
Donald Trump Signed Golden Sneakers, Autographed MAGA Hat Up For Auction At Goldin: Here's The Price Of Presidential Memorabilia

Donald Trump Signed Golden Sneakers, Autographed MAGA Hat Up For Auction At Goldin: Here's The Price Of Presidential Memorabilia

Benzinga ·  09/12 03:34

Fans of former President Donald Trump have the opportunity to get their hands on some memorabilia, including a unique pair of autographed golden sneakers, ahead of the 2024 presidential election.


What Happened: Trump has released several products in recent years to reach his large fan base and sometimes to fundraise for his presidential campaign efforts.


Earlier this year, Trump launched golden "never surrender high tops." The collection, which was announced at Sneaker Con in February, was limited to 1,000 total pairs.

今年早些時候,特朗普推出了金色 「永不投降高頂」。該系列於二月份在Sneaker Con上發佈,總共限量發行1,000雙。

Of the 1,000 pairs of shoes, 50 were set aside for friends and family with Trump also autographing five of the friends and family pairs.


One of the rare autographed friends and family golden high-top sneaker pairs is now up for auction with Goldin, a leading sports memorabilia auction company that was acquired by eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY) earlier this year.

今年早些時候被eBay Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:EBAY)收購的領先體育紀念品拍賣公司Goldin拍賣了一雙罕見的親朋好友親筆簽名的金色高幫運動鞋。

The shoes are numbered 38 out of 50 and a size 11. The brand new, never worn shoes have the right sneaker signed by Trump.

這雙鞋的編號爲 38(滿分 50),尺碼爲 11。這雙從未穿過的全新鞋子上有特朗普簽名的合適運動鞋。

Jabari Lewis, who is one of the directors of Sneaker Con, is the owner of the shoes. He obtained the sneakers while working at the Philadelphia event. The auction includes a photograph of Lewis shaking Trump's hand and a picture of Trump signing the right shoe. Beckett authenticated the autograph on the sneakers.

Sneaker Con的導演之一賈巴里·劉易斯是這雙鞋的所有者。他在費城賽事上工作時獲得了這雙運動鞋。拍賣會包括一張劉易斯與特朗普握手的照片和一張特朗普在合適的鞋子上簽名的照片。貝克特驗證了運動鞋上的親筆簽名。

The auction, which ends on Sept. 21, is currently at $1,400 with multiple bids on the sneakers since the listing began.


Goldin's Sneaker consignment director Jordan Geller told Cllct that the Trump auction has attracted strong attention.

Goldin's Sneaker託運董事喬丹·蓋勒告訴Clct,特朗普的拍賣引起了強烈關注。

Lewis said he was gifted the shoes by Trump who told him, "I hope this signed pair can be a great investment into your life somehow."


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Why It's Important: The Trump signed shoes are not the only item featuring the former president up for auction at Goldin.


Current listings on the website include several autograph cut cards from the 2016 Decision trading card set. The autograph cuts all have bids of $1,600 or more.


There is also an autographed "Make America Great Again" white hat currently at $600 with bids. Trump fans can also bid on magazine covers signed by the former president with an Entertainment Weekly currently at $110 and a Playboy at $550.

還有一頂親筆簽名的 「讓美國再次偉大」 的白帽子,目前售價爲600美元,有出價。特朗普粉絲還可以競標前總統簽名的雜誌封面,《娛樂週刊》目前爲110美元,《花花公子》爲550美元。

Goldin has sold Trump memorabilia via auction in the past with a signed mugshot photo going for $5,795, including buyer's premium, in November.


One item that Trump fans would love to get their hands on is the red Make America Great Again hat the former president was wearing when an assassination was attempted on his life. The hat has not publicly surfaced, but could command a premium with Logan Paul and Jake Paul once saying they would pay $12 million for the unique Trump-related piece of presidential memorabilia.

特朗普粉絲們想買到的一件物品是這位前總統在有人企圖暗殺他時戴的紅色 「讓美國再次偉大」 帽子。這頂帽子尚未公開浮出水面,但可能會帶來溢價,洛根·保羅和傑克·保羅曾表示,他們將支付1200萬美元購買這件與特朗普有關的獨特總統紀念品。

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Photo: Shutterstock


