
Dollarama Inc. (DLMAF) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Dollarama Inc. (DLMAF) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Dollarama Inc.(DLMAF)2025年第二季度業績會議記錄摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/12 01:23  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Dollarama Inc. (DLMAF) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Dollarama Inc.(DLMAF)2025年第二季度業績電話會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Dollarama reported strong financial results for Q2 2025 with an EPS of $1.02 and sales increasing by 7.4% to nearly $1.6 billion.

  • Same-store sales grew by 4.7%, reflecting steady customer demand, particularly for consumable products.

  • Gross margin improved to 45.2%, driven by favorable contracted shipping rates and lower logistics costs.

  • Dollarcity's net earnings contribution nearly doubled compared to the same quarter last year, reaching $22.7 million.

  • EBITDA for Q2 increased by 14.7% to $524.3 million.

  • Dollarama公佈了2025年第二季度強勁的財務業績,每股收益爲1.02美元,銷售額增長了7.4%,達到近16億美元。

  • 同店銷售額增長了4.7%,反映了穩定的客戶需求,尤其是消費品需求。

  • 受有利的合同運費和較低的物流成本的推動,毛利率提高至45.2%。

  • 與去年同期相比,Dollarcity的淨收益貢獻幾乎翻了一番,達到2270萬美元。

  • 第二季度的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了14.7%,達到5.243億美元。

Business Progress:


  • Expansion in LATAM continues with Dollarcity opening 23 new stores, raising the total to 570. Plans to enter Mexico by 2026 are progressing as planned.

  • 拉美地區的擴張仍在繼續,Dollarcity開設了23家新門店,使門店總數增加到570家。到2026年進入墨西哥的計劃正在按計劃取得進展。



  • Increased demand for consumable products highlights the opportunity for sustained growth in essential goods.

  • Expansion into Mexico and increased store count in LATAM suggests potential for significant market growth.

  • 消費品需求的增加凸顯了必需品持續增長的機會。

  • 向墨西哥擴張以及拉美門店數量的增加表明了市場大幅增長的潛力。



  • Seasonal products showed softer demand, reflecting possible fluctuations in consumer spending patterns.

  • 季節性產品需求疲軟,反映了消費者支出模式可能出現的波動。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


