
RIZAP-G Research Memo(7):chocoZAP事業がけん引し前年同期比11.2%の増収

RIZAP-G Research Memo (7): The chocoZAP business drove a 11.2% increase in revenue compared to the same period last year.

Fisco Japan ·  Sep 12, 2024 12:07

■Performance Trends

1. Summary of financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025

The RIZAP Group's financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 were sales revenue of 41,237 million yen (up 11.2% year on year), operating loss of 2,894 million yen (loss of 2,992 million yen in the same period last year), loss before income tax of 3,758 million yen (loss of 3,496 million yen), and quarterly loss attributable to owners of the parent company was 2,853 million yen (loss of 3,325 million yen).

Regarding sales revenue, the convenience store gym “ChocoZap” business continued to grow, and the RIZAP related business (including the ChocoZap business) saw a significant increase in sales (4,207 million yen increase compared to the same period last year). ChocoZap increased by 158 stores from the end of the previous fiscal year, and the number of stores at the end of 2024/6 was 1,540. We achieved store openings in all prefectures in 2024/5. Since then, it has increased to 1,597 stores as of 2024/8/14. Along with the increase in the number of stores, the number of members is also growing, and as of 2024/8/15, it is 1.27 million people. During the progress period, new services have been introduced and cleaning enhancements have been carried out, and the withdrawal rate tends to improve. Also, the ChocoZap Partners business (advertising business) is growing remarkably. In the existing business, while there was an increase in sales of Antirosa, Isshin Watch, and MRK Holdings (same increase of 2,180 million yen), there was a decrease in sales (same decrease of 2,491 million yen) due to REXT Holdings' store structural reforms, etc. Regarding operating losses, since strategic investments have been made in the first half of the ChocoZap business, losses have been recorded, but they are as planned and transient.

(1) Health care/beauty segment

The ChocoZap business was profitable on a monthly basis in the previous fiscal year. In the ongoing phase, along with the expansion of scale, we are actively working to improve store quality and customer satisfaction. New services such as karaoke (116 stores have been introduced as of the end of 2024/7), washer/dryers (same 303 stores have been introduced), pilates (same 484 stores have been introduced), etc., and trainer/cleaning enhancements are being carried out in rapid succession. As a result of these, there is a tendency for withdrawal rates to improve. In the existing body makeup business, the approach to ChocoZap members has been strengthened, and 17.2% of Rizap members are ChocoZap members (2024/6 results). At MRK Holdings, in addition to strong sales of main products in the women's underwear business, etc., sales increased due to the development of a new lineup and strengthened promotions. Sales revenue in the healthcare and beauty segment was 17,002 million yen (up 38.2% from the same period last year), and operating losses were 2,410 million yen (loss of 3,041 million yen in the same period last year).

(2) Lifestyle segment

At REXT Holdings, structural reforms such as closing stores have been completed, and the shift to a high-profit business type is progressing. Although travel and outdoor-related sales of BRUNO <3140> were strong due to an increase in opportunities to go out, etc., sales and profit declined because the main kitchen appliances and interior appliance products were nesting and demand calmed down. According to Dream Vision (3185), domestic sales declined, and sales and profits declined due to the effects of soaring logistics costs and depreciation of the yen. Sales revenue in the lifestyle segment was 18,705 million yen (down 5.4% from the same period last year), and operating losses were 68 million yen (profit of 337 million yen).

(3) Investment segment

SD Entertainment <4650> worked on structural reforms and growth strategies in its main wellness business, and although sales declined slightly, losses improved. At Marusho Horita (8105), sales and profits declined due to the effects of gift business sales and bankruptcy of large business partners in the specialty store division of the kimono business. Sales revenue in the investment segment was 6,184 million yen (up 8.1% from the same period last year), and operating losses were 71 million yen (profit of 70 million yen).

(Written by FISCO Visiting Analyst Hideo Kakuta)

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