
X Gains Ground As Facebook Slips: Musk Closes In On Zuckerberg In Social Media Face-Off

X Gains Ground As Facebook Slips: Musk Closes In On Zuckerberg In Social Media Face-Off

Benzinga ·  01:17

In a plot twist worthy of a bingeworthy drama, the so-called demise of Twitter, now rebranded as X, has been significantly overstated. According to the latest data from SimilarWeb, Elon Musk's X isn't just surviving—it's thriving.


The platform saw a dramatic turnaround in user engagement after its May 2024 rebranding, with growth rates skyrocketing to a peak of 28% in mid-July. By the end of August, X managed to sustain a solid 22% increase in year-over-year growth, proving that Musk's social media venture still packs a punch.


Read Also: Elon Musk's X Faces 26% Ad Spend Decline By 2025 Amid Steep Decline In Brand Safety, Survey Reveals


Facebook's Fall From Grace: The Social Media Blues

Facebook 的 Fall From Grace:社交媒體憂鬱

Meanwhile, across the social media battlefield, Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook offering from Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META) is grappling with a more troubling narrative.

同時,在社交媒體戰場上,馬克·扎克伯格在Facebook上從Meta Platforms Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:META)推出的產品正在努力應對更令人不安的說法。

Once the reigning king of digital socialization, Facebook has been trudging through a steady decline, with year-over-year traffic consistently dropping by 9% to 10%. The platform's troubles are emblematic of a broader trend where traditional giants are struggling to keep pace with newer, more dynamic competitors.


Pinterest's Pinnacle: The Underdog's Ascent

Pinterest 的巔峯:弱者的崛起

Enter Pinterest Inc (NYSE:PINS), the little engine that could. While Facebook flounders, Pinterest has been on a growth spree, boasting a robust 13% increase in user engagement by late August.

進入Pinterest Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:PINS),這是一款可以做到的小型引擎。儘管Facebook陷入困境,但Pinterest一直在瘋狂增長,截至8月下旬,用戶參與度強勁增長了13%。

Pinterest's consistent double-digit growth suggests that users are gravitating towards visually-driven content and creative inspiration, areas where the platform has firmly established itself.


App-Based Aces: Short-Form Content Dominates


The real surprise, however, comes from the realm of app-based social platforms like TikTok (owned by ByteDance) and Snap Inc's (NYSE:SNAP) Snapchat, which are showing impressive resilience. With steady growth rates between 9% and 15%, these platforms are capitalizing on their engaging, short-form content to attract and retain users.

但是,真正的驚喜來自基於應用程序的社交平台領域,例如抖音(由字節跳動旗下)和Snap Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:SNAP)的Snapchat,它們表現出令人印象深刻的彈性。這些平台的穩定增長率在9%至15%之間,正在利用其引人入勝的短篇內容來吸引和留住用戶。

LinkedIn, the stalwart of professional networking, has seen its growth slow to a crawl. From a high of 13% in early April, its growth has decelerated to just 4% by August, highlighting the challenges even niche social networks face in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Forum Frenzy: Community-Centric Platforms on the Rise


Globally, the rise of discussion forums like Reddit Inc's (NYSE:RDDT) Reddit and Discord underscores a shift towards more interactive and community-focused platforms. These forums have seen significant growth, with traffic increasing up to 20% by the end of the period.

在全球範圍內,Reddit Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:RDDT)的Reddit和Discord等討論論壇的興起凸顯了向更具互動性和以社區爲中心的平台的轉變。這些論壇取得了顯著增長,到期末,流量增長了20%。

So, while Facebook may be feeling the heat, and LinkedIn faces a slowdown, X is proving that it's far from a lost cause. With its impressive rebound and sustained growth, Musk's X is not only holding its ground, but actively reshaping the social media landscape.


The battle between Zuckerberg and Musk is far from over, and if current trends are any indication, X might just be the comeback kid of the social media world.


  • Musk Vs Zuckerberg: Who's Winning The Social Media War?
  • 馬斯克與扎克伯格:誰在社交媒體大戰中獲勝?

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