
A Closer Look at Arista Networks's Options Market Dynamics

A Closer Look at Arista Networks's Options Market Dynamics

深入了解arista networks的期權市場動態
Benzinga ·  09/12 00:30

Investors with a lot of money to spend have taken a bullish stance on Arista Networks (NYSE:ANET).

有大量資金可以花的投資者對Arista Networks(紐約證券交易所代碼:ANET)採取了看漲立場。

And retail traders should know.


We noticed this today when the trades showed up on publicly available options history that we track here at Benzinga.


Whether these are institutions or just wealthy individuals, we don't know. But when something this big happens with ANET, it often means somebody knows something is about to happen.


So how do we know what these investors just did?


Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 12 uncommon options trades for Arista Networks.

今天,Benzinga的期權掃描儀發現了Arista Networks的12筆不常見的期權交易。

This isn't normal.


The overall sentiment of these big-money traders is split between 50% bullish and 41%, bearish.


Out of all of the special options we uncovered, 4 are puts, for a total amount of $189,866, and 8 are calls, for a total amount of $562,341.


Predicted Price Range


Taking into account the Volume and Open Interest on these contracts, it appears that whales have been targeting a price range from $240.0 to $330.0 for Arista Networks over the last 3 months.

考慮到這些合約的交易量和未平倉合約,在過去的3個月中,鯨魚似乎一直將Arista Networks的價格定在240.0美元至330.0美元之間。

Analyzing Volume & Open Interest


In today's trading context, the average open interest for options of Arista Networks stands at 126.12, with a total volume reaching 996.00. The accompanying chart delineates the progression of both call and put option volume and open interest for high-value trades in Arista Networks, situated within the strike price corridor from $240.0 to $330.0, throughout the last 30 days.

在當今的交易背景下,Arista Networks期權的平均未平倉合約爲126.12,總成交量達到996.00。隨附的圖表描繪了過去30天Arista Networks高價值交易的看漲期權和看跌期權交易量以及未平倉合約的變化,行使價走勢從240.0美元到330.0美元不等。

Arista Networks Option Volume And Open Interest Over Last 30 Days

過去 30 天的 Arista Networks 期權交易量和未平倉合約


Significant Options Trades Detected:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
ANET CALL TRADE BULLISH 03/21/25 $106.3 $106.1 $106.3 $240.00 $148.8K 19 14
ANET CALL TRADE BEARISH 06/20/25 $69.1 $68.0 $68.3 $300.00 $109.2K 125 16
ANET CALL TRADE BULLISH 11/15/24 $30.2 $29.6 $30.0 $330.00 $99.0K 286 15
ANET PUT SWEEP BEARISH 12/20/24 $6.9 $6.5 $6.88 $260.00 $79.3K 52 119
ANET CALL SWEEP BULLISH 09/13/24 $6.6 $6.1 $6.6 $325.00 $66.0K 114 302
符號 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 Exp。日期 出價 價格 行使價 總交易價格 未平倉合約 音量
ANET 打電話 貿易 看漲 03/21/25 106.3 美元 106.1 美元 106.3 美元 240.00 美元 14.88 萬美元 19 14
ANET 打電話 貿易 粗魯的 06/20/25 69.1 美元 68.0 美元 68.3 美元 300.00 美元 109.2 萬美元 125 16
ANET 打電話 貿易 看漲 11/15/24 30.2 美元 29.6 美元 30.0 美元 330.00 美元 99.0K 286 15
ANET 粗魯的 12/20/24 6.9 美元 6.5 美元 6.88 美元 260.00 美元 79.3 萬美元 52 119
ANET 打電話 看漲 09/13/24 6.6 美元 6.1 美元 6.6 美元 325.00 美元 66.0 萬美元 114 302

About Arista Networks


Arista Networks is a networking equipment provider that primarily sells Ethernet switches and software to data centers. Its marquee product is its extensible operating system, or EOS, that runs a single image across every single one of its devices. The firm operates as one reportable segment. It has steadily gained market share since its founding in 2004, with a focus on high-speed applications. Arista counts Microsoft and Meta Platforms as its largest customers and derives roughly three quarters of its sales from North America.

Arista Networks是一家網絡設備提供商,主要向數據中心銷售以太網交換機和軟件。它的主要產品是其可擴展操作系統(EOS),它在每台設備上運行單個圖像。該公司作爲一個可報告的細分市場運營。自2004年成立以來,它一直穩步增加市場份額,專注於高速應用。Arista將微軟和Meta Platforms視爲其最大的客戶,大約四分之三的銷售額來自北美。

After a thorough review of the options trading surrounding Arista Networks, we move to examine the company in more detail. This includes an assessment of its current market status and performance.

在對圍繞Arista Networks的期權交易進行了全面審查之後,我們將對該公司進行更詳細的審查。這包括評估其當前的市場狀況和表現。

Current Position of Arista Networks

Arista Networks 的當前位置

  • Currently trading with a volume of 1,139,461, the ANET's price is down by 0.0%, now at $326.75.
  • RSI readings suggest the stock is currently is currently neutral between overbought and oversold.
  • Anticipated earnings release is in 47 days.
  • ANET目前的交易量爲1,139,461美元,價格下跌了0.0%,目前爲326.75美元。
  • RSI讀數表明,該股目前在超買和超賣之間處於中立狀態。
  • 預計將在47天后發佈業績。

What Analysts Are Saying About Arista Networks

分析師對Arista Networks的看法

In the last month, 1 experts released ratings on this stock with an average target price of $369.0.


  • Consistent in their evaluation, an analyst from UBS keeps a Neutral rating on Arista Networks with a target price of $369.
  • 瑞銀的一位分析師在評估中保持對Arista Networks的中性評級,目標價爲369美元。

Options trading presents higher risks and potential rewards. Astute traders manage these risks by continually educating themselves, adapting their strategies, monitoring multiple indicators, and keeping a close eye on market movements. Stay informed about the latest Arista Networks options trades with real-time alerts from Benzinga Pro.

期權交易具有更高的風險和潛在的回報。精明的交易者通過不斷自我教育、調整策略、監控多個指標以及密切關注市場走勢來管理這些風險。藉助Benzinga Pro的實時提醒,隨時了解最新的Arista Networks期權交易。

