PharmAla Biotech Partners With Johns Hopkins University For MDMA Clinical Trials, Terminates Red Light Holland Contract
PharmAla Biotech Partners With Johns Hopkins University For MDMA Clinical Trials, Terminates Red Light Holland Contract
PharmAla Biotech Holdings Inc. (OTC:MDXXF), a Toronto-based biotechnology company, has secured a contract to supply MDMA for a clinical trial conducted by Johns Hopkins Medicine. This marks a significant milestone for the company as it expands its role in providing MDMA and its novel derivatives for scientific and medical research. PharmAla specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of LaNeo MDMA and related MDXX class molecules, which have garnered attention for their potential in therapeutic applications.
總部位於多倫多的生物技術公司PharMala Biotech Holdings Inc.(場外交易代碼:MDXXF)已獲得一份合同,爲約翰·霍普金斯醫學院進行的一項臨床試驗提供搖頭丸。這對於該公司來說是一個重要的里程碑,因爲它擴大了在爲科學和醫學研究提供搖頭丸及其新型衍生物方面的作用。PharMala專門從事Laneo MDMA和相關的MDXX類分子的研究、開發和製造,這些分子因其在治療應用中的潛力而備受關注。
Supplying Johns Hopkins With GMP Certified MDMA
The CEO of PharmAla Biotech, Nicholas Kadysh, expressed the company's commitment to supporting groundbreaking research globally. "We're looking forward to continuing to provide exceptional service – as well as robust investigational drug product – to researchers in the US and around the world," Kadysh stated. PharmAla's reputation for producing GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) MDMA that meets stringent regulatory standards, including those set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has positioned the company as a key player in the field.
PharMala Biotech首席執行官尼古拉斯·卡迪什表示,該公司致力於支持全球開創性研究。卡迪什說:「我們期待繼續爲美國和世界各地的研究人員提供卓越的服務以及強大的研究藥物。」PharMala以生產符合嚴格監管標準(包括美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)制定的標準的GMP(良好生產規範)MDMA 而聞名,這使該公司成爲該領域的關鍵參與者。
Contract Termination With Red Light Holland
In a recent update, PharmAla Biotech disclosed the termination of its contract with Red Light Holland (OTC:TRUFF), a partnership that officially ended on September 3, 2024. While the company did not provide details about the reasons behind the termination, the move signals PharmAla's strategic shift in focus toward other high-profile collaborations and opportunities.
在最近的一份更新中,PharMala Biotech披露了與紅燈荷蘭(場外交易代碼:TRUFF)的合同已終止,該合作伙伴關係已於2024年9月3日正式結束。儘管該公司沒有提供解僱原因的細節,但此舉標誌着PharMala的戰略重點已轉向其他備受矚目的合作和機會。
PharmAla To Present Research On APA-01 At European Workshop
PharMala 將在歐洲研討會上介紹有關 APA-01 的研究
In addition to its work with MDMA, PharmAla is excited to share new findings about its proprietary molecule, APA-01, at the upcoming European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) Workshop on September 26. Dr. Harpreet Kaur, VP of Research at PharmAla, will present data on APA-01, which is described as an "entactogen with improved safety pharmacology compared to MDMA." Dr. Kaur emphasized the importance of this work, stating, "We are delighted with our acceptance for Hot Topics, a testament to the work we continue to do in identifying and validating novel MDMA-like molecules with improved safety pharmacology."
除了與搖頭丸合作外,PharMala還很高興在即將於9月26日舉行的歐洲行爲藥理學會(EBPS)研討會上分享有關其專有分子 APA-01 的新發現。PharMala研究副總裁哈普雷特·考爾博士將提供有關 APA-01 的數據,該物質被描述爲 「與搖頭丸相比,其藥理學安全性有所改善」。考爾博士強調了這項工作的重要性,他說:「我們對Hot Topics的接受感到高興,這證明了我們在識別和驗證具有更高安全性藥理學的新型搖頭丸分子方面所做的工作。」
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