
'Highly Accurate': Telix's Phase III ZIRCON Trial for Kidney Cancer Imaging Published in The Lancet Oncology

'Highly Accurate': Telix's Phase III ZIRCON Trial for Kidney Cancer Imaging Published in The Lancet Oncology

'高度準確': Telix的針對腎癌成像的III期ZIRCON試驗在《The Lancet Oncology》發表
PR Newswire ·  09/11 06:47

MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company) today announces that primary results from its Phase III ZIRCON[1] trial have been published in The Lancet Oncology, reporting that Telix's first-in-class investigational PET[2] agent, TLX250-CDx (Zircaix[3], 89Zr-girentuximab), is highly accurate in detecting and characterising clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) in patients with indeterminate renal masses (IRMs).

澳大利亞墨爾本,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — Telix Pharmicals Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:TLX,Telix,公司)今天宣佈,其三期鋯石 [1] 試驗的主要結果已在《柳葉刀腫瘤學》上發表,並報道說,Telix的首款在研PET [2] 藥物TLX250-CDX(Zircaix [3],89ZR-GirenCaix [3],89ZR-GirenCaix Tuximab)在檢測和表徵不確定腎腫塊(IRM)患者的透明細胞腎細胞癌(ccRCC)方面非常準確。

In this peer-reviewed manuscript, Professor Brian Shuch (University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA) and colleagues report results from this prospective, open-label, multicentre, Phase III trial in which 300 patients with an IRM ≤7cm (cT1) received TLX250-CDx. Authors conclude that TLX250-CDx "has a favourable safety profile and is a highly accurate, non-invasive imaging modality for the detection and characterisation of ccRCC, which has the potential to be practice changing."

在這份經過同行評審的手稿中,布萊恩·舒赫教授(加州大學洛杉磯分校,加州大學洛杉磯分校)及其同事報告了這項前瞻性、開放標籤、多中心、三期試驗的結果,在該試驗中,300名IRM ≤7cm(cT1)的患者接受了TLx250-CDx治療。作者得出結論,TLx250-CDx 「具有良好的安全性,是一種用於檢測和表徵ccrcc的高精度、非侵入性的成像方式,有可能改變實踐。」

Authors explain that small masses in the kidney are increasingly being detected incidentally when patients undergo abdominal imaging, often for other health conditions, contributing to "an era of gross overtreatment". Diagnosis and treatment are limited by current imaging techniques, and renal mass biopsy is invasive, which can often lead to complications. Up to 30% of patients undergo unnecessary surgery, removing masses that are later determined to be benign[4]. If confirmed, however, ccRCC is the most common and aggressive form of kidney cancer, and delays in diagnosis can significantly reduce survival rates.

作者解釋說,越來越多的患者在接受腹部成像(通常是針對其他健康狀況)時偶然發現腎臟中的小腫塊,這造成了 「嚴重過度治療的時代」。診斷和治療受到當前成像技術的限制,腎臟腫塊活檢是侵入性的,通常會導致併發症。多達30%的患者接受了不必要的手術,切除了後來被確定爲良性的腫塊 [4]。但是,如果得到證實,ccRCC是最常見和最具侵襲性的腎癌,延遲診斷會顯著降低存活率。

Professor Brian Shuch, MD, Director of the Kidney Cancer Program and the Alvin & Carrie Meinhardt Endowed Chair in Kidney Cancer Research at UCLA Institute of Urologic Oncology, and a ZIRCON principal investigator, said, "Until now, assessing whether renal masses are cancerous has been difficult and often involves invasive surgery or percutaneous biopsy. This is because standard imaging technology – either a CT or MRI scan – cannot reliably differentiate between benign or malignant renal lesions or provide information about disease biology.

加州大學洛杉磯分校泌尿腫瘤研究所腎癌項目主任、Alvin & Carrie Meinhardt腎癌研究捐贈主席、ZIRCON首席研究員布萊恩·舒赫教授說:“到目前爲止,評估腎腫塊是否爲癌性一直很困難,通常涉及侵入性手術或經皮活檢。這是因爲標準成像技術(Ct 或 MRI 掃描)無法可靠地區分良性或惡性腎臟病變,也無法提供有關疾病生物學的信息。

"The challenges and uncertainty in diagnosing ccRCC underscore a critical unmet need for a new, non-invasive technique that accurately detects and differentiates ccRCC from other renal masses in patients, to inform clinical decision making. The ZIRCON trial has shown that TLX250-CDx is a breakthrough technology that can address this need."


TLX250-CDx is a zirconium-89 (89Zr) radiolabelled monoclonal antibody that targets carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX), a tumour-associated antigen highly expressed in ccRCC. Following successful Phase I and II trials to establish safety and preliminary efficacy, the ZIRCON trial was designed to assess sensitivity and specificity of TLX250-CDx PET/CT imaging to non-invasively detect ccRCC in patients with cT1 IRMs (≤7 cm in diameter) who underwent nephrectomy, using central histological confirmation as standard of truth.

TLx250-CDx 是一種氧化鋯-89 (89Zr) 放射標記的單克隆抗體,其靶向碳酸酐酶 IX (CAIX),這是一種在 ccRCC 中高度表達的腫瘤相關抗原。繼成功進行確定安全性和初步療效的I期和II期試驗之後,ZIRCON試驗旨在評估TLx250-CDx PET/CT成像對接受腎切除術的cT1 IRM(直徑≤7 cm)患者進行非侵入性檢測ccrcc的靈敏度和特異性,將中心組織學確認作爲真實標準。

Key findings of the ZIRCON trial, outlined in the paper, include:


  • 89Zr-girentuximab PET/CT imaging accurately detected ccRCC in patients with cT1 IRM (≤7cm), demonstrating a mean sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 87% and positive predictive value of 93%
  • 89Zr-girentuximab PET/CT imaging has high diagnostic performance for detection and characterisation of small and very small renal masses
  • The primary and secondary endpoints were met by all three radiology readers and exceeded pre-specified thresholds. Inter-reader variability indicated robust agreement among the readers and intra-reader variability was 100%, indicating perfect agreement
  • No safety concerns associated with the administration of 89Zr-girentuximab were revealed
  • Imaging performed 5±2 days after administration is sufficient to visualise and assess ccRCC lesions, with the flexible imaging window offering several advantages for patient management
  • The non-invasive nature of this technique may be especially beneficial to those at risk of complications from a surgical renal mass biopsy.
  • 89zr-Girentuximab PET/CT 成像在 cT1 iRM (≤7cm) 患者中準確檢測到 cCRCC,顯示平均靈敏度爲 86%,特異性爲 87%,陽性預測值爲 93%
  • 89zr-Girentuximab PET/CT 成像具有很高的診斷性能,可檢測和表徵小和非常小的腎腫塊
  • 所有三個放射學讀取器都滿足了主要和次要終點,並超過了預先規定的閾值。讀者之間的可變性表明讀者之間有很強的一致性,讀者內部的可變性爲100%,表明完全一致
  • 沒有發現與給藥 89ZR-Girentuximab 相關的安全問題
  • 給藥後5±2天進行的成像足以對ccrcc病變進行可視化和評估,靈活的成像窗口爲患者管理提供了多種優勢
  • 這種技術的非侵入性可能對那些因手術腎臟腫塊活檢而面臨併發症風險的人特別有益。

Dr David N. Cade, Chief Medical Officer at Telix said, "The results of the ZIRCON trial make a compelling case for TLX250-CDx as a breakthrough product for kidney cancer imaging, and validate CAIX as a novel target to accurately identify renal cell carcinoma.


"Professor Shuch and his co-investigators, at 36 sites worldwide, found that its high diagnostic performance, including for very small lesions, may support early and accurate diagnosis, inform patient risk stratification and clinical decision making, and reduce over- and under-treatment. We believe this result will lead to improved patient outcomes".


If approved by the United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA), TLX250-CDx will be the first and only targeted PET agent specifically for kidney cancer to be commercially available in the U.S.


The full paper can be found at:


About TLX250-CDx (Zircaix3)

關於 TLx250-CDX (Zircaix3)

TLX250-CDx (Zircaix3) is an investigational radiodiagnostic PET agent that is under development to characterise IRMs as ccRCC or non-ccRCC in a non-invasive manner. Telix's pivotal Phase III ZIRCON trial evaluating TLX250-CDx in 300 patients, of which 284 were evaluable, was completed in 2022 and met all primary and secondary endpoints[5].

TLx250-CDx(Zircaix3)是一種研究性放射診斷pET藥物,正在開發中,旨在以非侵入性的方式將IRM描述爲ccrcc或非ccrcc。Telix的關鍵III期鋯石試驗在300名患者中評估了TLx250-CDX,其中284名是可評估的,該試驗於2022年完成,符合所有主要和次要終點 [5]。

About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited


Telix is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of therapeutic and diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals and associated medical devices. Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with international operations in the United States, Europe (Belgium and Switzerland), and Japan. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical and commercial stage products that aims to address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and rare diseases. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX).

Telix是一家生物製藥公司,專注於治療和診斷放射性藥物及相關醫療設備的開發和商業化。Telix總部位於澳大利亞墨爾本,在美國、歐洲(比利時和瑞士)和日本開展國際業務。Telix正在開發臨床和商業階段產品組合,旨在解決腫瘤學和罕見疾病中未滿足的重大醫療需求。Telix在澳大利亞證券交易所 (ASX: TLX) 上市。

Telix's lead imaging product, gallium-68 (68Ga) gozetotide injection (also known as 68Ga PSMA-11 and marketed under the brand name Illuccix), has been approved by the FDA[6], by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)[7], and by Health Canada[8]. No other Telix product has received a marketing authorisation in any jurisdiction.

Telix的主要成像產品鎵-68(68Ga)戈澤託肽注射液(也稱爲68Ga PSMA-11,以Illuccix品牌銷售)已獲得美國食品藥品管理局 [6]、澳大利亞治療用品管理局(TGA)[7] 和加拿大衛生部 [8] 的批准。沒有其他Telix產品在任何司法管轄區獲得上市許可。

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2024 Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited. The Telix Pharmaceuticals, Illuccix and Zircaix3 names and logos are trademarks of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited and its affiliates – all rights reserved.

2024 泰利克斯製藥有限公司。Telix Pharmicals、Illuccix和Zircaix3的名稱和徽標是Telix Pharmicals Limited及其附屬公司的商標——版權所有。

[1] Zirconium in Renal Cancer Oncology, ID: NCT03849118.

[2] Positron emission tomography.

[3] Brand name subject to final regulatory approval.

[4] Kim et al. JAMA Surg. 2019.

[5] Shuch et al. Lancet Oncology. 2024.

[6] Telix ASX disclosure 20 December 2021.

[7] Telix ASX disclosure 2 November 2021.

[8] Telix ASX disclosure 14 October 2022.

[1] 釕離子 Renal C癌症 開啓cology, ID:NCT03849118。

[2] 正電子發射斷層掃描。

[3] 品牌名稱尚待監管部門的最終批准。

[4] Kim 等人。JAMA Surg.2019。

[5] 舒赫等人。《柳葉刀腫瘤學》,2024年。

[6] Telix ASX 2021 年 12 月 20 日披露。

[7] Telix ASX 2021 年 11 月 2 日披露。

[8] Telix ASX 2022年10月14日披露。

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