐘縮短到僅3.5分鐘。此外,他們還增加了區分信用合作社和增加錢包份額的功能,例如工資准入,這爲員工和會員提供了在發薪日之前獲得工資的財務靈活性。

"For the past three decades, Jack Henry has equipped AmeriCU with the scalable infrastructure and strategic guidance to attract new growth and further support our communities," said Jason Lewin, CIO of AmeriCU. "As we expand, we're eager to find ways to strengthen and maintain our relationships with members and businesses alike. Our continued growth and reinvestment allows us to be a better resource for our communities, making financial services more affordable and accessible."


AmeriCU is dedicated to its community. When intense weather hit the area in July, the credit union was quick to offer members 0% APR emergency loans, skip-a-payment options, and business emergency relief loans. As an ongoing effort, the credit union accepts donation requests that are reviewed and approved by local community members. AmeriCU also provides discounts to first responders and military members to help them achieve homeownership. Since 2022, 27% of closings have come through these specialty programs.

AmeriCU 致力於其社區。當7月惡劣天氣襲擊該地區時,該信用合作社迅速向會員提供了年利率爲0%的緊急貸款、免付選項和商業緊急救濟貸款。作爲一項持續努力,信用合作社接受由當地社區成員審查和批准的捐款申請。AmeriCU還爲急救人員和軍人提供折扣,以幫助他們獲得房屋所有權。自2022年以來,27%的結算來自這些專業計劃。

"AmeriCU is a true embodiment of the credit union movement," said Brynn Ammon, president of Credit Union Solutions at Jack Henry. "The credit union continues to invest in technology, support, and service to meet the evolving needs of its community. We've enjoyed working with them to maximize their investments and reach their goals and look forward to seeing the positive impact they continue to have on their communities."


About Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens connections between financial institutions and the people and businesses they serve. We are an S&P 500 company that prioritizes openness, collaboration, and user centricity – offering banks and credit unions a vibrant ecosystem of internally developed modern capabilities as well as the ability to integrate with leading fintechs. For more than 48 years, Jack Henry has provided technology solutions to enable clients to innovate faster, strategically differentiate, and successfully compete while serving the evolving needs of their accountholders. We empower approximately 7,500 clients with people-inspired innovation, personal service, and insight-driven solutions that help reduce the barriers to financial health. Additional information is available at .

傑克·亨利(納斯達克股票代碼:JKHY)是一家全面的金融科技公司,致力於加強金融機構與其所服務的人員和企業之間的聯繫。我們是一家標普500指數公司,優先考慮開放、協作和以用戶爲中心——爲銀行和信用合作社提供一個由內部開發的現代能力組成的充滿活力的生態系統,並能夠與領先的金融科技公司整合。48 年來,Jack Henry 一直提供技術解決方案,使客戶能夠更快地創新、實現戰略差異化併成功競爭,同時滿足帳戶持有人不斷變化的需求。我們爲大約7,500名客戶提供以人爲本的創新、個性化服務和以洞察爲導向的解決方案,這些解決方案有助於減少財務健康的障礙。其他信息可在以下網址獲得。

About AmeriCU Credit Union
As a credit union, AmeriCU is a not-for-profit financial institution owned by our members. Serving 24 counties in New York and beyond, AmeriCU provides you with all the products and services you need – often with low or no fees, and better rates. The organization has been serving the local community for over 70 years and, in that time, has grown to more than 164,000 members, 20 financial centers, and $2.7 billion in assets. AmeriCU is located in Central New York and is among the State's largest, full-service financial cooperatives. For more information, visit . Equal Housing Lender – Federally Insured by NCUA – Membership Eligibility Required.

關於 AmeriCU 信用合作社
作爲信用合作社,AmeriCU是一家由我們的會員擁有的非營利性金融機構。AmeriCU 爲紐約及其他地區的24個縣提供服務,爲您提供所需的所有產品和服務——通常收費低廉或免費,而且價格更優惠。該組織爲當地社區服務已有70多年,在此期間,已發展到超過16.4萬名會員,20個金融中心和27億美元的資產。AmeriCU 位於紐約市中心,是該州最大的提供全方位服務的金融合作社之一。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。平等住房貸款人—由NCUA獲得聯邦保險—需要會員資格。

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SOURCE  Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.

來源 Jack Henry & Associates,

Analyst Contact: Vance Sherard, Vice President, Investor Relations, (417) 235-6652; Press Contact: Mark Folk, Director, Corporate Communications, (704) 890-5323

分析師聯繫人:萬斯·謝拉德,投資者關係副總裁,(417) 235-6652;媒體聯繫人:企業傳播董事馬克·福克,(704) 890-5323

