
Chicken Salad Chick Launches Annual 'Cookies for a CURE' Campaign Benefitting Childhood Cancer Research

Chicken Salad Chick Launches Annual 'Cookies for a CURE' Campaign Benefitting Childhood Cancer Research

Chicken Salad Chick推出年度「Cookies for a CURE」活動,支持兒童抗癌醫藥研究
PR Newswire ·  09/11 23:48

Proceeds from limited-time Lemon Burst Buttercream cookie sales throughout September to be donated to CURE Childhood Cancer, in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

九月份限時銷售Lemon Burst Buttercream餅乾的收益將捐贈給CURE ChildChild Cancer,以紀念兒童癌症宣傳月

ATLANTA, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicken Salad Chick, the nation's only fast-casual chicken salad restaurant concept, today unveiled its annual Cookies for a CURE promotion in partnership with CURE Childhood Cancer, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to funding life-changing pediatric cancer research for children and families across the country.

亞特蘭大,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 全美唯一一家快餐休閒雞肉沙拉餐廳概念店Chicken Salad Chick今天與致力於資助全國兒童和家庭改變生活的兒科癌症研究的全國性非營利組織CURE合作推出了年度Cookies for a CURE促銷活動。

This fall, guests can enjoy Chicken Salad Chick's limited-time Lemon Burst Buttercream Cookies for a good cause. All proceeds from sales of the Lemon Burst Buttercream Cookies will go directly to CURE Childhood Cancer throughout the month of September, also known as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

今年秋天,賓客們可以享用 Chicken Salad Chick 限時推出的 Lemon Burst Buttercream 曲奇,這是一項公益活動。Lemon Burst Buttercream Cookies銷售的所有收益將在整個9月(也稱爲兒童癌症宣傳月)直接用於CURE Child-Cancer。

During the last two Septembers, Chicken Salad Chick has raised more than $80,000 for childhood cancer research from proceeds of Cookies for a CURE.

在過去的兩個9月中,Chicken Salad Chick從Cookies for a CURE的收益中爲兒童癌症研究籌集了超過8萬美元。

"Cookies for a CURE has become a tremendous platform for us as an organization to make a tangible impact in the lives of so many children and families suffering the reality of this deadly, debilitating illness," said Scott Deviney, CEO of Chicken Salad Chick. "The supportive and overwhelming response from our guests has made this one of our most successful initiatives yet. Our partnership with CURE is just one of the ways we aim to serve those in our community who truly need it the most, and we could not be more proud to ramp up our Cookies launch for a third year in a row."

Chicken Salad Chick首席執行官斯科特·德****說:「Cookies for a CURE已成爲我們這個組織對許多遭受這種致命而使人衰弱的疾病的兒童和家庭的生活產生切實影響的絕佳平台。」「客人的支持和壓倒性反響使這成爲我們迄今爲止最成功的舉措之一。我們與 CURE 的合作只是我們旨在爲社區中真正需要它的人提供服務的方式之一,連續第三年加大Cookies的發佈力度,我們感到無比自豪。」

The Lemon Burst Buttercream Cookies are topped with a natural lemon zest buttercream frosting in honor of the gold ribbon which serves as the international symbol for Childhood Cancer. In the promotion's third year, Chicken Salad Chick expects to donate more than $40,000 directly to CURE based on the supplies allotted for the campaign.

Lemon Burst Buttercream 曲奇上面塗有天然檸檬皮奶油糖霜,以紀念作爲兒童癌症國際象徵的金絲帶。在促銷活動的第三年中,Chicken Salad Chick預計將根據爲該活動分配的物資直接向CURE捐款超過40,000美元。

"Chicken Salad Chick's support is such a driving force in our fight against childhood cancer," said Kristin Connor, CEO of CURE Childhood Cancer. "Funds raised through cookie sales are invested in research aimed at developing effective, less toxic treatments for cancers that affect children. We are so grateful for the incredible partnership, the opportunity to raise substantial funds, and the crucial awareness Chicken Salad Chick is bringing to the crisis of cancer in children."

CURE兒童癌症首席執行官克里斯汀·康納說:「Chicken Salad Chick的支持是我們抗擊兒童癌症的推動力。」「通過餅乾銷售籌集的資金投資於旨在爲影響兒童的癌症開發有效、毒性較小的治療方法的研究。我們非常感謝這種不可思議的合作伙伴關係、籌集大量資金的機會,以及Chicken Salad Chick對兒童癌症危機的重要認識。」

In 2023 alone, Chicken Salad Chick announced it raised more than $525,000 on behalf of its annual Giving Card program to support local food charities and cancer research. A sizeable portion of these funds were donated directly to CURE to support the organization's efforts to fund new research in the fight against childhood cancer.

僅在2023年,Chicken Salad Chick就宣佈代表其年度捐贈卡計劃籌集了超過52.5萬美元的資金,以支持當地的食品慈善機構和癌症研究。這些資金中有很大一部分直接捐贈給了CURE,以支持該組織努力資助抗擊兒童癌症的新研究。

The CSC Foundation was created in 2014 by Chicken Salad Chick's founders, Kevin and Stacy Brown, and their business partners, Earlon and Betty McWhorter, with a mission to fight cancer and feed the hungry. Through the growth of the foundation, CSC has had tremendous opportunities to impact the lives of those in need through initiatives like the annual Giving Card program and now Cookies for a CURE. The CSC Foundation has helped secure the future of CSC's philanthropy by setting a positive example across the Chicken Salad organization.

CSC基金會由Chicken Salad Chick的創始人凱文和史黛西·布朗及其商業夥伴厄倫和貝蒂·麥克沃特於2014年創立,其使命是抗擊癌症和養活飢餓的人。通過基金會的發展,CSC有巨大的機會通過年度捐贈卡計劃和現在的Cookies for a CURE等舉措來影響有需要的人的生活。CSC基金會通過在雞肉沙拉組織中樹立了積極的榜樣,幫助確保了CSC慈善事業的未來。

Images of Chicken Salad Chick's Lemon Burst Buttercream Cookies can be found HERE.

Chicken Salad Chick 的 Lemon Burst 奶油曲奇的圖片可以在這裏找到。

For more information about Cookies for a CURE and the CSC Foundation, please visit .

有關 Cookie for a CURE 和 CSC 基金會的更多信息,請訪問

About Chicken Salad Chick
Chicken Salad Chick serves full-flavored, Southern-style chicken salad made from scratch and served from the heart. With more than a dozen original chicken salad flavors as well as fresh side salads, gourmet soups, signature sandwiches and delicious desserts, Chicken Salad Chick's robust menu is a perfect fit for any guest. Founded in Auburn, Alabama, by Stacy and Kevin Brown, in 2008, Chicken Salad Chick has grown to more than 270 restaurants in 19 states. Today, under the leadership of Scott Deviney and the Chicken Salad Chick team, the brand is continuing its rapid expansion with both franchise and company locations. Chicken Salad Chick has received numerous accolades including rankings in the 2023 Entrepreneur Franchise 500, Franchise Times' Fast & Serious for the third consecutive year, Fast's top Movers and Shakers from 2018 to 2023, QSR's Best Franchise Deals in 2019, 2020 and 2022, and Franchise Business Review's Top Food Franchises in 2020. See for more information.

關於 Chicken Salad Chick
Chicken Salad Chick 供應口味濃郁的南方風味雞肉沙拉,從頭開始製作,從心出發。Chicken Salad Chick 有十多種原創雞肉沙拉口味以及新鮮的配菜沙拉、美味的湯、招牌三明治和美味的甜點,其豐富的菜單非常適合所有客人。Chicken Salad Chick由Stacy和Kevin Brown於2008年在阿拉巴馬州奧本創立,現已發展到19個州的270多家餐廳。如今,在斯科特·德****和Chicken Salad Chick團隊的領導下,該品牌繼續在特許經營和公司分支機構快速擴張。Chicken Salad Chick獲得了無數榮譽,包括2023年企業家特許經營500強的排名,連續第三年入選《特許經營時報》的《快與嚴肅》,2018年至2023年Fast Casual.com的熱門推動者和動搖者,2019年、2020年和2022年QSR的最佳特許經營優惠,以及2020年《特許經營商業評論》的頂級食品特許經營權。有關更多信息,請參閱。

About CURE Childhood Cancer
Founded in 1975, Atlanta, Georgia-based CURE Childhood Cancer is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families. With cancer as the second leading cause of death in children, CURE dedicates more than $5.6 annually to specific research projects aimed at curing cancers that affect children. Through innovative programming, CURE Childhood Cancer also provides crisis-oriented support to patients and their families, addressing their most critical and urgent needs. For more information visit .

關於 CURE 兒童癌症
總部位於佐治亞州亞特蘭大的CURE Childald Cancer成立於1975年,致力於通過資助有針對性的研究來戰勝兒童癌症,同時爲患者及其家人提供支持。癌症是兒童第二大死因,CURE每年爲旨在治癒影響兒童的癌症的特定研究項目撥款超過5.6美元。通過創新計劃,CURE Childral Cancer還爲患者及其家人提供以危機爲導向的支持,滿足他們最關鍵和最緊迫的需求。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Jennifer Gordillo
Fish Consulting
[email protected]


SOURCE Chicken Salad Chick

來源 Chicken Salad Chick


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